von BK-Marcel | 02.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Pulp

Warpod: Battle Of Junker Forge Kickstarter

Bei Flytrap wird in den Roboterkrieg gezogen.

Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the first of The Warpod Databanks. WARPOD: The Battle of Junker Forge. Flytrap Factorys latest kickstarter campaign set in its whimsically robotic universe.
Warpod is a narrative tabletop skirmish game for 2+ players involving two or more robotic armies clashing in a bitter struggle for dominion over the moon of Destron. The rulesystem accompanying our developing range of miniatures has been designed with enough depth and elegance to satisfy the most discerning tastes, yet young-person friendly enough to appeal to budding apprentice commanders.

FF Warpod3 FF Warpod2 FF Warpod1

What is the purpose of this Kickstarter Campaign?: The purpose of this campaign is multi-faceted. By achieving the funding we will finally be able to allocate the time and resources needed to….

  • Sculpt the Remaining Miniatures: Required to complete this first installment of the greater Warpod tale and also for the upcoming Warpod Rulebook. (We have a lot already completed and more in varying stages of completion, but we are still a ways off where we need to be prior to the launch of the Rulebook.) In addition to the slew of miniatures I have scheduled on my own design bench I aim to enlist the help of miniatures vehicle designer extraordinaire Ian ‚Waz‘ Wyatt, a very dear friend of mine, responsible for many of the heavy Warcrates you will see at the later stages of this campaign. known for his wonderful work in the realm of Ork vehicles for Warhammer 40K I am extremely privileged to have him working beside me in the development of future Warpod products.
  • Purchase the Production Resources: Silicone rubber, white metal and resin for the Warpod miniature range and their supporting vehicles line required to manufacture the range. The RTV Silicone rubber and high quality odourless polyurethane resin for our vehicle kits are sourced locally. The 9″ Vulcanising blanks we use for spincasting white metal are sourced from our suppliers in the United States. We need to be able to acquire enough raw materials to cater for all pledges (and then some) and with a little luck have enough product left over to move into the development of the next phase of Warpod related products.
  • Produce the Warpod Rulebook: Initially this will be done as a Living Rulebook pdf format (exactly as we did the Caveman Vs Wild Rulebook in our previous Kickstarter) and will be available via this campaign as such. We are working towards a hardcover print run at some point in the future (Not a part of this campaign.) This book will not only cover all of the rules needed to play the narrative skirmish game but it will also heavily feature stunning artwork from a fantastic array of selected artists such as Mihajlo ‚The Mico‘ Dimitrievski of international gaming industry fame, Joshua Qualtieri, the supremely talented mastermind behind Zombiesmith Miniatures and his team of extraordinary artizans, Alex Nelson responsible for so much of the beautiful art already showcased and the crew at Steel Wool Games in California for the amazing digital models, renders and animations they created for Warpod and which we have featured liberally throughout parts of this campaign. On top of the art and the rules, the full lore of Warpod and its extensive tale is chronicled, penned and ready for general consumption.
  • Bring Warpod To Our Community…. and with the level of polish we expect. This brand new generation of Warpod miniatures has been a long time coming with version one released approximately 6 years ago, now long since OOP. Note for all those who own collections of our first generation Warpod miniatures this new generation is scaled identically and are both not only fully compatible with generation two, they will also have featured stats in the upcoming Warpod rulesystem. With Flytrap Factory no miniatures become redundant in any of our systems .

FF Warpod9 FF Warpod8

What this Kickstarter is not: This campaign is not just another pre-order system used for purchasing a miniatures line that is already fully developed, completed and market ready. Warpod needs your help to see it fully realised and pushed through to its anticipated polished ready-for-prime-time state.

FF Warpod7 FF Warpod6 FF Warpod5 FF Warpod4

Here are our four Miniature related Pledge Levels.

FF WP Pledge1 FF WP Pledge2 FF WP Pledge 3 FF WP Pledge 4 FF WP Pledge 5 FF WP Pledge 6

Please note that unless you specifically order a ‚Brick‘ of Warcrates (3 individual Warcrates to a brick) you are purchasing individual Warcrates, the prices listed above are otherwise per individual unit.

FF WP Panzer7 FF WP Panzer6 FF WP Panzer5 FF WP Panzer4 FF WP Panzer3 FF WP Panzer2 FF WP Panzer1

FF WP Pledge 7

Es gibt wie bei jedem Kickstarter natürlich auch Pledge goals, wovon der erste auch schon erfüllt ist:

FF WP Pledgegoal

Derzeit steht die Kampagne bei über 6.000,00 NZD.
Wer mitmachen will hat noch 12 Tage dazu Zeit.

Link: Warpod:Battle of Junker Forge auf Kickstarter


2003 mit Herr der Ringe ins Hobby eingestiegen. Aktuelle Projekte: Age of BKO, Killteam Navis Nobilite Soldaten und was auch immer bei mir landet! mehr auf Instagram.com/ennepedude

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  • Knuffig! Aber KRIEG so als Kinderspiel? Na ich weiß nicht, was die Damen bei mir in der Verwandtschaft dazu SAGEN würden!

    Der Uwe

  • Auch wenn ich bisher der einzige deutsche Baker bin, bleibe ich bei dem System dabei.
    Allein als Malobjekt finde ich die kleinen Roboter super cool. Ein paar angeroste Roboter kriege ich sogar ganz vorzeigbar bemalt

    • Hey, du bist doch garnicht der einzige. Ich mache auch mit.

      Ich finde die Kleinen auch super knuffig und werde sie für Wasteman verwenden.

  • Erinnert mich an ein digital game mit einem gelben Robo der ähnlich aussah wie die hier

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