von BK-Christian | 07.08.2018 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Arena Rex: Helleniki [NSFW]

Von Arena Rex gibt es eine neue Fraktion!

RR Arena Rex Helleniki Archidamos 1 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Archidamos 2 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Archidamos 3

Archidamos – $ 19.50

Archidamos is the prototypical Spartan, chosen from thousands to represent his homeland in the arena. In response to the formation of Ludus Hellenicus. Sparta instituted rigorous trials to choose a specimen worthy of their great tribe. The elders watched as match after match concluded leaving only one man standing. None were surprised to see that man was Archidamos, none except for the victor himself. He had intended to bow out at some point during the final round, not wanting to be separated from his brothers in arms;  but as he began to spar with the best Sparta had to offer the reluctant gladiator entered a state of ekstasis. Awaking only to find his rivals defeated and humiliated. The dubious honor bestowed upon him felt more like exile. Though duty comes before all else in Sparta.

Archidamos is a Helleniki gladiator.

Sculpture credit belongs to Benoit Cauchies, illustration by Yasmine Putri, painted by Benjamin Williams.

The resin Archidamos miniature is supplied unassembled alongside a plastic 30mm Arena Rex base, activation token, art card, and game card.

RR Arena Rex Helleniki Theophania 1 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Theophania 2 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Theophania 3

Theophania – $ 18.50

Her sarcasm and flippancy wouldn’t suggest a warrior as determined. Refusing to accept the life of a typical Spartan woman, marrying and birthing warriors, Theophania charts her own course. Why give birth to great heroes when you yourself can become one? As a young girl she was drawn to sparring after the day’s exercises and though she sometimes returned home bruised many of the local boys she faced fared far worse. During the second trial of Taygetus, she blinded the cyclops of Milos and maimed a judge who insisted women couldn’t take part in the ritual. So vicious she was, the elders were pleased to send her off to far flung arenas to represent great Sparta, while putting hundreds of leagues between themselves and her brand of violence.

Theophania is a Helleniki gladiator.

Sculpture credit belongs to Benoit Cauchies, illustration by Yasmine Putri, painted by Benjamin Williams.

RR Arena Rex Helleniki Antaeus 1 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Antaeus 2 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Antaeus 3

Antaeus – $ 20.00

Those who pick on small and sickly boys are the lowest among us, or so Antaeus’s father would say as he cleaned his young son’s cuts and scrapes.The philosophies spouted by his father seemed mere platitudes meant to comfort a scrawny child, until Antaeus began helping as a scribe and absorbing some of the lessons and scrolls he was helping to prepare for richer men’s sons. His opportunistic studies led him to embrace the philosophy that the agony of direct competition was the path to personal growth, and thus the reason to live. He became known for writing of his mid-contest epiphanies, and has inspired a new contemporary breed of warrior philosopher throughout the league. Seeking further growth than the league Olympics could provide, he now pits his flesh against all styles of opponent in the Arenas of the world. Keeping only what winnings he needs to survive, Antaeus throws the remainder of his purse to an uncharacteristic mix of fans and followers.

Antaeus is a Helleniki gladiator.

Sculpture credit belongs to Benoit Cauchies, illustration by Yasmine Putri, painted by Benjamin Williams.

RR Arena Rex Helleniki Argos 1 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Argos 2 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Argos 3

Argos – $ 19.00

Descended of the Mithridatic kings and a scion of scourged Miletus, Argos has perhaps the strongest claim to a lineage that would lead the league into autocracy. Some feared that his efforts to bolster the league’s army would lead to a coup, and in some ways it did. Argos is now the strategos of all land forces for the league, but his focus is genuinely on the defence of his Homeland and not on politics. His steadfast dedication to meritocratic and democratic ideals drive him to the arena to demonstrate his fitness to his troops, and work as a remarkable recruiting tool besides adding to the army’s coffers directly.

Argos is a Helleniki gladiator.

Sculpture credit belongs to Benoit Cauchies, illustration by Yasmine Putri, painted by Benjamin Williams.

RR Arena Rex Helleniki Dimitrios 1 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Dimitrios 2 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Dimitrios 3

Dimitrios – $ 19.00

Dimitrios the boy knew nothing of the world outside his fishing village. Born shortly after his father was lost at sea, this favored son of his mother was raised harshly by his twin elder brothers. The three siblings carved out a meager existence for the family, fighting waves and worse for half-full nets, sometimes more flotsam than fish. Their fortunes changed when a unique creature washed up on shore within earshot of their hut. Tangled in discarded netting its cries made it easy to find even in the dark of night. As his brothers drank and sang the night away, certain the creature was worth a month’s catch to the local fishmonger, Dimitrios the man spirited away with the beast he intended to sell in Athens for a life-changing sum.

Dimitrios is a Helleniki gladiator.

Sculpture credit belongs to Benoit Cauchies, illustration by Yasmine Putri, painted by Benjamin Williams.

RR Arena Rex Helleniki Telesto (with Riding Dimitrios) 1 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Telesto (with Riding Dimitrios) 2 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Telesto (with Riding Dimitrios) 3 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Telesto (with Riding Dimitrios) 4 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Telesto (with Riding Dimitrios) 5 RR Arena Rex Helleniki Telesto (with Riding Dimitrios) 6

Telesto (with riding Dimitrios) – $ 45.00

Rare is the sea beast that survives on land; rarer still is one that thrives there. Thanks to Dimitrios, none have travelled further inland than Telesto. The young fisherboy stole away with his brothers’ catch and risked everything to prove she would survive the journey to Athens and multiply their bounty. Though he did not know the way and was unprepared for the challenges they faced, the pair eventually arrived in the capitol. Cowed by the scale of it all, Dimitrious was dragged through the city to The Agora’s most cosmopolitan bathhouse. A throng of curious onlookers watched as Telesto sumberged herself in the centermost bath and cooed in relief. News of the bathouse’s newest resident and mascot made it to Argos in short order, he ran to set eyes on the oceanid and treat with the intrepid boy who seemed to be in its care. The fisherboy found the arena less deadly than the waves, and far more profitable. The winnings he sends home ensures his brothers want for nothing, though they disapprove of his newfound fame and confidence. His mother wants only his return, but the excesses of the city and a life with purpose keep him rooted in his new home.

Telesto is a beast and titan.

Sculpture credit belongs to Benoit Cauchies, illustration by Yasmine Putri, painted by Benjamin Williams.

RR Arena Rex Helleniki Dice Set 1

Helleniki Dice Set – $ 10.00

The Helleniki faction dice are 16mm D6s. A faction icon is molded into the ‚6‘ face.

Dice are sold in sets of 8.

Dice are limited production runs. One set per style, per order please.

Quelle: Arena Rex


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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