von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.02.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Antenocitis Workshop: Efreet Dropship Preview

Antenocitis Workshop wird bald den Kickstarter für das Efreet-Dropship starten.

Antenocitis Efreet KS Preview1 Antenocitis Efreet KS Preview2 Antenocitis Efreet KS Preview3

Antenociti: Efreet Dropship Preview

Efreet Kickstarter coming Soon­™

(Within the next week)

Will include physical resin models (28mm – 32mm) and ability to pledge for 3D print (.stl) files so that you can print your own.


… und weil jede neue Kickstarter-Kampagne natürlich immer bedeutet, dass man sich fragt, wo den die Goodies aus den alten Kampagnen bleiben, hat Antenocitis Workshop gleich eine Übersicht ihres KS Plans vorgenommen um etwas Transparenz zu schaffen:

Forward Base – 431 Backers

Launched: Nov 17th-Nov 30th 2014
Survey: February/March 2015
WAVE 1 Dispatch due: March 2015
WAVE 1 Dispatch (actual) April 20th (some smaller pledges)
Wave 1 Completed: December 15th, 2015

WAVE 2 Dispatch Due: June 2015
WAVE 2 Dispatch (actual): Started January 31st, 2016
WAVE 2 Dispatch completed: August 2016

WAVE 3 Dispatch Due: September 2015
WAVE 3 Dispatch (actual):  August 2016
WAVE 3 Dispatch completed:  December 2016

1) Wave 1: 1-9 months delay,
2) Wave 2: 7-13 months delay,
3) Wave 3: 11-13 months delay.

KS Clean-Up (Missing/lost pledges, v,v,v,v,v,v late payers, missing parts, corrections): continued up until March 2017.

GameBox Kickstarter: 123 Backers

Launched: Feb 1st – Feb 14th, 2015
Survey: March 2015
Dispatch due: May 2015
Dispatch (actual): May 2015
Dispatch Completed: May 31st, 2015

1) Delivered on time, in full.

Azure Dragon / Infinity Decals: 357 Backers

Launched: July 11th – July 34th
Survey: August 11th, 2016
Azure Dragon Dispatch due: November 2016-March 2017 (in monthly sets)
Dispatch (actual) October 27th, 2016
Production Completed: April 28th, 2017
Dispatch Completed: May 5th, 2017

Decals: (These were split into two types: Decals for the Dragon, and “Unit Badge Decals”)
Unit Badges Dispatch Due: November 2016
Unit Badge Decal dispatched:  March 8th
Azure Dragon Decals Dispatch Due: November 2016
Azure Dragon Decals Dispatched: January 26th, 2016

1) Manufacturer of the decals was delayed with production issues and we did not receive the unit badge decals until February/March 2016.
2) Azure Dragon production & dispatch ran from “On-time” to a 1-month delay.

Fast Panda: 125 Backers
Status: Completed

Launched: August 8th – August 21st 2016
Survey: January 12th, 2017
Dispatch due: January 2017- June 2017 (in monthly sets)
Dispatch (actual) February 22nd, 2017 – but then halted for QC issues
Dispatch resumed: May 5th, 2017
Production Completed : September 25th
Dispatch DUE : October 4th 2017

1) Family bereavement caused significant but unavoidable delay to initial production.
2) Some sets dispatched in February, then significant re-printing and re-working were required on specific parts.  Production re-started May 2017.

Undertown – The Seedier Side of the Sphere: 219 backers

KS Launched: Nov 15th – Nov 27th, 2016
Survey: January 2017
Early Access Dispatch start due:  March 2017 (in monthly sets)
Early Access Dispatch (actual) March 2017
Early Access Dispatch Completed: April 28th, 2017

Standard Dispatch start due: May 2017 – August 2017
Standard Dispatch start: May 8th, 2017
Dispatch Completed: December 2017

1) Early-Access delivered on time and COMPLETED
2) There was a minor delay with a few of the Early Access dispatch waiting for a re-stock of the Graffiti Decals from the manufacturer.
3) The remainder of KS ran with a final 3-month delay.


The Roc – Infinity Dropship: 114 backers
Status: In Fulfilment

KS Launched: June 5th – June 14th, 2017
Survey: September 2017
“First in!” Dispatch start due:  December 2017
“First in!” Dispatch (actual) December 2017
“In the Pipe” et al Dispatch due: Jan 2018
“In the Pipe” et al Dispatch (Actual): Jan 2018 In progress – Ahead of Schedule


GOT US-IMF  –  31st July 2017 – 252 Backers
STATUS: In Pre-Production

KS Launched: July 31st  – August 16th, 2017
Survey: October  1st 2017 – Done
3D printing and Moulding:  Started December 2017

1) 3D modelling and 3D printing will continue through until June 2018
2) Mould-making is underway with first-casts of some items completed.



Estimated February 2018 start Kickstarter Project

Antenocitis Efreet KS Preview4

Quelle: Antenocitis Workshop Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Oh Mist! Nur noch eine Woche bis zum Kickstarter?
    Ich werde wohl wieder mitmachen. Die Qualität der anderen Kickstarter die ich mitgemacht habe (erster Resinflieger und den Nudelwagen) gehörten zu den besten Resin Kits die ich habe.

  • Auch schön zu sehen, dass sie sich auch inzwischen besser organisieren. Gegen äußere Verzögerungsgründe kann man aber sich nie erwehren. Hilft nichts, wenn man organisiert ist und der andere nicht, oder etwas ist nicht verfügbar oder defekt.

  • Da bin ich auf jedenfalls auch wieder mit dabei. Ich habe the Roc zu hause und es ist ein schicker Flieger.

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