von BK-Herr Kemper | 05.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Moderne, Science-Fiction

Warmill: Neuheiten

Neues von Warmill: ein Construction Droid und Ultra-Moderne Häuser.

Warmill Construction Droid

Construction Droid: Mk-3 ‚Mangineer‘ ABU – 12,99 GBP

Available for pre-order, release date 6th October

The Mangineer Mk3 Autonomous Builder Unit is revolutionizing construction across the Federated Colonies, able to work 24 hours a day (other day lengths are available), in any terrain, without complaint. Warmill Heavy Industries‘ new behaviour inhibitor chips for the Mk3 have reduced homicidal rampages by over 17%, ensuring your profits aren’t hampered by pesky compensation claims!

Standing 60mm tall, the Mangineer is a premium resin mech model kit, cast in high quality polyurethane resin. Designed for modellers and gamers alike and highly poseable, this kit is perfect for dioramas or sci-fi gaming.

Außerdem zeigt Warmill eine komplette Reihe von Gebäuden für moderne, ultramoderne und near future Setting, wie z.B. SPECTRE….

Warmil Ultra 1 Warmil Ultra2 Warmil Ultra3 Warmil Ultra4 Warmil Ultra5 Warmil Ultra6 Warmil Ultra7 Warmil Ultra9


Warmill Condoleeza

316 Condoleeza Avenue – 65,99 GBP


Warmill Real Estate is proud to present 316 Condoleeza Avenue, situated in one of the most desirable area codes in the city, offering fantastic transport links to nearby banks, research labs, warehouses, diamond stores and more! This 2-bed house features cutting edge modern design, an open-plan living and dining area, and a HOA-operated security team in case of hostage situations.

This kit is a fantastic terrain piece offering large interior spaces and easy-opening doors for CQB scenarios in any 28mm modern day or future wargame. Made from laser-cut MDF, acrylic and coloured board, this model is easy to build and needs no painting. If you feel like painting the interior, the construction method allows for easy painting before finishing.

Warmill Cheney

299 Cheney Drive – 65,00 GBP

Warmill Real Estate is proud to present 299 Cheney Drive, a newly-available 2-bed house in one of the most in-demand areas of the city, famed for the rich and powerful people living in it’s gated community. This property provides instant access to the secretive cabal of power brokers who really run the world, and also features skylights and a charming sun-balcony for summer evenings spent sipping brandy and plotting coups.

Warmill Laakson

221 Laaksonen Passage – 38,99 GBP


Warmill Real Estate is pleased to offer this modern 3-bed contemporary-style property. Featuring a large amount of full height windows, the property is bright and airy and feels very spacious. The house was previously owned by an artist who has decorated the walls to his own acquired taste, making this a very appealing property for the right buyer.

Warmill Kals

379 Kalsarikannit Road – 38,99 GBP


379 Kalsarikannit Road is a 2-bed house constructed in the contemporary style. With large feature windows on the rear aspect, an open-plan downstairs living area and stylish exterior cladding, Warmill Real Estate is confident this house will provide you with a home where sitting in your underwear getting drunk can be a daily pleasure.

Warmill Koolhaus Fence

Koolhaus designer fencing – 13,99 GBP


Designed by architect Remy Koolhaus, this luxury designer fencing protects your property from nosey neighbours, breaching SWAT teams, hostile insurgents and more.

Made from laser-cut MDF and coloured board, this fencing kit needs no painting and is ready to play as soon as it’s built. This set includes:

– 6 x 150mm fence
– 4 x 100mm fence
– 1 x short gate
– 1 x long middle gate
– 1 x long side gate


Link: Warmill auf Facebook

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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