Bandua Wargames: Neues Ready for Battle Terrain
Bandua Wargames veröffentlichen neue Produkte Ihrer prepainted Gelände Serie.
Wer noch passendes Geländestücke für seine Necromunda, 40.000 oder Infinity Spielplatte sucht, könnte mit den Juli Veröffentlichungen von Bandua fündig werden. Neben neuen Containern, gibt es außerdem 2D Gelände, in Form von Kratern und verstreutem Gelände.
Container – 14,95 EUR
A piece of PREPAINTED TERRAIN, simple but extremely useful for cutting lines of sight, and cover miniatures and tanks. Meassures: 270x90x80mm Cargo containers are a very common element in docks and industrial areas. With these PREPAINTED stackable containers, you can recreate an authentic cargo dock for your tables of Batman Miniature Game, DC Multiverse, Warhammer 40K, Necromunda, or any other Sci-Fi miniature games in 28 to 35 mm scale.
Container Pack – 64,50 EUR
A pack of PREPAINTED TERRAIN containing 5 different containers, with which you can fill your game table quickly and easily.
Cargo containers are a very common element in docks and industrial areas. With these PREPAINTED stackable containers, you can recreate an authentic cargo dock for your tables of Batman Miniature Game, DC Multiverse, Warhammer 40K, Necromunda, or any other Sci-Fi miniature games in 28 to 35 mm scale. This pack contains 5 different containers at a reduced price.
Scatter Areas – 12,95 EUR
The fastest and easiest way for your models to gain cover. PREPAINTED TERRAIN. Meassures (Aprox) 230mm of diameter.
This product contains 2 different areas, pre-painted in 2D, so you can mark cover areas on your gaming table. You can glue on any other element to give them more character, or use them just like that, as a 2D element that mark off the caver area. Geting cover has never been so easy!
Crater Set – 12,95 EUR
The fastest and easiest way for your models to gain cover. PREPAINTED TERRAIN. Meassures (Aprox) 150 mm, 180 mm and 200 mm of diameter. This product contains 3 different craters, pre-painted in 2D, so you can mark cover areas on your gaming table. Geting cover has never been so easy!
Quelle: Bandua Wargames auf Facebook und Onlineshop
flaches Gelände mag zwar praktisch sein (die Warmachine Turnierszene schwört ja drauf 😆) gefallen tut es mir trotzdem nicht!
5 Container für 65€ … Krieg ich aus Hartschaum günstiger … und besser.