von BK-Herr Kemper | 01.10.2018 | eingestellt unter: Allgemeines

4Ground: Micro Scale

4Ground veröffentlicht ihr Micro-Scale Gelände – passend für Titanen & Co.

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4Ground – Micro Scale Terrain

This month sees the release of our micro-scale terrain. These items are suitable for small scale games and are available now on the website https://www.4ground.co.uk/new-releases.

We are looking to expand this range in the future, let us know what kind of things you would like to see?

Our new micro-scale range releases on Friday (28th of September) and as well as releasing all the items individually we are compiling a release bundle for any one that just wants it all. This bundle comes in at £250 instead of the srp of £312.

The bundle includes:
1x Micro Scale Hab Block 1
1x Micro Scale Hab Block 2
1x Micro Scale Hab Arcade
1x Micro Scale Industrial Sector
1x Micro Scale Industrial Crane
36x Micro Scale Containers (6×6 different colours)
1x Micro Scale Hab Block 1 add-on
1x Micro Scale Hab Block 2 add-on
2x Micro Scale Hab Block Arcade add-on
9x Micro Scale Plaza

This will only be available until the end of October unlike the other releases.

Let us know where you would like us to expand this range next? We already have plans for damaged and destroyed buildings as well as a hangar. But maybe more industrial or more line of sight blocking buildings?

A lot of people have asked for a price range on our new Micro-Scale products released on the 28th of September, the items range from £6 up to £62.

The containers are £6 for 6. The Micro Scale Hab Block Arcade (the building with the arch) with the add-ons (two required at £7.50 each) to increase its height so a Reaver can fit through it is £62. We will be doing a release bundle covering everything, that will be in the hundreds but will include everything.

As an example for the larger items;

Micro Scale Hab Block 1 (the Grey and Gold building) is £27
Micro Scale Hab Block Arcade (the large building when it is the height for a Warhound) is £46
Micro Scale Hab Block 2 (the sandstone building) is £24
Micro Scale Industrial Silos (including their footings) are £19.50
Micro Scale Industrial Platforms (including their footings) are £41
Micro Scale Industrial Smelters (including their footings and track pieces) are £20.50
MIcro Scale Containers (6 of one colour) are £6
Micro Scale Industrial Crane (including vehicle but no containers) is £20

There will be bundles of the Industrial items, the containers and the crane, the buildings and finally a complete bundle.

The photos are repeats of the ones from yesterday but that is so people can see the items described in the text. The buildings in these photos all have a storey extension, these vary from £6.50 to £7.50 for a single extension (of three stories).

4Ground ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Quelle: 4Ground auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Find ich sogar besser als die GW-Gebäude für AT aber ich werd mir wohl doch selber was basteln um die Kohle zu sparen.

    • Könnte hinkommen. Hab auch schon überlegt sowas zu machen, aber die Maßstäbe stimmen nicht ganz überein, sonst hätte ich auch die alten Epic-Ruinen die bei mir rumfahren zur Basegestaltung genutzt.

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