von BK-Nils | 01.11.2018 | eingestellt unter: Warhammer 40.000

40k: Weitere Ork Clans im Fokus

Die ersten drei Clans der Orks der fernen Zukunft von Warhammer 40.000 wurden auf der Warhammer-Community bereits vorgestellt, hier folgen jetzt vier weitere.

Clan Fokus: Evil Sunz

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Welcome to Clan Fokus – a new series on Warhammer Community where we’ll be taking a closer look at all the new Clan Kulturs in the new Codex: Orks. These powerful special rules let you tailor your play-style and offer huge benefits to nearly every unit in your army. We’ll be previewing a new Clan Kultur every day this week – today, focusing on the Evil Sunz…

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Orks aren’t just obsessed with violence – many also find the very act of going fast a rapturous experience, and none more so than Speed Freeks. Indeed, such Orks will seek to combine their two favourite pastimes of racing at high speed and mindless carnage, forming a great Speedwaaagh!of smoke-belching racing vehicles with which to roar into battle, full throttle. Foremost among these speed-worshipping Orks are the Evil Sunz – firm believers in the old Ork adage that “red ones go fasta” to the extent that they paint all of their vehicles (and sometimes even their ammunition) red!

Evil Sunz Orks are almost universally members of a Kult of Speed – vast gatherings of Speed Freeks who drive, ride or fly into battle. Even the footsloggers of a Kult of Speed will cram their way aboard transport vehicles so that they can embrace the thrill of the wind in their hair squigs as they race to war. The obsession that the Evil Sunz have for speed is at the heart of their Clan Kultur…

The Clan Kultur

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Yep – for the Evil Sunz, the red ones really do go faster! By choosing Evil Sunz for your Clan Kultur, you’ll get an army-wide speed boost (even for your Infantry units!), with a particular turn of speed for your Speed Freeks units – that’s Warbikers, Deffkoptas and buggies such as the Kustom Boosta-blasta and Megatrakk Scrapjet. You’ll also be able to shoot Assault weapons without penalty when you Advance, letting you maintain a semblance of accuracy as you close in on your enemy.

Top Units

The Mekboy Workshop

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Chances are, if you’re playing Evil Sunz, you’ll have a LOT of vehicles, so a Mekboy Workshop goes a long, long way. This new terrain piece is available to pre-order this weekend and, for a mere handful of points, helps enhance the abilities of the rest of your army considerably. Every turn, each Mek Workshop can give a nearby Ork vehicle a Kustom Job – a powerful enhancement to the ability of said vehicle. As you’d expect, you can repair stuff, but you can also amp up the dakka:

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Just imagine combining this with a Stompa for a guaranteed 18 shots with the Deffkannon – and a chance at improving its Damage in the process! The only downside is that a model can’t shoot in the turn it receives a Kustom Job – but even so, you’ll find them absolutely invaluable in a mechanised army.

Any Speed Freeks

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Warbikers, Deffkoptas and the new buggies are all Speed Freeks – a new Ork keyword that applies to the fastest-moving ground (or near-to-ground) units, and which offers a range of powerful new synergies. Consider, for example, the Speedwaagh! ability of the Deffkilla Wartrike when combined with a bonus 2″ Move on all of your Evil Sunz Speed Freek units and their potential to re-roll charge rolls:

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A handy Stratagem for your Speed Freeks is Billowing Exhaust Clouds, which makes your chosen unit that little bit harder to hit:

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For a mechanised Ork army that’s fast, furious and unstoppable on the move – or for as good an excuse as any to paint everything red – choose Evil Sunz for your Clan Kultur. And if you like the threat posed by a potential mass charge in the first battle round, an Outrider Detachment of Evil Sunz is the perfect answer. We’ve got more previews coming, and soon – check back tomorrow for our preview of the avaricious Deathskulls.

Clan Fokus: Deathskulls

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Clan Fokus Deathskulls 1

Welcome to Clan Fokus – a new series on Warhammer Community where we’ll be taking a closer look at all the new Clan Kulturs in the new Codex: Orks. These powerful special rules let you tailor your play-style and offer huge benefits to nearly every unit in your army. We’ll be previewing a new Clan Kultur every day this week – looking today at the Deathskulls.

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You never really own a gun in the 41st Millennium – you merely look after it for a bit until an Ork takes it from your cooling corpse. No Ork clan demonstrates this shamelessly larcenous quality better than the Deathskulls – avaricious, superstitious Orks who’ll steal anything that isn’t nailed down… after which they’ll steal everything that is nailed down. Including the nails.

