von BK-Nils | 20.12.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Anvil Industry: Neues Burning Rose Update

Anvil Industry geben zum erfolgreich abgeschlossenen Kickstarter der Daughters of the Burning Rose ein neues Update und zeigen Bilder.

Anvil Industry Daughters Of The Burning Rose Kickstarter Update December 2018 0

December production update, and Merry Christmas!

Posted by Anvil Industry (Creator)

Short summary – We have not started shipping yet, but have made around 50% of all required product so when we do start, progress should be swift. Backers who want their rewards sooner rather than later should complete their pledge manager before the end of December if possible. New renders of final models are now available on the PM for everything except the war engine. Thanks for your continued patience.

Long Update-

Dear Backers.

Once again, thanks for your patience and we apologise for the delay since the last update.

As we are almost at the end of 2018 and have still not shipped any pledge rewards, we are clearly not where we wanted to be at this point in time, and this is frustating for us as well as for you. The entire team has been working extremely hard for the past months and we are doing everything possible to complete the project as quickly as possible.

In some previous updates I have detailed a number of factors which have caused (and continue to cause) delays to the project, some of which we could not have foreseen or planned for. Rather than make further excuses and try to predict the future, for this update I prefer to give an accurate picture of exactly where we are at the moment.

Pledge Manager –

Over 400 of you have filled out your pledge managers already. Thank you! Using the data so far we have been able to streamline and improve our manufacturing.
We intend to keep the Pledge Manager open for at least two more months, so there is no rush if you prefer to spend money on other priorities over the holiday season.

It makes our planning easier if we have more Pledges completed, so please try and complete the manager by the end of December if possible. Pledge Manager orders placed from January onward are likely to ship later than orders placed in 2018.

Shipping –

Our developer is still working on the integration between the KS Pledge Manager website and the shipping fulfillment system which will allow us to easily print and manage KS picking lists. We still plan to wait until this is up and running before shipping out any rewards, but do have the option of shipping using our existing systems, if it becomes necessary. It is not very efficient or fair to ship a small number of rewards just so we can say „we’ve started shipping!“.

Design –

With the exception of a few last checks and edits on the Arch Angel and the War Machine (two of the most complicated models in the range) everything is now completed and production ready.

Production –

As of today, out of 125 separate products we have:

  • 20 products where we have made the number required to fulfill completed Pledge Managers.
  • 17 products where we have enough to fulfill projected orders (based on an estimate of the final total)
  • 53 products where we have production moulds and have begun production.
  • 35 products where we do not yet have a production mould.

Our projected estimate (based on what people have ordered so far, and the % of backers who have completed the PM) is that we need to make 22500 sprues. That is A LOT of resin.
The good news is that we have already made around 11250, almost half the total sprues required are already manufactured, quality checked and sitting in boxes ready to go. This means when we are able to start shipping rewards, we should be able to shift a lot of orders fast.
We have been ramping up production recently as more molds have become available, and plan to focus as much of our resources as possible on the KS until we are done.

We still have to make and ship regular store orders, and launch the occasional small new product, but we have repeatedly pushed back planned major projects and releases to ensure we keep focused on our commitment to backers.

Additional value for backers

We cannot magically fix past mistakes or create 10,000 sprues over night, but we do want to do something to make up for the delays. Thus:

  • We previously offered our printed Artbook as a freebie to Crusade Backers. We are now going to be including a copy with all pledge of Battallion level or higher, and its looking to be a really nice addition to the project. If you are a Crusade backer, or Battalion backer who already bought a separate copy of the book, we will be figuring out something extra to include with your pledges.
  • We commit that there will be a period of at least three months between the shipping of the final pledge reward, and any retail launch of the range.
  • When we do get to the retail launch some time next year there will be a number of products released which were not available with the KS. We will make an arrangement for backers to get a special discount on any Daughters models bought at the retail launch (exact details to be confirmed later) AND we will give priority to backers when shipping retail models.

Thanks for reading this long update! Included below are some new renders.

The entire team at Anvil Industry would like to wish all our backers a happy and relaxing Christmas holiday season.

Here are some renders of the final versions of various characters we have been finishing off over the past few weeks. Further renders are available in the product pages on the Pledge Manager.

Anvil Industry Daughters Of The Burning Rose Kickstarter Update December 2018 1

Above – Arch Angel with spear option, included with all kits.

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Anvil Industry Daughters Of The Burning Rose Kickstarter Update December 2018 6 Anvil Industry Daughters Of The Burning Rose Kickstarter Update December 2018 7 Anvil Industry Daughters Of The Burning Rose Kickstarter Update December 2018 8 Anvil Industry Daughters Of The Burning Rose Kickstarter Update December 2018 9

Quelle: Burning Rose Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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