von BK-Nils | 23.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Ares Games: Battlestar Galactica Starter Set

Ares Games zeigen das komplette Starter Set für das Battlestar Galactica Starship Battle, das erstmals auf der SPIEL 18 in Essen verkauft wird.

Ares Games Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Starter Set 1 Ares Games Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Starter Set 2

Battlestar Galactica Starship Battle Starter Set

  • Rulebook
  • 1 Scenario Booklet
  • 4 Spaceships with Gaming Bases
  • 4 Control Panels
  • Maneuver decks
  • Pilot Cards
  • Spaceship Cards
  • Special Cards
  • Rulers
  • 2 Dice
  • Counters, Tokens and Markers
  • Asteroid Fields and Planetoids Templates

Ares Games Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Starter Set 3

Viper Mk. II

Ares Games Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Starter Set 4

Viper Mk. II Apollo

Ares Games Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Starter Set 5

Cylon Raider

Ares Games Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles Starter Set 6

Control Panel

Thy Cylons were created by man. They evolved. They rebelled.

In BATTLESTAR GALACTICA — STARSHIP BATTLES, players take control of Colonial and Cylon spaceships and face each other in furious dogfights and daring missions.

The innovative game system features easy to learn rules, a unique set of maneuver cards for each spaceship, and two exclusive devices — the control panel and the rotating miniature base. You will be able to relive on your tabletop the exciting combat sequences from the TV series, just a few minutes after opening the box!

This Starter Set includes four beautiful ready–to–play miniatures: two Colonial Vipers Mk. II (including Apollo’s Viper and his pilot card) and two Cylon Raiders, along with their special control panels, playing bases and maneuver decks. Also included are combat rulers, spaceship cards, pilot cards, talent and flaw cards, asteroid and planetoid templates, and everything else you need to play.

You can begin playing with the Quick Start Rules, to handle a simple dogfight where the goal is eliminating your opponents. Once you’ve learned the basics of flying and fighting with a spaceship, you can go to the Complete Rules and experiment many other scenarios, and then add further details to the game by including some or all the Optional Rules and using Optional Features, which add special elements to the game, from pilots’ abilities to the use of asteroid fields and planetoids.

This Starter Set is a complete game, but it is also your starting point for the whole range of Battlestar Galactica — Starship Battles products. You can add more spaceships to your games with additional Starter Sets or Spaceship Packs.

Battlestar Galactica – Starship Battles is a combat miniature game based on the “Battlestar Galactica” TV series, including both the “Classical” and “Reimagined” settings.

Battlestar Galactica is a copyright of Universal Cable Productions LL.C. Licensed by Universal Studios 2018. All rights reserved.

Quelle: Ares Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Das Control Panel in Galactica Optiok finde ich cool. So etwas fehlt mir bei X-Wing, wobei das hier auch auf ganz andere Regel schließen lässt. Auf das Spiel bin ich jetzt doch sehr gespannt. Auch gut, dass man sich für ein klassisches 2 vs 2 entschieden hat, anstatt auf die X-Wing Formel „1 starker Guter gegen 2 schwächere Böse“ zu setzen.

    Das Spiel werde ich beobachten und die Box kaufen, sobald sie bei uns verfügbar ist – und sei es nur, um das Spiel so zu pushen, dass auch die versprochenen Großkampfschiff-Kämpfe kommen.

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