von BK-Nils | 26.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Pulp

AntiMatter Games: Weitere Deep Wars Previews

Auf Facebook haben AntiMatter Games in den letzten Wochen einiges an Previews für Deepwars gezeigt, Greens und auch ein sich in der Bemalung befindlichen U-Bootes.

Antimatter Games Deep Wars Sea Troll 1 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Sea Troll 2

Coming in March for the Nereids for DeepWars, the Sea Troll. This foul creature is a creation of the Sea Hag and hunts prey with a massive harpoon. The model is 60mm tall and cast in highly detailed resin.

Antimatter Games Deep Wars Sea ShadowSea Conquest Of The Underground World Expansion 1 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Sea ShadowSea Conquest Of The Underground World Expansion 2 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Sea ShadowSea Conquest Of The Underground World Expansion 3 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Sea ShadowSea Conquest Of The Underground World Expansion 4

Coming soon in 2018 will be an update to the Stygian Depths supplement for ShadowSea – Conquest of the Underground World. The original rules were made for version 1.0 of ShadowSea and allowed for warbands to explore dungeons and caverns in the deepest part of the underground world, battling scaly demons and discovering glittering treasures. The new version will be fully compatible with version 2.5 of ShadowSea and DeepWars so players can create custom warbands to adventure in the caverns below the sunken city of Xibalba. Players can have competitive battles, solo adventures, or play cooperatively against a Game Master who controls the deadly adversaries they encounter. Some of the new floor tiles are shown here for the rooms and corridors. Stay tuned for more information as the supplement is completed.

Antimatter Games Deep Wars Order Of Yosoth Starter Set 1 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Order Of Yosoth Starter Set 2 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Order Of Yosoth Starter Set 3 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Order Of Yosoth Starter Set 4

Here are WIP sculpts from the Order of Yosoth starter set. This is the Priest of Yosoth and the Corrupted Researcher. Both were sculpted by Celestino Angiolilli and are led by the Iron Hand of yosoth. The last one for the set is in progress, the Chittan bound ethereal.

Antimatter Games Deep Wars Argonaut Preview 1 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Argonaut Preview 2 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Argonaut Preview 3 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Argonaut Preview 4

WIP of the Argonaut. The first three steps are shown here. The firs step for the bronzet is to paint a layer of brass mixed with zinc (Americana brand craft paint) to make a muted brass shade. The second step is to apply a wash of Burnt Sienna Ink mixed with matte medium. The third step was to create a wash of Turquoise ink + Burnt Umber and Burnt Sienna to the bronze. The cockpit has the bronze as well as dirty steel.

It is critical to paint the sub with the part separate as that allows the cockpit to be painted and the clear windows to be added at the end when the cockpit is inside.

Antimatter Games Deep Wars Argonaut Preview 5 Antimatter Games Deep Wars Argonaut Preview 6

Two more photos of the cockpit with more washes, dullcote, and some additional drybrushing.

Antimatter Games Deep Wars Argonaut Preview 9

Making progress on the cockpit. This was mainly drybrushing of silver on the metal and detail work on the face and clothing and some bits on the panel.


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • War es mal am Leben? Das wäre ja schade. Ich hatte gehofft, dass es eher noch rüberschwappen muss. Der Stil ist schon ziemlich cool. Mich würden so manche Modelle allein schon zum Bemalen reizen… aber dann damit spielen wäre natürlich noch besser.

  • Nun. Niemand hindert Euch daran, anderen zu zeigen, wie toll das System ist. Es basiert immerhin auf SoBH, und das spielen viele Leute hier.

  • Gibt es denn irgendeinen deutschen Händler, der das im Programm hat? Hätte ja schon Verwendung für die ein oder andere Mini.

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