von BK-Christian | 17.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Warpath/Deadzone

Warpath/Star Saga: Neue Previews

Es gibt neue Produktionsbilder von Warpath und außerdem nochmal ein paar Updates zu Star Saga.

Konkret geht es um die noch fehlenden Fahrzeuge. Nachdem hier der Zulieferer weggefallen war, mussten Mantic eine neue Firma finden, was inzwischen gelungen ist.

Hi backers,

Sorry for the radio silence in the past couple of months. We have been holding off sending out an update until we had some concrete dates and news before getting in touch with backers.

MG Mantic Warpath Kickstarter Update 1

First off, the good news is that the Tunneler is arriving on September 19th and they’ll be in the post within a few days of being delivered to our warehouse. This means that if you’ve got a Tunneler as part of your pledge, you’ll be receiving it shortly! We can’t wait to see some painted examples – make sure you send them in to our Facebook page.

To clarify a few details about wave two shipping:

  • If you just had a Forge Father Sturnhammer/APC, Forge Father Hultr or Veer-myn Tunnel Runner in your pledge, you should have received them by now. If you haven’t please contact support@manticgames.com
  • If you had any of the above AND a Tunneler in your pledge, then we’ll be sending all your vehicles once the Tunnelers arrive next week. Delivery can take up to 28 days and we’ll post an update once the shipping is complete so you know when to expect delivery

The outstanding vehicles to be delivered are the following:

  • GCPS Mule
  • GCPS Hornet
  • Plague Mule
  • Asterian Chira Transport

As mentioned in the previous update, these are at the prototype stage and you can see some photographs below. We’re delighted with the examples we’ve seen and can’t wait to get these into your hands. Again, sorry for the delay in getting these to you but we didn’t want to rush them and compromise on quality. We’re sure you’ll be pleased with the results!

MG Mantic Warpath Kickstarter Update 2 MG Mantic Warpath Kickstarter Update 3 MG Mantic Warpath Kickstarter Update 4

We’ve just got a few more comments on the prototypes, which shouldn’t take long to sort out, and then we’ll fly those in from the factory and get them out to you. We’ll be in touch soon with a delivery date.

Hope you’re all enjoying playing Warpath. Please continue to share your pictures on Facebook, upload battle reports to YouTube and hold demo games at your local store/club!

Best wishes and thanks again for helping make this happen,


Auch bei Star Saga gab es neue Bilder zu sehen:

Hi everyone,

Just a quick update, mainly to show you some fantastic pictures from the rulebook, and also to let you know what’s happening with manufacturing. As mentioned in the previous update, we’ve had the test miniatures in from the factory and we’ve given them the greenlight to get cracking on production.

Unfortunately there was a slight delay at the factory – after it was closed for three weeks without warning – however we’re expecting everything to be on the boat and on its way to our shipping warehouse within the next four weeks. Once we’ve got the tracking number for the boat, we’ll share the details so you can watch the progress from China… not long to wait now!

In the meantime, here are those images we mentioned earlier…

MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 1 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 2 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 3 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 4 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 5

Und es gibt erste Bilder Produktionsprototypen:

Hi everyone,

We received a very exciting package in the office today: test samples of the Star Saga miniatures! Included in the package were the mercs from the Core Game, along with the Kickstarter exclusive mercs, plus the terrible minions and bosses you’ll be facing off against in the game.

If you’re lucky enough to be heading to GenCon this week, you’ll be able to see the miniatures in person and take a look at samples of the 3D sci-fi scenery too! Just head to booth 835 (and while you’re there you can also claim a free Walking Dead miniature).

For those can’t make it, please take a look at the pictures below (apologies for the quality of some, we had to snap them quickly before they jet off to GenCon)…

MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 6 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 7 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 8 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 9 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 10 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 11 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 12 MG Mantic Star Saga Kickstarter Update 13

Once the miniatures return from GenCon, we’ll get them photographed properly, so you’re able to see all the great detail. We’re really happy with the results and think they’ll look great on the tabletop.

Da die GenCon inzwischen vorbei ist, dürften wohl bald neue Bilder kommen.

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Star Saga auf Kickstarter

Quelle: Warpath auf Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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