von BK-Christian | 27.05.2017 | eingestellt unter: Wild West Exodus

Wild West Exodus: Neuheiten im Juni

Für Wild West Exodus sind neue Vorbestellungen online gegangen.

WWE Wild West Exodus K9 Gun Dogs 1 WWE Wild West Exodus K9 Gun Dogs 2

K9 Gun Dogs – 16,99 Pfund

Created as guard dogs and sentries during the early days of Payson’s growth from small town to impregnable fortress city, the K9 automata are unusual in that they were and still are entirely mechanical. As the Enlightened moved towards using more esoteric materials in their inventions the K9 has remained as one of their few creations that have not been in some part made partly of living tissue. This is a testament to its reliability.

Though the secrets of their manufacture were eventually given over to the Union by the defector Nikolai Tesla the Enlightened were unwilling to allow a rival to have access to superior technology so created a new K9 model, the H311, colloquially known as ‘the gun dog’. Built to serve as guardians to the heavily fortified Promethean Complexes this up armoured and more heavily armed version of the K9 sacrifices speed for armour and boasts a Gatling gun as well as the standard issue steel jaws. A pack of these beasts is more than a match for even a hardened unit of men with the weight of fire they can lay down. The gun dog also benefits for more advanced cranial engines enhanced with predictive modules that are programmed to mimic aggressive animal behaviour patterns whilst allowing for intuitive target requisition.

Despite Union embargoes the Enlightened sell copious quantities of K9 units on the black market so that it is not only the Union army or sanctioned Lawmen that are accompanied by a pack of these metal mutts. Outlaws, Hex Cultists, even farmers or barkeeps can buy a new best friend if they can afford it. Failing that they can steal them as only the most expensive models have voice recognition keyed to one owner meaning a hard reset in a workshop is usually enough for a change of ownership.

This contains

  • 2 K9 Gun Dogs

WWE Wild West Exodus K9 Attack Dogs 1 WWE Wild West Exodus K9 Attack Dogs 2

K9 Attack Dogs – 10,99 Pfund

Although very early experiments with mechanical companions can be traced back to the clockwork fox created to amuse Prussian nobility through to the steam powered bulldogs who once upon a time accompanied Crown constabulary about their duties, it was the Enlightened who perfected the robotic dog by merging their own mechanical mastery with a refined RJ-1027 power source.

Created as guard dogs and sentries during the early days of Payson’s growth from small town to impregnable fortress city, the K9 automata are unusual in that they were and still are entirely mechanical. As the Enlightened moved towards using more esoteric materials in their inventions the K9 has remained as one of their few creations that have not been in some part made partly of living tissue. This is a testament to its reliability.

When Nikolai Tesla defected to the Union the K9 was one of the few inventions he deemed suitable for dissemination amongst the Union military and formed part of the price of his freedom. Working with Union scientists and engineers Tesla perfected and improved the K9 creating the CCLE model. This machine was an improvement on the capabilities of its Enlightened forbear and capable of being mass produced by factories granted licences by the federal government on the understanding that the majority of their production is made available to the Union army but with a modest percentage being permitted for sale on the open market.

The K9 Attack Dog is fast and strong, able to traverse uneven terrain at speed and knock down a fully grown man. It is controlled with simple voice commands that are pre-programmed factory settings though unscrupulous engineers have been known to hack and reprogram K9’s with custom behavioural routines. K9 Attack Dogs are armed with pneumatic steel jaws that can close with more force than a bear trap. This is more than capable of severing a limb though a specific command is required to switch to this more powerful setting.

Though primarily used by the Union army and sanctioned Lawmen, K9 units have found their way into the hands of less desirable owners. The controls on sales to the general public are such that your run of the mill outlaw is unlikely to be able to either afford the asking price or pass the requirements of ownership such as no previous convictions. This being the case most K9s owned by Outlaws are either stolen or black market knock-offs. Regardless of where they came from they are just as dangerous.

This contains

  • 2 K9 Attack Dogs

WWE Wild West Exodus Legendary Marie Laveau 1 WWE Wild West Exodus Legendary Marie Laveau 2

Legendary Marie Laveau – 29,99 Pfund

Even if she had not been born blind, it wasn’t an easy childhood for Walks Looking as the only daughter of the great hero of the Warrior Nation. Ghost Wolf’s legend loomed over her but what others perceived as her disability meant that she was not sought for a wife or status symbol by the men of the tribes. Ghost Wolf might have been a hero to his people but he was a distant father for Walks Looking. Her brothers all died at the hands of the Union or Confederates during their Civil War and she grew to adulthood with only the counsel of the elder Irontooth for guidance. Frustrated with her blindness and freed from any expectations or demands, Walks Looking embodied her name as she was often found wandering the camps and plains honing her spiritual sight. Try as she might she did not display the gift to a degree that she could join the other Braves into battle and bring them glory rather than be a burden.

Dejected, Walks Looking searched for the chance to make her own mark. In meditation, she sought her animal spirit in the hope that she might be able to join the Spirit Walkers and display the traits of the wolf like her father or perhaps a mighty hawk like Alcon. Through that meditation, she received her answer from what she thought was the Great Spirit itself and she returned to her people with an insight and ability that disturbed and disquieted the elders as much as her newfound abilities were hailed as a miracle of the Great Spirit.

Invigorated, Walks Looking threw herself into the protection of her people in imitation of her father. Her heroism in those years is without question, but in the process Walks Looking began to have strange thoughts and experience periods of forgetfulness and gaps in her memory that left much unexplained – including moments when she awoke drenched in blood with the taste fresh on her lips. Fearing for her sanity, the final straw came when she inadvertently led many Youngbloods to their deaths. Anguished she took her own life as the shame too much to bear. But she did not die, instead, she rose up twisted and terrible – a tainted mockery of her former self, invigorated by the dark powers of the Hex.

