von BK-Herr Kemper | 11.08.2018 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Infinity

Aristeia!: Legendary Bahadurs

Bei Corvus Belli gibt es Infos zur nächsten Aristeia! Erweiterung: Legendary Bahadurs.

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Aristeia! 4. Erweiterung – Legendary Bahadurs

The „four strangers“ are the heroes of the next expansion, „Legendary Bahadurs“. In Aristeia!, „Bahadur“ is the title given to a champion. So, as you can guess by the name, this expansion is composed by four ancient and legendary champions of Aristeia! who return to the HexaDome to prove everyone why they’re still considered legends.

The first Bahadur we are going to talk about is an acquaintance to all of you. The star commentator Final Boss, who is also one of the living legends of Aristeia! returns to the HexaDome to show everyone why he’s a true Bahadur. A very intimidating aristo that will crush the rival team:

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This Bahadur could be considered more than a Legend, since Shona Carano was the first human to participate in Yajurveda (the original version of Aristeia!). The knockout that this legendary champ uses already gives you hints of her playing style: lots of damage at close range. So dangerous!


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Queen Koorie, a born survivor, had a fleeting career in the HexaDome, and as soon as she got the title of Bahadur she stylishly retired to focus on her musical career. She’s considered a genuine legend, and her playing style revolves around her gigantic boomerang, which she uses to hunt her favorite prey: the supporting characters of the rival team.

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Last but not least, the final legendary Bahadur of this expansion is Oberon. Three time winner of the title, he’s a Geist designed by the company Aigletech (which is part of the mega corporation Xperydes) and is a control focused aristo that can influence the Actions and Automatic Skills. A nightmare for rivals, and it is this that makes him worthy of being considered a legend.

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Legendary Bahadurs, the 4th expansion for Aristeia! will be available this fall.

But that’s notall!

We got one more update for all the enthusiasts of Aristeia! that compete in the AGL, the organized game of Aristeia!

We already have a date for the beginning of the 2nd Season of the AGL: September 27th. There will be many new features added: to begin with, the AGL website will be completely redesigned, bringing in handy functions. For example, you’ll be able to name your teams so these designations will appear in the Ranking instead of your nicknames.

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You can also enjoy a new AGL Event Kit, with new metallic markers such as the Underdog or wound markers that will surely be a joy of many of you.

You’ll receive more info about the AGL and the Legendary Bahadurs in the upcoming weeks. We encourage you to visit our website and our social networks so you don’t miss any details.

Good luck in the HexaDome!


Quelle: Aristeia! auf Facebook

Quelle: Aristeia! Website

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • CB gibt zunehmend Gas mit Aristeia. Freut mich sehr, das Aristeia diese Unterstützung verdientermaßen bekommt.

  • Oh nein, die sehen so interessant aus, das ich sie bemalen und spielen will.
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