But how do they get away with it without getting clobbered first? ’Cos dey’z lucky gitz, of course! Orks hold to a number of simple but utterly unshakable beliefs, the two most prominent being that red ones go faster and blue ones are lucky. The Deathskulls exemplify the latter, daubing their armour, vehicles and clothing in blue to ensure their luck will be as outrageous as they can get away with. But how does this affect ‘da Boyz in Blue’? Let’s take a look…

The Clan Kultur

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Blue paint is actually lucky (well, for Orks, anyway). In fact, it’s so lucky that every Deathskulls unit gets a 6+ invulnerable save! From gaining a chance to save against those pesky lascannon shots on your Deff Dreads to adding a little bit more durability on your hordes of Boyz, what’s not to love? And you get a series of auspicious re-rolls whenever you’re shootin’ or krumpin’ stuff (all the better for lootin’ their gubbinz afterwards, of course). What’s more, having “Dis is Ours! Zogg Off!” – a rule that gives you priority when you score objectives – on no less than all of your Infantry units helps you keep a control of the battlefield. Lucky gitz indeed!

Top Units


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The Deathskulls know better than any that to steal something, sometimes you need to blow it up first. That’s where Tankbustas come in. Like before, they get re-rolls to hit against all Vehicles but combine them with the Wreckers Stratagem and they’ll be smashing their way through Land Raiders, Imperial Knights and any other particularly durable targets with relative ease.

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Tankbustas get even deadlier when combined with the Extra Stikkbombs Stratagem. By allowing every model in the unit to throw a Grenade weapon, you’ll be able to douse the enemy in Tankbusta bombs – a deadly deluge that few could hope to survive!

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Lootas are a great choice in an Ork army, thanks to their excellent long-ranged firepower. Capable of blowing apart infantry and tanks alike, these ladz are a cracking choice in the new codex and benefit enormously from a brand-new Ork Stratagem that really lets them live up to their name – Loot It:

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As this Stratagem can be activated even when one of your own vehicles is destroyed, it can be surprisingly easy to utilise. This Stratagem works for most Ork infantry, but is particularly useful with Lootas, who give you a chance to recover the Command Points you just spent on it!

Scrapping vehicles, mobbing objectives and shrugging off krak missiles with nothing more than a lick of blue paint – the Deathskulls really are something. If you’re looking for a cracking all-round Clan Kultur, then like the Deathskulls themselves, you’re in luck! You’ll be able to get your hands on the Clan Kulturs for yourself soon, as Codex: Orks is available to pre-order tomorrow!

But that doesn’t mean we’re done yet – we’ve also got another preview planned for tomorrow, where we’ll be looking at the sneaky Blood Axes, so check back soon…

Clan Fokus: Blood Axes

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Clan Fokus Blood Axes 1

Welcome to Clan Fokus – a new series on Warhammer Community where we’ll be taking a closer look at all the new Clan Kulturs in the new Codex: Orks. These powerful special rules let you tailor your play-style and offer huge benefits to nearly every unit in your army. We’ll be previewing a new Clan Kultur every day this week – continuing today with the Blood Axes.

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Careful planning. Patient observation. An innate grasp of tactics, strategy and the finer arts of warfare. If they were anything other than Orks, these traits would mark the Blood Axes as natural leaders for their race – instead, their blatant disdain for the traditional art of running at your enemy and yellin’ has turned them into outsiders.

Blood Axes are kunnin’ Orks who welcome strategic experimentation and are altogether more sensible than other greenskins. They’re happy to quietly sneak up on their foes, lay ambushes or even wear camouflage. That’s right – camouflage!

Some Blood Axes will even work as mercenaries for particularly desperate and heretical Imperial commanders (though this is usually as a pretence to grab some humie guns, then promptly turn them on said ’umies). But how does the Blood Axes clan’s somewhat un-Orky grasp of tactics play out?

The Clan Kultur

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The Blood Axes have a fantastic Clan Kultur that means that, as long as you’re far enough away from the enemy, you’re effectively in cover, offering anything from your Boyz to your vehicles a much-welcome boost to their saving throws. Should you want to get up-close and chop up your opponents, you’ll be able to slip in and out of combat at will to shoot or charge again.

Top Units

Boss Snikrot und Kommandos

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Not only is Boss Snikrot an absolute beast in combat, with a Warboss-level profile and the ability to make nearby units of Kommandos even more fighty (representing his infamous Red Skullz), but the new ability they share, Throat Slitta(s), is brutal – especially when considering that all Orks are now at least Strength 4.

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That’s a lot of potentially big or powerful units that can emerge from hiding to really bring the pain to your opponent – Nobz or Meganobz, we’re looking at you! And, of course, you’ll get to re-roll the ensuing charge dice thanks to their ’Ere We Go ability. Kunnin’ but brutal, right there.


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Stormboyz are simply brilliant in a Blood Axes army. Already a staple of some of the most successful matched play Orks lists, these rocket-pack wearing boyz are about to get a lot better thanks to a new ability that lets them drop in like other jump-pack users.

