von BK-Herr Kemper | 27.01.2018 | eingestellt unter: Postapokalypse

7TV: Apocalypse

Crooked Dice kündigt 7TV: Apocalypse als Standalone Spiel an.

Crooked Dice 7TV Apocalypse

7TV: Apocalypse

Work on 7TV: Apocalypse is going really well. So here’s a quick overview – plus a little preview of the WIP box artwork.

7TV: Apocalypse is the same great 7TV 2nd Edition rules, so the game is still the same fun it always was! But we’ve re-themed this boxed set to reflect a slightly grittier genre, the world of post-apocalyptic TV and movies – zombies, radland racers, mondo mutants, killer cyborgs, angels and demons, giant ants and other mutated monsters – the whole shebang!

It’s standalone, so you don’t need 7TV to play it. It incorporates all the 1e material from 7ombieTV but greatly expands it to cover all aspects of the post-apocalyptic genre in two new Directors and Producers rulebooks. This includes revised and expanded vehicle combat rules.

Included are over 100 new profile cards. In addition there are five new vehicle templates and nearly 40 vehicle mod cards – so you can pimp your rides too.

There are 20 new Gear cards to represent what you can scavenge from the wastelands and the usual Countdown deck, dice, new McGuffin token and some new Skid and Crash dice.

Also included are some campaign rules – expanding on the idea in the 1967 Annual – but tailored to each genre to allow your cast to progress and improve across a series of games.

Also got on some new PA minis to accompany the game too – plus vehicles. You may have seen the previews of the re-released Pardulon Buggies and Trucks and I’m adding a muscle car, motorbike and Big Rig to accompany those, which cover the five vehicle types in the game. There are also resin accessory kits to tailor the new and existing CD vehicle models – with plating, stowage and lots of vehicle mounted weapons.

Working really hard to get this into play testing in the next few weeks with a late summer/early autumn pre-order campaign for delivery late 2018. Previews at Salute and possibly other shows this year.

Stay tuned…

Crooked Dice kündigt 7TV: Apocalypse an:

  • das Spiel wird „Standalone“ sein – man wird keine älteren Produkte benötigen, basiert auf 7TV: 2nd Edition.
  • Box-Set: Post-Apokalyptisches Setting mit Zombies, Mutanten,  Riesenameisen, …
  • 100 neue Profilkarten, 40 Fahrzeugmods, 20 neue Ausrüstungskarten
  • neue Kampagnen-Regeln
  • neue Minis: u.a. Pardulon Fahrzeuge
  • Pre-Order Sommer/Herbst 2018

Quelle: Knights of Dice Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Mutanten und Riesenameisen!! Hach CD sind einfach toll, ich hoffe es kommen auch bald Modelle der Ameisen. 😛

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