von BK-Christian | 12.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Warpath/Deadzone

Warpath: Forge Father Preorders

Mantic Games haben die ersten Truppen der Forge Fathers online gestellt.

MG Mantic Games Forge Father Weapons Platform Formation

Forge Father Weapons Platform Formation – €34.99

The weapons platforms of the Star Realm are rightly feared by every general in the galaxy. Armed with the kind of firepower usually found on tanks, the Jotunn is small enough to give any Forge Father Lord unexpected attack angles and a nasty surprise to their enemies.


This set contains 3 Plastic Weapons Platforms, including:

  • 3 Plastic Jotunn Heavy Hailstorm Cannons
  • 1 Resin Surtr Magma Cannon Upgrade
  • Crew and armoured shielding

MM Mantic Games Forge Father Militia

Militia – €24.99

It is the duty of every dwarf to take up arms in defence of their Star Realm. Because of a dwarf’s longevity, this service can last decades, giving the Forge Father Militia more combat experience than most veteran armies.


This set contains 20 Hard Plastic Militia, including:

  • Mk1 Hailstorm Rifles
  • Optional heads and armour
  • Pitsol and Heat Hammer for Commander
  • 25mm Round Bases

MG Mantic Games Forge Father Reserve Force

Forge Father Reserve Force – €79.99

Every Forge Father is a warrior – a fighter as capable as any in the galaxy. And there are few soldiers as vicious and dogged as a Dwarf fighting to protect what’s theirs.


This set contains a great force to bolster your Forge Fathers in Warpath, including:

  • 1 Hard Plastic Brandr Urban Assault Vehicle/Sturnhammer Battle Tank/Drakkar APC
  • 6 Hard Plastic and Metal Hammerfist Drop Troopers
  • 10 Plastic Brokkrs with Chief, Engineer and 2 Magma Rifles
  • 1 Plastic Brokkr Inferno Drill
  • 1 Plastic Iron Ancestor
  • 1 Plastic and Resin Surtr/Jotunn Weapons Platform
  • 25mm and 60mm Round Bases

MG Mantic Games Forge Father Mega Force

Forge Father Mega Force – €134.99

The Star Realm of the Forge Fathers is ancient. It has faced eons of dangerous and hostile races, and come through as one of the few civilisations standing. A Forge Father army is the result of uncounted millennia of combat experience, armed with cutting edge technology that’s second to none.


This set contains a massive force for Forge Fathers in Warpath, including:

  • 1 Hard Plastic Brandr Urban Assault Vehicle/Sturnhammer Battle Tank/Drakkar APC
  • 30 Hard Plastic Steel Warriors/Stormrage Veterans with Weapon and Command Options
  • 6 Hard Plastic and Metal Hammerfist Drop Troopers
  • 6 Hard Plastic Forge Guard with Weapon and Command Optioons
  • 10 Plastic Brokkrs with Chief, Engineer and 2 Magma Rifles
  • 1 Plastic Brokkr Inferno Drill
  • 1 Plastic Iron Ancestor
  • 1 Plastic and Metal Doomstorm Pattern Iron Ancestor
  • 1 Plastic and Resin Surtr/Jotunn Weapons Platform
  • 2 Plastic Jotunn Weapons Platforms
  • 25mm and 60mm Round Bases

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das ich mal zu Miniaturen von Mantic sagen würde, dass mir diese gefallen, hah…aber abgesehn von den Zwergen ohne Rüstung ist das hier in der Tat so…

    …verrückte Welt^^

  • Kann mir das bitte jemand erklären, ich verstehe es nicht…
    Das sind doch alte Miniaturen, ich kenn die doch…

    • Die Steel Warrior, die Forge Guard und der Panzer sind neu (bzw. relativ neu) und aus Hartplastik. Bei den anderen Sachen handelt es sich in der Tat um alte Modelle. Wobei ich die alten Restic-Brokkr auch gar nicht so schlecht finde.

    • Zum Teil ja, zum anderen Teil die lange bekannten KS-Sachen, die jetzt einen Retail-Release bekommen, wie der Panzer z.B.

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