von BK-Christian | 03.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Neuheiten im September

Privateer Press haben gleich mehrere Neuheiten für Warmachine angekündigt.

PiP Warmachine Trencher Blockhouse

Trencher Blockhouse – Cygnar Structure (resin)
PIP 31136 MSRP: $59.99

Blockhouses are often built to support Cygnaran trenchworks, providing girded fire bays and supporting fire in the event of an enemy overrun of the front. Able to withstand direct artillery fire from all but the heaviest enemy guns, these blockhouses return fire with salvos from their impressive cannons while acting as mustering points to reinforce embattled trencher platoons.
TRADE POINTS: The Trencher Blockhouse introduces an entirely new model type to WARMACHINE: Structures. These 120 mm-based models are centerpieces of any army, providing devastating firepower and valuable support. The Trencher Blockhouse in particular works well with all trencher units, but especially Trencher Infantry (PIP 31105) and Trencher Commandos (PIP 31064), as it returns destroyed soldiers from these units back to play.

PiP Warmachine Trencher Commando Officer

Trencher Commando Officer – Cygnar Command Attachment (resin/metal)
PIP 31138 MSRP: $11.99

Masters of covert operations, sabotage, and targeted elimination behind enemy lines, the officers of the trencher commandos are the best of the best. These officers lead squads of commandos on the most dangerous and sensitive assignments, where their paramount goal is always simple: complete the mission at any cost.
TRADE POINTS: This command attachment must be attached to the Trencher Commando unit (PIP 31064), and transforms what was already a highly deadly strike team into an absolute force of devastation that any player will enjoy bringing to the table.

PiP Warmachine Judicator Revelator

Judicator/Revelator – Protectorate of Menoth Colossal Kit (plastic)
PIP 32108 MSRP: $109.99

The consecrated colossals of the Protectorate of Menoth are towering masterpieces of faith and war. The Revelator strips away the obscuring magic of profane casters and scorches the earth to leave nothing but ashes behind, while the Judicator fills the sky with screaming rockets to rain down on unbelievers like Menoth’s own judgment.
TRADE POINTS: This new kit allows players to build either the Judicator, which was previously sold as a separate kit in resin and metal (PIP 32050), or the highly anticipated Revelator, both in glorious hard plastic. Both of these 120 mm-based Colossals are a centerpiece to any Protectorate army, and pair well with many different forces. The newest option, the Revelator, works particularly well with warcasters who favor a strong ranged game, such as High Exemplar Kreoss (PIP 32080), Grand Scrutator Severius (PIP 32114), or Hierarch Severius (PIP 32049).

SPECIAL NOTE: PIP 32108 represents the same figures in the game as PIP 32050. The models in PIP 32108 are new sculpts and therefore look different from the models in PIP 32050. The replaced PIP will no longer be available from Privateer Press beginning November 2017.

Für die folgenden Einträge fehlen die Bilder noch:

Trencher Combat Engineers – Cygnar Unit (3) (resin/metal)
PIP 31135 MSRP: $24.99

As turn the wrenches of the mechaniks, so turns the war. Trencher combat engineers are even tougher and more combat-ready than their field mechanik counterparts in the regular Cygnaran Army. Every man and woman among them must be as adept with a firearm as they are at maintaining and repairing the warjacks and weapons of the platoon.
TRADE POINTS: Trencher Combat Engineers are a great unit for players looking to increase the fighting power of their support forces. Compared to the traditional Field Mechaniks (PIP 31092), the Combat Engineers offers a more elite option for repairing warjacks, battle engines, and structures such as the new Trencher Blockhouse (PIP 31136).

Trencher Express Team – Cygnar Unit (2) (resin/metal)
PIP 31137 MSRP: $24.99

The thundering rifle of a Trencher Express team means death to even well-protected foes of Cygnar. Each team consists of a human spotter working alongside a burly trollkin soldier wielding the largest hunting rifle ever manufactured, the Raevhan Express. Originally designed to bring down the towering Raevhan buffalo, these powerful weapons punch through heavy armor with ease.
TRADE POINTS: The Trencher Express Team is a mobile weapon team that packs a hefty punch. Any warcaster that can increase the range of its deadly weapon, such as Lieutenant Allister Caine (PIP 31065) or Commander Coleman Stryker (PIP 31084), will greatly improve the capability of this new weapon crew.

Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears – Trollblood Unit (3) (resin/metal)
PIP 71109 MSRP: $44.99

Some kriels are known for their skill in capturing and training wild northern bears, for the power of these beasts makes them potent weapons in times of war. By simple gestures combined with commands, a bear handler can designate prey even in the chaos of battle. The beasts become protective of their trainers and handlers and will lash out at anyone who raises a hand against them, making them useful guardians.
TRADE POINTS: Player feedback from the recent Community Integrated Development cycle on the various Northkin models demonstrated just how excited the community is for this unique Trollblood unit. A pair of trained fighting bears and their handler, this unit ambushes onto the battlefield and mauls anything in their path. This unit, like many of the upcoming Northkin releases, pairs well with both Borka, Vengeance of the Rimshaws (PIP 71085) and Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch (PIP 71117).