For several years she lived as a tainted creature called Wicasasni, corrupting the young and strong of the tribes and creating a Dark Nation of followers. Ghost Wolf blamed himself for his daughter’s corruption and when the opportunity came he led a daring raid to the creature’s lair. Capturing her, Ghost Wolf took the screaming monstrosity to the sacred shrine that had been prepared by Raven Spirit for just this purpose. Searing her soul with the energies of the Great Spirit, the nightmarish wraith was torn from Walks Looking’s body and banished from the shrine. As it was sent howling into the night, it took with it half of Walks Looking’s soul.

Purified and restored to her people, Walks Looking is a powerful leader of the Warrior Nation. Though not fully trusted and resented by those who have lost loved ones to her tainted past, Walks Looking has led the Warrior Nation to many victories. Having lost none of her prodigious power but now unable to feel love or other strong emotions Walks Looking has a personal quest to find the demon Wicasasni. A quest to reclaim the lost half of her soul and free those who have fallen to Wicasasni’s corrupting influence.

This contains

  • 1x Legendary Walks Looking Miniature

WWE Wild West Exodus Legendary Viridian Alpha 1 WWE Wild West Exodus Legendary Viridian Alpha 2

Legendary Viridian Alpha – 20,99 Pfund

The Viridian have been at the forefront of Watcher incursions across the galaxy for millennia. Though the Watchers take pains to leave no witnesses to their involvement in the shaping of sentient life, their likeness is captured in the crudely drawn cave paintings, diagrams from ancient manuscripts, petrified wood carvings and any other number of ancient records preserved for prosperity and displayed within museums or held as research material for universities on a number of worlds. On Earth their species has become known as the Locusts.

The Viridian Alpha is larger than its more numerous Locust kin. Its powerfully muscled frame is covered with a gnarled hide complemented with additional armour plates that incorporate various alien devices and defensive systems. It wields the Viridian Staff, a symbol of office and deadly weapon able to cleave a man in twain with a single blow. Mounted on the Viridian Alpha’s shoulders is a Reaper Array sporting two independently targeting energy weapons of formidable power.

As the Watcher’s goal nears the critical juncture raids against humanity become more numerous as materials are gathered and possible threats eliminated. Posses find themselves faced with a new threat as the alien invaders are encountered more frequently and their presence more brazen. The Viridian Alpha is quite the match for anything a posse of weak and feeble humans might throw at him. To complicate matters further he often leads his Viridian Clade to who harry their enemies on the ground and from the air. The Alpha’s nickname of ‘King Locust’ or sometimes just as the ‘Big Bastard’ is well deserved.

This Blister contains

  • 1x Legendary Viridian Alpha miniature

WWE Wild West Exodus Legendary Walks Looking 1 WWE Wild West Exodus Legendary Walks Looking 2

Legendary Walks Looking – 18,99 Pfund

Even if she had not been born blind, it wasn’t an easy childhood for Walks Looking as the only daughter of the great hero of the Warrior Nation. Ghost Wolf’s legend loomed over her but what others perceived as her disability meant that she was not sought for a wife or status symbol by the men of the tribes. Ghost Wolf might have been a hero to his people but he was a distant father for Walks Looking. Her brothers all died at the hands of the Union or Confederates during their Civil War and she grew to adulthood with only the counsel of the elder Irontooth for guidance. Frustrated with her blindness and freed from any expectations or demands, Walks Looking embodied her name as she was often found wandering the camps and plains honing her spiritual sight. Try as she might she did not display the gift to a degree that she could join the other Braves into battle and bring them glory rather than be a burden.

Dejected, Walks Looking searched for the chance to make her own mark. In meditation, she sought her animal spirit in the hope that she might be able to join the Spirit Walkers and display the traits of the wolf like her father or perhaps a mighty hawk like Alcon. Through that meditation, she received her answer from what she thought was the Great Spirit itself and she returned to her people with an insight and ability that disturbed and disquieted the elders as much as her newfound abilities were hailed as a miracle of the Great Spirit.

Invigorated, Walks Looking threw herself into the protection of her people in imitation of her father. Her heroism in those years is without question, but in the process Walks Looking began to have strange thoughts and experience periods of forgetfulness and gaps in her memory that left much unexplained – including moments when she awoke drenched in blood with the taste fresh on her lips. Fearing for her sanity, the final straw came when she inadvertently led many Youngbloods to their deaths. Anguished she took her own life as the shame too much to bear. But she did not die, instead, she rose up twisted and terrible – a tainted mockery of her former self, invigorated by the dark powers of the Hex.

For several years she lived as a tainted creature called Wicasasni, corrupting the young and strong of the tribes and creating a Dark Nation of followers. Ghost Wolf blamed himself for his daughter’s corruption and when the opportunity came he led a daring raid to the creature’s lair. Capturing her, Ghost Wolf took the screaming monstrosity to the sacred shrine that had been prepared by Raven Spirit for just this purpose. Searing her soul with the energies of the Great Spirit, the nightmarish wraith was torn from Walks Looking’s body and banished from the shrine. As it was sent howling into the night, it took with it half of Walks Looking’s soul.

Purified and restored to her people, Walks Looking is a powerful leader of the Warrior Nation. Though not fully trusted and resented by those who have lost loved ones to her tainted past, Walks Looking has led the Warrior Nation to many victories. Having lost none of her prodigious power but now unable to feel love or other strong emotions Walks Looking has a personal quest to find the demon Wicasasni. A quest to reclaim the lost half of her soul and free those who have fallen to Wicasasni’s corrupting influence.

This contains

  • 1x Legendary Walks Looking Miniature

Quelle: Wild West Exodus


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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