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With the Blood Axes, you’ll want to drop in, charge, then retreat and charge again at the first opportunity. While you’ll be risking enemy Overwatch again, it’s usually worth the risk for the ability to fight first in combat. Just make sure the enemy unit isn’t armed with flamers of any kind before you do so – Blood Axes are far too kunnin’ to fall for that!

You can pre-order all these sneaky new rules in Codex: Orks right now, alongside a host of new buggies – get yours online today. And whilst you’re at it, why not grab Boss Snikrot and some of his (Red Skull) Kommandos? After all, you don’t want to upset him. He could be standing right behind you…

Clan Fokus: Freebooterz

Games Workshop Warhammer 40.000 Clan Fokus Freebooterz 1

Welcome to Clan Fokus – a new series on Warhammer Community where we’ll be taking a closer look at all the new Clan Kulturs in the new Codex: Orks. These powerful special rules let you tailor your play-style and offer huge benefits to nearly every unit in your army. We’ll be previewing a new Clan Kultur every day this week – finishing today with the Freebooterz…

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Amongst the Orks, there are those who wander without clan or tribe, forging their own path between the stars. Some are the survivors of calamitous disasters that killed their mates, while others are eccentrics exiled by choice or by force from their peers. Gathering in roving hordes known as Freebooterz, these Orks turn mercenary, terrorising space, hiring themselves out to other Ork warbands and dressing even more outlandishly than ‘ordinary’ Orks.

The Clan Kultur

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Ork shooting has benefitted greatly in the new codex thanks to the extra shots generated by their Dakka! Dakka! Dakka! ability, but it can be especially effective in the hands of the Freebooterz. With this Clan Kultur, you’ll be able to get your units firing with something approaching accuracy after you’ve wiped out a nearby unit – a much easier task with units like Flash Gitz on your side! Speaking of whom…

Top Units

Flash Gitz

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Flash Gitz occupy a special place in the new Orks codex. If you’re fielding one of the other clans, you’ll be able to include them in a Detachment without losing your Clan Kultur (though the Flash Gitz themselves won’t benefit from the Clan Kultur). However, choose Freebooterz, and you’ll get to apply your Clan Kultur to them as normal, representing their effectiveness when fighting with their fellow Ork pirates.

Flash Gitz have been given a huge power increase in the new codex thanks to a better armour save and even shootier snazzguns:

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These guys are the premier dakka-delivery system for Orks and a unit or two are a must-have in any self-respecting Freebooterz army.

The Gunwagon

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The Gunwagon is a new datasheet designed to make the most of the Battlewagon kit. As any of you who’ve built one of these towering mobile fortresses can attest, the Battlewagon is unbelievably customisable – so much so that it’s been split into three separate unit entries, each with a different role. The original Battlewagon is still the great transport it always was, the Bonebreaka is a front-line spearhead vehicle, and the Gunwagon is the closest thing the Orks have to a battle tank, capable of firing twice with its Periscope ability:

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Try to pick off an enemy unit before firing the Gunwagon to take advantage of the Freebooterz Clan Kultur and you’ll be doubling up your shots with even greater accuracy. You can also use your Gunwagon (or other Battlewagon variants) to make deadly boarding actions with a new Stratagem – load yours up with power klaw-armed Nobz for the best results:

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acks of piratical Orks using boarding planks to storm across and wreck enemy tanks as they pull up alongside them – is there anything Orkier? We think not! You won’t have to wait long until your Orks can go a-Freebootin’ – you can pre-order Codex: Orks today.

Quelle: Warhammer Community


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Der Ork – Codex könnte der erste Codex sein, den ich mir nur hole, weil ich Orks so sehr mag. Bei dem Volk blitzt immer mal wieder der alte GW-Humor djrch, den ich in der 2ten Edition so gemocht habe

  • Na ja, wenn man den für GW richtigen Clan wählt. Die BA haben mMn wieder nicht so doll abgeschlossen. Zurückfallen und schießen beim BF von 5. Wieder angreifen bei RW von 5/6? Und warum Deckung nicht unter 18“? Warum die Überhitzungsregel ohne den spaßigen Effekt von z. B. doppelten Treffern? Kampfdrogen bei Snakes? Grot-Schutzmauer, Mehä Dakka, Stärka, Panzarüstung, Rettungswürfe bei denen das Schutzfeld explodiert, Grotpanzer. Bosstangen die Trefferwürfe wiederholen oder den Schutz von Gork/Mork gewähren etc. Die Orks hätten ein bissel OP schon verdient.
    Ich warte mal ab bis der Codex da ist, besser als der letzte wird er ja.

    • Einige der von dir aufgelisteten Dinge sind doch im Codex drin und mit OP liegst du nicht so sehr daneben. Einige Optionen und Einheiten könnten durch Erratas oder CA 2019 durchaus einen Nerv rein gedrückt bekommen.

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