World of Twilight: The Twilight Traveller Kickstarter
Auf Kickstarter wird gerade eine Regelerweiterung für World of Twilight finanziert.
Over the last few years the World of Anyaral has continued to grow and expand as I have inevitably got carried away sculpting new characters and races for the world. In order to share rules for the new units I periodically release a small digital magazine called ‚The Twilight Traveller‘ or individual Playtest Scrolls. The time has come to pull together all the new releases from the last couple of years into a new Compiled Traveller! I will also be producing an accompanying deck of cards so you can start playing straight away.
This issue of the Compiled Traveller will include lots of new units! The magazine has a general focus on the Engineers of Anyaral, otherwise known as ‚Rahkiri‘. These eccentric individuals have been a part of Twilight ever since I first started exploring the world so I think it’s about time they got a bit more attention!
At the moment the magazine is 20 pages long and includes rules for:
- Belomoch dre Hearn and his explosive automata
- Belan Rider
- Toloran Cavalry
- Nobleguard Crossbow
- The Pree Pree!
- Dhogu Archer and Yirnak Captain
- Tak Sirahn and the fearsome Yartain
- Koi-Koi and Jakiin
If we can get our initial target then I have a couple of ideas for additional extras!
As with the other Twilight Kickstarters I have chosen a suitably eccentric Fubarnii to guide the way: Belomoch dre Hearne. Belomoch was created as part of a previous Kickstarter as a thank you for my friends, Ben and Louise Trayhorn.
As tends to be the case with these random creations, he’s thoroughly made his home in Anyaral. He is an eccentric engineer from the coastal region of Teral who at an early age (after blowing up a local garkrid resin refinery) was sent to one of the colleges of Larigal. He has spent the following years causing plenty of trouble while experimenting with explosives and the interactions between living creatures and mechanical devices.
Belomoch is included in the Tinkerer pledge for an extra £6 over the Traveller but will normally sell for £9 so it’s a great opportunity to add him to your collection!
For this campaign I’m keeping the pledge levels very simple! You can do the basic pledge for the Compiled Traveller and the cards for £10 or get Belomoch as well as the book and cards for £16.
- The Traveller (£10): A printed copy of the Compiled Traveller 2 and the associated deck of 13 reference cards
- The Tinkerer (£16): Belomoch Dre Hearne with two automata, a printed copy of the Compiled Traveller 2 and the associated deck of 13 reference cards
There is a small additional charge for postage.
Das sind die Stretch Goals:
Die Kampagne ist bereits finanziert und läuft noch 7 Tage.
Ich mag die Figuren ja sehr gerne 🙂 Das beobachte ich mal.
Ich mag die Figuren auch sehr. Da freue ich mich, wenns klappt.
Das sieht TOTAL anders, regelrecht knuffig aus, nur leider erschließt sich mir , da ich des angelsächsischen Dialekts nicht wirklich KUNDIG bin, so wenig.
Wünsche DAHER den Machers alles gute!
Beste Grüße,
Der Uwe
Ja, Englisch ist so eine Sache, was Regeln betrifft. Gruß auch an Dich Uwe, Du wurdest vermisst. 😀
Mit Twilight liebäugle ich schon länger, habe mich bisher aber nicht getraut zuzuschlagen, denn die Miniaturen sind wirklich extrem knuffig :D!
Ich werde den Kickstarter auch mal beobachten und vielleicht reicht es ja für einen kleineren Pledge. Eigentlich müsste man solche kleinen Hersteller, welche so viel Herzblut in ihre Produkte stecken sofort unterstützen, einfach nur damit sie nicht das gleiche Schicksal erleiden wie Tor Gaming, oder Spartan Games :)!