von BK-Nils | 19.04.2017 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Warforged – First Contact: Kickstarter gestartet

Der Kickstarter von Reforged Studios zur Finanzierung von Warforged: First Contact ist gestartet.

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Warforged: First Contact is a classic tabletop “man versus aliens” miniatures board game for two or more players inspired by the classics of yore such as Space Crusade and the much beloved Space Hulk, as well as influenced by more B movies (and AAA movies) than we’d like to confess to having seen. The plot: an elite group of warriors attempts to fight their way into the stronghold of a previously unknown enemy – an enemy that proves ever more threatening the further they go.

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We will charge for shipping through our pledge manager after the campaign ends. To be fair to all backers, shipping will be calculated based on the actual costs to ship the rewards you select.

Your rewards will be shipped from our international hubs, depending on where you are located. We ship from the UK for EU backers, China for Asia Pacific backers, Canada for Canadian backers, Australia for Oceanic backers, and the US for US backers and the rest of the world.

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Our current estimate for shipping costs for a standard game package are listed below. Please note, these prices are estimates only.

  • USA: $12 – $18 to most cities. $30 to Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico.
  • Canada: $15 – $30 to most cities.
  • UK: $12 – $18 to most cities.
  • Europe: $15 – $20 to Western Europe. $20 – $30 to Northern Europe. $30 – $40 to Eastern and Southern Europe.
  • Asia: $15 to China and Hong Kong. $30 – $40 to most other countries.
  • Oceania: $15 – $25 to Australia. $30 to New Zealand.
  • Latin America: $60 – 70 to most countries.
  • Africa: $50 – $60 to most countries.

Unfortunately, due to complications with import laws and customs, we are unable to ship to Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Afghanistan.

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The fabled Beasts of War created one of their popular „Let’s Play“ videos for Warforged: First Contact, using prototype miniatures, tokens and board.

Host Justin McAuley praised the game’s mechanics and looks forward to the future developments. „I think this going to be a really fun game,“ he said. „It’s going to be very interesting to actually see what happens with all the different scenarios and the ways you can play through it.“

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Warforged: First Contact is a skirmish-level exploration game where the Iron Legionaries of the Terran Authority investigate a dimension-spanning shrine-portal of the alien Mantra. The Iron Legion will need to use tight coordination and clever tactics to overcome the limitless hordes of the Mantra and battle their way to the heart of the shrine-portal.

  • 2+ Players using Iron Legion versus the Mantra (additional players take command of separate Iron Legion squads; the Mantra player acts as „dungeon master“).
  • 20-60 minutes play time depending on the scenario.
  • Unique and accessible command card activation system.
  • A wide selection of friends and enemies to use from lowly expendables to mighty heroes.
  • Traps, alien conditions and reinforcements shift the odds through a game. Victory is rarely assured and games remain exciting to the last throw of the dice.

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Warforged: First Contact uses one-to-one model representation so one miniature equals one soldier, hero or one of the strange beings the Mantra deploys. These are 28mm to 32mm tall, corresponding to human-height models (roughly) because that’s the accepted standard for models and we wanted models that people would want to collect – not least for us to collect too!

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Each model in a game is represented by a command card which includes all the characteristics and special rules for that model. On each game turn all of the command cards are shuffled together and then drawn one at a time, with each model activating and taking their actions when a card of their type is drawn.

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An activated model has two actions that can be used to move or shoot (or shoot and shoot, or move and move). Models can be set to overwatch for lurking foes that activate later in the turn, but positioning is crucial as models can only use their ranged attacks in a limited front fire arc.

The Iron Legionaries are tough fighters that are well-armed for ranged fighting with rifles and a variety of heavy weapons. They can also field a mighty Ironclad in support.

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The Mantra forces vary greatly; Chorals are quick but fragile hand-to-hand fighters that become deadly when massed, hulking Descants have the ability to pound Legionaries both up close and from a distance, while the Deva are winged terrors quite capable of ripping through an entire Legionary squad.

