von BK-Nils | 14.06.2018 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Zubehör

Army Painter: D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments

The Army Painter bringen in Kooperation mit Gale Force 9 und Wizards of the Coast kommt ab Sommer eine Reihe von Produkten, zum optimalen bemalen von Miniaturen für Dungeon and Dragons.

D&D Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments

The official Dungeons and Dragons series of paints and brushes.

The brand new range of colours for the D&D universe has been thoroughly and painstakingly researched to match the many varied (and indeed colourful) creatures and monsters inhabiting it.
The range is divided into 2 sets: the ADVENTURERS set (10 paints) and the MONSTERS set (36 paints). All paints are super high quality and bottled in new 12ml dropper bottles to avoid spill and drying out.
Also, in each paint set there is a FREE Dungeons & Dragons miniature made by Gale Force 9 – and lastly, but not least – we have a cool D&D brush set too, to get you going.

The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 2 The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 3 The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 4

D&D Adventurers Paint Set – 22,50 Euro

Release Date: 26 Aug 2018 (pre-order)
Nothing brings a D&D world to life more than the creatures that inhabit it – and playing with painted miniatures, representing your mighty heroes or foul monster encounters, is the adventure coming to life in front of you.

This official Dungeons & Dragons set of Marvelous Pigments will offer you a perfect starting palette of the basic “must-have” colours to paint your player characters. The set also comes with a free Minsc & Boo miniature to get you started. Miniature may require assembly.

Warpaints are a high quality acrylic paint range specifically designed to paint highly detailed miniatures. The paint has a creamy consistency and is extremely rich in pigment, 100% non-toxic and always deliver a perfect matt finish. The colour palette in this set has been carefully selected to represent the many creatures and monsters in the Dungeons & Dragons universe.

Nolzur Says:
”Trust me: if you paint with these very magical and indeed marvellous pigments – your miniatures will look better!”

The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 5 The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 6 The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 7
D&D Monsters Paint Set – 69,99 Euro
Release Date: 26 Aug 2018 (pre-order)
Nothing brings a D&D world to life more than the creatures that inhabit it – and playing with painted miniatures, representing your mighty heroes or foul monster encounters, is the adventure coming to life in front of you.

This official Dungeons & Dragons set of Marvellous Pigments will offer you a perfect palette to painting the many and varied monsters from the Monster Manual™ and it comes with a free, and exclusive Owlbear miniature to get you started. Miniature may require assembly.

Warpaints are a high quality acrylic paint range specifically designed to paint highly detailed miniatures. The paint has a creamy consistency and is extremely rich in pigment, 100% non-toxic and always deliver a perfect matt finish. The colour palette in this set has been carefully selected to represent the many creatures and monsters in the Dungeon & Dragons universe.

The paint comes in 12ml dropper bottles, enable you to administer the exact amounts of paint you need – and afterwards store them easily, so they do not dry out.

Nolzur Says:
”Trust me: if you paint with these very magical and indeed marvellous pigments – your miniatures will look better!”

The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 8 The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 9 The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 10
D&D Nolzurs Marvelous Brush Set – 9,99 Euro
Release Date: 26 Aug 2018 (pre-order)
Even with Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments, applying any type of paint is often done best with a brush. The Dungeons & Dragons brush set contains 3 fantastic brushes – each selected for a special purpose and combined they make a perfect starter selection for any painter.

Nolzur says:
‚I myself started with magical brushes like these, before I invented my Marvelous Pigments!‘

This brush is used for basecoat­ing miniatures. The size is perfect for administering colours in the right places without “drowning” the model in paint.

This brush is used for adding tiny details to your miniatures such as eyes, tattoos, belt buckles, etc. The sharp point also enables you to make tiny black outlines between your base colours.

This is the brush used for drybrush­ing. To drybrush: use a lighter colour than your basecoat, then apply paint to your drybrush and wipe the excess paint off using a cloth/tissue. Move the brush quickly back and forth over the raised areas to get the effect.

The Army Painter D&D Nolzur's Marvelous Pigments 11
D&D Nolzurs Marvelous Pigments Bundle – 102,48 Euro
Release Date: 26 Aug 2018 (pre-order)
The easy one-click bundle gives you the full range of Dungeons & Dragons Nolzurs Marvelous Pigments range: all 46 D&D Warpaints, 4 D&D Brushes and two fantastic D&D miniatures made by Gale Force 9!

1 x 75001 D&D Adventurers Paint Set
1 x75002 D&D Monsters Paint Set
1 x75003 D&D Nolzurs Marvelous Brush Set

Quelle: The Army Painter

Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Was sehen meine müden (aber voll Hoffnung erstrahlenden) Augen da? Die Minsc & Boo – Mini ist doch noch für Normalsterbliche erhältlich! 😀

    Mal ein Grund die Farben von Armypainter auszuprobieren!

      • Wenn ich Deinen Kommentar nicht gelesen hätte, hätte ich das gar nicht erkannt.
        Vielen Dank!
        Sowas von bestellt.
        Giantspacehamster macht Squeek!
        Ein hoch auf die Nostalgie und das beste Rollenspiel aller Zeiten.

      • Die Minsc-Mini gibt es auch Solo für wenig Geld zu kaufen. Ich habe sie erst vor kurzem in einem bekannten deutschen Laden erstanden. Also wer die Farben nicht braucht und nur die Mini will, kann sie auch so erstehen und muss nicht auf das Set warten.

      • Ah okay, danke ebenfalls gefunden! Das ist neu, denn GF9 wollte diese nur auf einer speziellen Convention rausgeben und sie ebenfalls limitieren. Na dann wird die originalverpackte Mini eingeschweißt bei mir in die Vitrine wandern und die oben zum Bemalen dienen 😉 …ja ich weiß, ich habe da so meinen Fetisch!

  • Ich verstehe nicht, warum die in so ein Grundfarben Set nicht auch 1-2 washes rein packen. Das ist doch gerade für einen Anfänger das Mittel der Wahl, um erstmal ein ordentliches Ergebnis zu bekommen. Sind aber ansonsten schöne Sets.

    • Jepp genau das habe ich mir auch gedacht. Ein Wash ala Agrax und der Einsteiger hätte wirklich mit einfachen Mitteln passable Ergebnisse. Dann würde auch das „Trust me…“ Statement zur Erfüllung kommen.

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