von BK-Thorsten | 29.07.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Artel „W“ Miniatures: Neuheiten

Artel „W“ Miniatures haben drei neue Miniaturen in ihrem Shop, optional auch als Bundle.

Artel CommisarRaivel 01 Artel CommisarRaivel 02 Artel CommisarRaivel 03 Artel CommisarRaivel 04 Artel CommisarRaivel 05 Artel CommisarRaivel 06

New Commissar Raivel miniature for wargaming and collecting.

Based on the character of webcomic series „Commissar Raivel: Heart of Darkness“, by Gray-Skull

Sculpted by Stepan Kotlyarov
Kit consists of 11 parts, incuding three optional pistols, sword and axe.
Size: 30mm to the eyes; 35mm total
Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unassembled, unpainted, 25mm base included.

Commissar Raivel – Heart of Darkness edition – 14,99 USD

Artel RedWitch 01 Artel RedWitch 02 Artel RedWitch 03 Artel RedWitch 04 Artel RedWitch 05 Artel RedWitch 06

Red Witch, fearful and deadly immortal leader of Voidstalkers (also known as Sisters of the Howling Void), battle-witches of Starborn Ancients.

Miniature for wargames, collecting and roleplaying. Consists of 8 parts, including optional head,
Sculpted by Sergey Rynkov.

Scale: 28mm.
Size: 28mm from the feet to the eyes; 37mm total.
Material: high quality resin.

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included.

Red Witch – 13,99 USD

Artel CaptiveUnleashed 01 Artel CaptiveUnleashed 02 Artel CaptiveUnleashed 03 Artel CaptiveUnleashed 04 Artel CaptiveUnleashed 05 Artel CaptiveUnleashed 06

The Captive finally Unleashed to reinforce your tabletop armies and collection shelves! This daemonic creature are ready to strike your foes with his unearthly powers, but beware – if you will loose control even for a brief moment – he will crush your body and devour your soul for the eternal damnation!

Miniature for tabletop games and collecting.

Sculpted by Sergey Rynkov
Scale: 28mm
Size: 32mm from the feet to the eyes; 48,5mm total
Material: high quality resin

Miniature is unpainted, unassembled, 25mm base included.

The Captive Unleashed – 14,99 USD

Artel JuliBundle

New Releases Bundle – 40,00 USD

Quelle: Artel „W“ Miniatures



Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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