Northkin Raiders – Trollblood Unit (resin/metal)
PIP 71110 MSRP: $84.99

Dedicated raiding bands are vital for smaller kriels that rely on their spoils to survive. These skirmishers use ambushes and hit-and-run tactics. Raiders carry firebombs used to set buildings ablaze to distract sentries and lure them from storehouses, bombs equally effective against massed infantry. It is also their job to plunder downed foes after a skirmish, a task veteran warriors consider beneath them.
TRADE POINTS: This new unit of Northkin warriors is an excellent building block for any player beginning to collect a Trollblood Northkin army. The Raiders work best with traditional Trollblood infantry support such as the Fell Caller Hero (PIP 71019).

Northkin Elder – Trollblood Command Attachment (resin)
PIP 71115 MSRP: $17.99

Among the Northkin leadership are their revered elders, many of whom are also powerful mystics, either shamans or sorcerers who can lend the cold of the north to the power already contained in krielstones to strengthen their allies. The winds they summon can speed an army into the fray or lend bite to the winter magics of other mystics.
TRADE POINTS: The Northkin Elder is an alternate command attachment for the classic Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribe unit (PIP 71091). The Krielstone Bearers have long been a staple in any Trollblood army, and this is no different in a Trollblood Northkin force. The Northkin Elder supplements the Krielstone’s protective aura to provide additional benefits specifically designed for an all Northkin force.

Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North – Trollblood Solo (resin/metal)
PIP 71116 MSRP: $17.99

Few warchiefs command so black a reputation as the acrimonious Valka Curseborn. Noted for a foul temper, he has become bitter and ruthless with the passing of the years. At each battle’s end, he looks around himself with bloodied axes, taking in the carnage he has unleashed, disgruntled that he still draws breath. He seeks a hero’s death but is too stubborn to die easily. The foe worthy to claim his life has yet to stand before him.
TRADE POINTS: Valka is a self-sufficient combat solo that can tear through enemy soldiers with ease. His fighting strength is only increased when fellow Trollblood soldiers die near him, making him an excellent pair with the new Northkin Raiders (PIP 71110) or traditional infantry such as Trollkin Fennblades (PIP 71042) or Trollkin Champions (PIP 71069).

Kolgrima Stonetruth, Winter Witch – Trollblood Warlock (resin/metal)
PIP 71117 MSRP: $24.99

Kolgrima Stonetruth is a half-mad and mystifying oracle. Born with the gift of sorcery, this trollkin witch could read the threads of the future in entrails and bones, glimpse fates in the eddies and whorls of a blizzard, and divine the destiny of a people in a patch of frostbite blackening a limb. Kolgrima emerged from the cave serving as her mountain lair when enemies threaten the north, accompanied by a great pack of winter trolls and serving as ancient war leader rather than oracle.
TRADE POINTS: Kolgrima is the newest warlock to join the Trollblood arsenal and an excellent choice in any Northkin themed army. She is a board control caster that excels at delivering melee forces into the enemies ranks unharmed. As such, elite melee forces such as Trollkin Long Riders (PIP 71080), Trollkin Champions (PIP 71069), and warbeasts such as Rok (PIP 71102) are well supported by her.

Northkin Theme Box
PIP 71119 MSRP: $189.99

From a Land of Ice and Snow…
Out of the blizzards of the frozen north march the Northkin, a mighty alliance of resolute trollkin warriors. The Northkin rush to battle with axes in hand, the blood of trolls in their veins, and frost-rimed winter trolls at their side, and any who face them must confront the fury of the winter storm. Northkin shamans command the bone-chilling power of their homelands, and their warbeasts freeze the enemy in place before shattering them with their weapons.
Take command of these barbaric warriors with this box, which puts a full warband of Northkin in your hands ready to support your warlock’s battlegroup. Crush the enemy and drink deep in victory!
Combine this box with the Trollbloods battlegroup box to build a complete 35-point army.
• 8-page Northkin primer
• Krielstone Bearer & Stone Scribes unit (4)
• Northkin Bear Handler & Battle Bears unit (3)
• Northkin Fire Eaters unit (3)
• Northkin Elder Command Attachment
• Trollkin Whelps
• Trollkin Runebearer solo
• Valka Curseborn, Chieftain of the North solo

Warmachine & Hordes ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Community-Link: page5

Quelle: Privateer Press


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Je nachdem wie die Figuren am Schluss aussehen hole ich mir mal ein paar Charaktere von den Northkin.
    Dann kann gerne PP versuchen mir zu beweisen,daß sie ihre Gussverfahren für Metall und PVC mittlerweile besser im Griff haben. Ich bin da etwas skeptisch, würde aber mal für 1-2 Figuren das Risiko eingehen

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  • 60 Dollar für so einen Bunker ist meiner Meinung nach viel, zumal der nur auf einer 120 mm Base steht. So groß ist er also nicht.

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  • Das Trencher Blockhaus sieht jetzt nicht so aus, als wäre es schwer das selber zu basteln. Plasticard Leim etc. Und ab geht es.
    Der Rev Judi sieht nicht anders aus als früher. Man fragt sich allerdings ob der viel kleiner oder größer ist als Primarch Magnus. Und wie groß ist da der Preisunterschied? Aber das PP seine Preise nicht niedrig gestaltet ist ja bekannt. 109$ sind schon nicht wenig. Und ja mir ist durchaus bewusst, dass der Judicator jetzt billiger wird.
    Bin gespannt ob der Rev seinen Weg in meine Sammlung findet. Bei einigen Castern ist er ja echt gut aufgehoben.

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