von BK-Christian | 01.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

Twisting Catacombs: Minotaur Horde Kickstarter

Der neue Kickstarter von Zealot Miniatures ist online.

Our continued goal is to create the next-level of miniatures for your games and painting. More detailed, more dynamic, more characterful and better than before. We are pushing things forward. Because, as every painter or gamer knows – these are not toys; this is miniature art!

It has been a while since nearly 1,000 kind gamers worldwide helped us bring to life  TC: Fantasy Dungeon Terrain, back on KS, in 2014. Now we have returned, we are ready to raise the bar once again with a new range of models. With these, we have the scope to really show off how proper resin models should look. Welcome, adventurer, to the Minotaur Horde!

A lot of companies focus on budget value, and that’s good, if good value is what you want. More models for your money, buckets of models cast in PVC plastic, spin-cast ‚restic‘ models. Cheaper production, corners cut. You get more mediocre models than you could ever paint or really appreciate. Familiar, right? I know 😉

Now these Minos are a little bit different, these are the kind of high detail miniatures which will get a „Wow“ from your gamer friends when you reveal them. Miniatures which you will want to paint and will want to keep in your collection forever.

Um diese Modelle geht es:

ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 1 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 2 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 3 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 4 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 5 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 6

Das sind die Stretch Goals:

ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 7 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 8 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 9 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 10 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 11

Hier noch ein paar Schritte vom Render zum bemalten Modell.

ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 12 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 13 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 14 ZM Twisting Catacombs Minotaur Horde Kickstarter 15

Quelle: Twisting Catacombs . The Minotaur Horde


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Mir gefällt das Gezeigte sehr gut, doch mangelt es mir an einem Verwendungszweck für die Minotauren, mit dem ich den Anschaffungspreis rechtfertigen könnte.

  • ‚Tschuldigung, aber:
    Geiler Scheiß!

    Hab mich vor Jahren gegen Tiermenschen entschieden – wären diese Minotauren (oder ähnliche) verfügbar gewesen, wär ich wohl nicht dran vorbeigekommen…

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