von BK-Nils | 10.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

X-Wing: C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack

Das erste große Schiff für die Scum bei X-Wing ist erhältlich, der C-ROC Cruiser.

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„I’ll collect on these generators and make an additional profit from your death.“

There’s never been a better time for piracy, smuggling, and illicit profit. The C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack for X-Wing™ is now available!

With its huge-base C-ROC Cruiser miniature, this is the expansion that promises to give your Scum and Villainy equal footing in the game’s Epic battles against Rebel and Imperial fleets. There’s never been a bigger or bolder way to safeguard your fortunes. There’s never been a better chance to expand them. It’s time for your Scum to collect!

In addition to its huge-base C-ROC, the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack introduces an M3-A Interceptor miniature with an alternate paint scheme and a wide assortment of seven ship cards, thirty upgrade cards, and all the maneuver dials, damage decks, tokens, and game pieces that you need to fly your C-ROC Cruiser and its escort to battle.

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Use Azmorigan to turn deals to your advantage.

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Send your M3-A „Scyk“ Interceptor into close-range combat. Dump cargo containers into the flight paths of enemy ships. And arm your fleet with the fearless and inventive tricks that only Jabba the Hutt can empower!

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Learn More from Our Previews

In our previews of the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack, we’ve looked at many of the different ways its miniatures, ship cards, and upgrades can enhance your games of X-Wing, both in Epic Play and Standard Play.

  • Our first preview, „Merchant One,“ explored what the C-ROC Cruiser brings to your Epic matches, and we addressed some of the ways it plays to the Scum faction’s strengths and idiosyncrasies.

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A 360-degree view of the C-ROC cruiser.

  • In „Hit and Run,“ we looked more closely at the new Scyk and the pilots who will soon race the ship into—and out of—the hottest action on the battlefield. We also discussed some of the ways the ship’s new upgrades may encourage players to experiment with new tactics.
  • Finally, our preview, „Jabba the Hutt,“ took a look at how the expansion introduces its most recognizable character to both Epic and Standard Play. With his ability to double the uses of all your single-use illicit upgrades, Jabba the Hutt may very well herald a new value assessment for every illicit upgrade in the game.

But there’s still another aspect of the product that we haven’t fully explored—its Epic campaign, Smuggler’s Lament.

Smuggler’s Lament

“Unidentified vessel, this is Patrol ORP-38, acting under regional authority of Moff Sanguid. Our scans show that your craft are combat-equipped—and in strict violation of local civilian armament limitations.“
Smuggler’s Lament

The Smuggler’s Lament campaign follows the story of a C-ROC cruiser whose crew of smugglers find themselves dropping out of hyperspace right in the middle of two opposing fleets—an Imperial patrol force and the Rebels to whom they had planned to sell their illegal arms shipment. With no time to spare, the crew must broker an alliance with one of the sides and then battle the other.

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In Smuggler’s Lament, this choice has lasting consequences, as do any losses you suffer. The campaign consists of four missions, three of which you’ll play in sequence, with your decision in the opening encounter setting your new course to profit… or destruction. Simultaneously, any unique ships or upgrades you lose in a mission become unavailable for future missions, placing a greater emphasis on the way you play your matches, not just on winning or losing.

You’ll also find rules for adjusting the campaign’s missions for standalone play, meaning you can fly your C-ROC straight into your favorite mission, time and again.

Make Your Day a Profitable One

With crime lords Azmorigan, Cikatro Vizago,

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and Jabba the Hutt all ready to put themselves at your disposal, you can bet the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack is bound to make your X-Wing space battles a bit more dramatic and a lot more profitable.

How will you outfit your C-ROC? What cargo will you have it haul past Imperial blockades and self-righteous Rebels? Who will you recruit to fly the C-ROC’s Scyk escort? How can you profit from the exploded and scattered remnants of your enemies‘ ships?

The time has finally come for your Scum fleet to go Epic. Head to your local retailer to pick up your copy of the C-ROC Cruiser Expansion Pack (SWX58) today!

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Heidelberger.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Das Modell der Croc ist schon ziemlich cool. Sehr Star Wars like -. ha ha – ja, ich weis…

    Ich werde es mir wohl zulegen, auch wenn ich bisher erst einmal den epischen Modus von X-Wing ausprobiert habe…

  • Wirklich eines der schönsten Modelle bei X-Wing. Könnte auch mein erster dicker Pott für das Spiel werden, aber ich spiel es ja so schon kaum…

  • Das ist in der Tat hübsch.
    Bisher habe ich keine Scum, aber das wäre ein netter Einstieg 🙂

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