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In the Warforged universe heroes are those who can harness Fracture energy and channel it. Unique hero skill cards are included in the action deck whenever a hero is present. The Warforged: First Contact base game includes two heroes, one for the Iron Legion and one for the Mantra, with many more planned for the expansions.
Kara is commander of the Iron Legion forces, one of the Authority’s Awoken whose connection to the Brand is so strong it has unlocked truly superhuman abilities. Kara is a virtually unstoppable force in close combat, and her very presence can inspire her Legionaries to fight to the death and beyond.
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Angra is the thrice-blessed prophet of the Ganth race, vanguard of the Mantra and the first truly divine to arrive in the reality shard occupied by humanity. So far he is not impressed. Angra wields the heaviest firepower available to the Mantra in the shape of his triple-barrelled Fury cannon.
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Sci-fi dungeon crawler/tactical skirmish games typically have linear corridors, square rooms and 90 degree corners. We wanted a more eclectic environment for the interior of the Mantra shrine-portal and the flexibility of the mighty hexagon for our map movement and ranges. Warforged: First Contact features a number of unique multi-hex tiles designed to be modular in nature to allow a wide variety of maps and re-playability.
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Each tile is named and has its own Discovery card detailing typical Mantra force, reinforcements and whether any traps and/or special conditions (like low gravity or blinding light) may be placed on them.
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Thanks to the multi-dimensional nature of the shrine-portal (ok, and game designer artifice) these tiles can be used and re-arranged across multiple scenarios.
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Andy Chambers and Tuomas Pirinen are veteran game developers with over 50 years of experience between the two of them. The titles they have worked on include Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000, Mordheim, Battlefieet Gothic, Necromunda, Gorka Morka, Starship Troopers, Space Marine, Titan Legions, Epic 40,000 and many, many others. Recently Andy also took part in the highly successful Kickstarter campaign for Dropfleet Commander.
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Risks and challenges

Cumulatively, our team has decades of experience in game design and production. We know, therefore, there can always be issues that arise during production and shipping. We will do our best to mitigate any issues that arise and keep our backers informed through regular updates.

For this project we have teamed up with Ninja Division Publishing to take advantage of their production experience and strong network of partners in manufacturing, shipping, logistics, and distribution to help ensure a smooth delivery of Warforged: First Contact to your tabletop.

The estimated delivery date is June 2018, but this is only an estimate. Backers in different regions of the world may also receive their rewards sooner than others.


We can refund your money within 14 days of the campaign’s end, fees included. After that, we offer refunds minus Kickstarter and payment processing fees (which we can’t get back from them after 14 days). Once we have begun packaging your pledge for shipment (usually 4 to 6 weeks before the actual shipping date), no refunds are possible. If a component cannot be delivered AT ALL, we will refund that completely, including fees.

All refunds 14 days after the close of the campaign may be processed via Paypal or reversed via Stripe to your credit card at our discretion. Refunds within 14 days are reversed via Stripe to your credit card.

This project is being funded in USD and any refunds processed will be in USD for the exact amount received in USD, excluding any applicable fees depending on the time of the refund being processed.


By pledging to this project, you acknowledge that the final look, materials and content of the rewards (and the project) are subject to change and may differ substantially from what is presented while the Kickstarter project was active.

If you do not log in and confirm your pledge within 8 weeks of our notification via email to confirm your pledge, you agree that we have fulfilled our obligations to you in full for payment or donations received. However, we may, at our discretion, refund or ship your pledge if you contact us and confirm your pledge after the 8 week window has elapsed. Unconfirmed pledges make it difficult for us to plan production and logistics, and in the past have led to project delays. For this project we do not intend to allow this to happen, which may mean if you confirm your pledge too late, exclusive items may not be produced in sufficient quantity for your pledge.

If you confirm your pledge within 8 weeks of our notification via email, you agree that our responsibility to you is to ship your order as entered into our pledge manager system, that title and risk passes to you upon delivery to a common carrier for such shipment, and you are responsible for import duties or any other duties that may be payable to the relevant tax authorities, providing correct address information and ensuring this address is deliverable by normal methods. We regret we are unable to ship to PO Boxes.

If you do not accept these terms, please do not pledge on this project but instead wait for the general release.

Die Kampagne steht zum Zeitpunkt als dieser Artikel entstanden ist bei rund 30.000 USD vom Zielbetrag 60.000 USD und läuft noch 12 Tage.

Quelle: Warforged: First Contact auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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