von BK-Marcus | 07.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Warmachine

Warmachine: Neuheiten

Bei Privateer Press gibt es neue Modelle für Warmachines Cygnar und die Söldner!


Colbie Sterling, Captain of the Black River Irregulars – 11,99 USD

A skilled ’jack marshal and mechanik and a versatile fighter, Colbie Sterling is the captain of a small mercenary company known as the Black River Irregulars—a group with a reputation for getting things done even when it means putting themselves at risk. Sterling seeks the most lucrative contracts, with the goal of amassing enough wealth to transform the BRI into a truly formidable mercenary force.


Thorn Gun Mages – 27,99 USD

Clothed in black to honor and mourn the last king of Llael, Thorn Gun Mages are among the deadliest and most zealous soldiers of the Llaelese Resistance. Each of these veteran gun mages is a lethal arcane combatant skilled in the use of Llaelese double-barreled magelocks. Their virtuosity with their weapons is matched only by their solidarity as they fight in an increasingly desperate cause.


Captain Allison Jakes – 15,99 USD

Captain Allison Jakes earned her promotion to full-fledged warcaster through circumstances far beyond the scope of any ordinary trial, and she now carries herself with the confidence of one who has seen the ravages of war. With each new battle her reputation grows, and despite her youth she commands the respect of any fortunate enough to serve under her command.


Brickhouse – 59,99 USD

With its advanced armament and heavily armored hull, Major Beth Maddox’s personal warjack Brickhouse is a veritable wall of steel. While capable of enduring sustained assaults and holding vital battlefield positions, the warjack is just as eager to wade into enemy ranks to crush opposing warjacks with blows from its devastating power maul. No matter the situation, this bulwark of Cygnaran engineering is a welcome sight to its allies.

PiP Warmachine Caine's Hellslingers

Caine’s Hellslingers – 29,99 USD

Caine’s Hellslingers has developed a reputation as one of the toughest and deadliest outfits in western Immoren. Comprised of former Black 13th gun mages Lieutenant Darsey Ryan and Sergeant Samuel Watts as well as the renegade warcaster Allister Caine himself, this trio has gunned down scores of opponents. Their intelligence, expertise, and lethality make them a force to be reckoned with.

PiP Hordes Una the Skyhunter

Una the Skyhunter – 16,99 USD

During her time tending the far-flung griffon roosts of the Circle, Una developed an unparalleled affinity with the winged beasts and now employs them to cut down opponents without mercy. Having refined her arcane command over the elements, she is able to call upon the howling gales and updrafts of the highest mountain peaks to shape the flow of battle.

PiP Hordes Kaya the Wildheart

Kaya the Wildheart – 29,99 USD

Atop her moon-white wolf Laris, Kaya the Wildheart rides at the head of swift forces fighting with fang and claw. She and Laris operate as one, Kaya skewering foes with her spear while the great wolf’s jaws clamp down on exposed throats. Any pack of beasts under Kaya’s command strikes with stunning speed and power, rendering the opposition incapable of counterattack.

PiP Hordes Fyanna, Torment of Everblight

Fyanna, Torment of Everblight – 17,99 USD

Fyanna, Torment of Everblight is one of Legion’s fiercest forward commanders. She leads small strike forces of blighted Nyss against key targets deep in enemy territory to make way for more substantial Legion forces. Having received the ultimate gift in the form of a shard Everblight’s athanc, Fyanna combines her skill as a formidable assassin with the power of the dragon’s deadly spawn.

PiP Hordes Kallus, Devastation of Everblight

Kallus, Devastation of Everblight – 37,99 USD

The pattern for Kallus’ mind and body are indelibly imprinted upon his athanc shard, ensuring his restoration no matter what he undergoes. This was proven when Kallus endured the one act that could truly destroy him: being consumed by a dragon. What should have ended his existence instead made him evolve into something stronger. Kallus now butchers enemies with tooth and claw in a draconic form reminiscent of Everblight’s own.

PiP Hordes Azrael

Azrael – 59,99 USD

A marriage of blighted blood and Nyss flesh, Azrael is the personal warbeast of Kryssa, Conviction of Everblight and manifests the greatest qualities of the nephilim. He possesses a cunning intellect and wields more power than most of his kin. A muscular, serpentine body and full, leathery wings propel Azrael through the sky, and his ash and flame scour the battlefield of all who would oppose the Legion of Everblight.

PiP Hordes Horgle the Anvil

Horgle the Anvil – 22,99 USD

The destruction of his kriel at the talons of Everblight’s legion set Horgle Ironstrike on a solitary path of fiery conflict. Though he has found a new sense of purpose in forging weapons for other kriels, he preserves his autonomy and refuses to put down roots. Horgle’s journeys draw him ever toward sites of bloodshed and mayhem as he seeks to unleash his simmering rage against all enemies of the trollkin race.

Warmachine & Hordes ist unter anderem bei unseren Partnern Fantasy-In  und Fantasy Warehouse erhältlich.

Der deutsche Vertrieb für Warmachine & Hordes liegt bei Ulisses Spiele.

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Link: Privateer Press


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Hmm, viele gute Sachen dabei diesmal. Ich bin ja schon lange bei Warmachine raus, aber diese Minis gefallen mir fast alle. Einzig Kayas Reitposition sieht etwas seltsam aus…

    • Kriegsvoltigieren. ^^

      Aber sonst muss ich mich anschließen, da gefällt mir doch überraschend viel diesen Monat.

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