von BK-Rene | 04.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Norba Miniatures: Scenography Kickstarter

Norba Miniatures haben über Kickstarter erfolgreich eine Reihe an szenischen Geländestücken finanziert.

Scenography for Wargames

Hi everyone!
This is the first project that we launch with Kickstarter, after two years of experience working entirely with miniatures. We are so excited with this project and we hope that it will be to your liking.


Our goal is to make known a new line of products of our company, based on scenography, to complement our Fantasy and Battle of the Ring ranges. In addition we want to gather the experience of this work to see how aspects can be improved, if any. We have collected the positive and negative points of other campaings to develop one that will fully satisfy customers, regarding to communication and quality of our products.

If this project achieves the goals that we set, it will be the first of many, because we have more drawings of other models, some bigger that this ones. If you support us we will offer more scenography in our habitual prices.

Individuelle Pledge Level

NM Ruined Palace NM Medieval Houses NM Watchtower Hill

Ruined Palace
Set composed by a ruined base, two big walls and three small ones, six pieces in total.

Medieval Houses
Set composed by three medieval houses.

Watchtower Hill
Set composed by a watchtower elevated on a hill, with two mythological statues.

Kombinierte Pledges

Ruined Palace + Medieval Houses 65€
Palace and Houses sets in a single pack.
You save 5€ compared to purchasing them individually.


Watchtower Hill + Ruined Palace 70€
Watchtower and Palace sets in a single pack.
You save 5€ compared to purchasing them individually.


Watchtower Hill + Medieval Houses 70€
Watchtower and Houses sets in a single pack.
You save 5€ compared to purchasing them individually.


Watchtower + Palace + Houses 90€
The three sets Watchtower + Palace + Houses in a single pack.
You save 15€ compared to purchasing them individually.

Stretch Goals

NM Stone Fountain NM Water Well NM ArchNM Edward The Breton

NM Skull Bases NM King Stone Statue  NM Colossal Stone Head

Der Kickstarter endete erfolgreich am 2. Juli mit 208 Unterstützern und fast 15.000€ Beitrag.

Alle die den Kickstarter (wie wir…) verpasst haben, oder eins der Stretch Goals noch einmal haben möchten, können sämtliche vorgestellten Geländestücke in Zukunft auch im regulären Shop von Norba erwerben.

Quelle: Scenography for Wargames , Norba Miniatures


Jungredakteur für den Brückenkopf - Spielt: Viel Warmachine (Convergence of Cyriss / Minions), fast alles andere was Privateer so vertreibt, wenn es sich ergibt auch mal Infinity (Tohaa) oder irgendwas mit meinen Skelett Horden.

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