von BK-Marcel | 24.09.2018 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Antediluvian: Conquerors of Mictlan Kickstarter

Antediluvian Miniatures haben ihren Kickstarter gestartet.

Conquerors of Mictlan
We are launching this campaign to produce a new range of 28mm Fantasy Conquistador miniatures and their adversaries, suitable for Wargaming and RPGs. These brave (or foolhardy) individuals are on an ambitious quest to discover the mythical land of Mictlan with it’s untold treasures and a fabled key to the secrets of life and Death. The expedition may get some important lessons on the arcane mysteries sooner than they think. The denizens of this strange new world present some horrifying challenges. The terrifying Lichs are masters of the unfortunate souls who perished on previous doomed expeditions.
Most of the sculpting has already been done, by Paul Hicks. Phil Hynes, Martin Buck, Dave Cauley, Paul Muller. We think these will be a great addition for lost world & fantasy miniature gaming. They will be cast in metal and come with integral bases. If the campaign goes well we have some extra characters and freebies to unlock and add-on. More details of the pledges and locked figures are below. This Campaign is for miniature figures only, the figures are supplied unpainted, plastic bases in the images are for illustration purposes only, painting is done in-house by Andrew Taylor.
Postage UK £3, Postage rest of the world £5.
We aim for delivery by Mid January 2019 at the latest.

Antediluvian Mictlan KS1 Antediluvian Mictlan KS2 Antediluvian Mictlan KS3 Antediluvian Mictlan KS4 Antediluvian Mictlan KS5 Antediluvian Mictlan KS6

Antediluvian Mictlan KS7 Antediluvian Mictlan KS8 Antediluvian Mictlan KS9 Antediluvian Mictlan KS10 Antediluvian Mictlan KS11 Antediluvian Mictlan KS12

Antediluvian Mictlan KS18 Antediluvian Mictlan KS17 Antediluvian Mictlan KS16 Antediluvian Mictlan KS15 Antediluvian Mictlan KS14 Antediluvian Mictlan KS13

Der Kickstarter hat sein Ziel bereits erreicht und nun werden Stretch goals freigeschaltet.

Der Kickstarter läuft nocht 27 Tage.

Link: Conquerors of Mictlan auf Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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