von BK-Thorsten | 12.10.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Historisch

Tiny Terrain: 28mm Chechen Wars Kickstarter

Tiny Terrain Miniatures haben einen Kickstarter mit 28mm-Miniaturen zum Tscheschenienkrieg gestartet.

28mm ChechenWars KS01

Hi, and welcome to Tiny Terrain Model’s „War in Chechnya“ Kickstarter, to launch a new range of highly detailed 28mm metal miniatures sculpted by leading miniature creator Igor Karpov. The range includes Chechen fighters and Russian VDV Recon troops.

Our aim is to put into production 20 new metal figures (+ stretch goals), and is aimed at wargamers looking for high quality miniatures to play the 1st Chechen war (although as you will see the figures are suited to many other modern theatres as well).

Our aim is simple, to produce some of the best Russian and Chechen miniatures on the market, which are sized to fit right alongside other popular manufactures ranges, so you can use them either in small skirmish games on their own or in larger games with your current collection.

Tiny Terrain Models already designs and sells a range of metal 28mm modern miniatures via its own website www.tinyterrainmodels.co.uk and when late last year we saw the incredible sculpts that Igor had created for the Chechen Wars we knew we had to release them. All the sculpts have been hand made by Igor using traditional, non digital techniques, and are ready to go straight into production. Igor is one of the worlds finest 28mm sculptors and is the man behind the hugely popular website www.lead-adventure.com and the recent very successful Bruegelburg Kickstarter.

The master sculpts are finished and ready for moulding, so the KS is simply to finance the production moulds and make the figures. To be on the safe side we are predicting delivery early in 2018, but we hope to ship much sooner. 5 of the stretch goals are already sculpted, so depending on how many are unlocked, extras may take a little longer to produce. Please Note access to the stretch goals are exclusively for those backers at pledge level „All In“ only.

So you can see exactly what you will get, the images below are of the master sculpts from which your miniatures will be made. No 3D renders, drawings, or fancy graphics, just the sculpts:

Los geht’s. für 4 GBP ist man dabei. Je nach gewähltem Pledge darf man sich dann eine Miniatur einer der zwei beteiligten Fraktionen aussuchen. Die restlichen Pledges behandeln jeweils einen Komplettsatz entweder der Russen oder der Tscheschenen für 30 GBP und das letzte beide Fraktionen komplett für 50 GBP.

Popovskikh’s Scouts – £30 – All 10 VDV Recon:

28mm ChechenWars KS06 28mm ChechenWars KS07 28mm ChechenWars KS08 28mm ChechenWars KS09

Hamzat’s Heroes – £30 – All 10 Chechen Fighters:

28mm ChechenWars KS10 28mm ChechenWars KS11 28mm ChechenWars KS12 28mm ChechenWars KS13

Einige Stretchgoals wurden bereits freigeschaltet, an anderen wird noch gearbeitet:

Stretch 1 – Open at £2000 (FREE to backers who pledge „All In“) – Chechen Sniper Set #1 (UNLOCKED):

28mm ChechenWars KS14

Stretch #2 – Open at £2750 (FREE to backers who pledge „All In“) – Russian AT Support Set #1 (UNLOCKED):

28mm ChechenWars KS15

Stretch #3 Open at £3500 (FREE to backers who pledge „All In“) – MDF Ruined Warehouse UNLOCKED):

28mm ChechenWars KS16 28mm ChechenWars KS17

Stretch Goal #4 – Open at £4250 (Free to all backers at the „All in“ pledge level) – Chechen Sniper Set #2 – (UNLOCKED):

28mm ChechenWars KS18

Stretch Goal #5 – Open at £5000 – (Free to all backers at the „All in“ pledge level) – Chechen Female Fighter – (UNLOCKED):

28mm ChechenWars KS19

Stretch #6 – Open at £5750 (FREE to backers who pledge „All In“) – Russian PKM Support Set #1 (LOCKED):     

28mm ChechenWars KS20

Stretch #7 – Open at £6500 (FREE to backers who pledge „All In“) – Russian Sniper Set #1 (LOCKED):

28mm ChechenWars KS21

Die Lieferung erfolgt aus dem UK, allerdings wurden keine Angaben zu den Kosten gemacht. Der Kickstarter ist bereits gut finanziert und endet am 22. Oktober.

Link: 28mm Chechen Wars auf Kickstarter 


Brückenkopf-Online Redakteur und Tabletop Insider stv. Chefredakteur. Spielt Infinity, SAGA, Freebooter's Fate, Kings of War, Warhammer 40k, Warzone Resurrection, Dropzone Commander, Deadzone, Dreadball, X-Wing, Konflikt '47, Bolt Action, Dead Man's Hand, Dracula's America, Beyond the Gates of Antares, Dropfleet Commander, Frostgrave, Collision, Bushido, Shadespire, Aristeia! und Warpath.

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      • Ich sag Danke fürs raussuchen. Die Sachen sind vielleicht nicht meinbLieblingsthema, der Stil von Igor Karpov ist aber mein derzeitiger favouisierter Stil. Die Figuren haben alle viel Charakter und machen einfach Spaß. So ähnlich wie wenn man zum ersten Mal Figuren von Hicks bemalt.

  • Genau mein Ding!
    Damit kann man schoen SPECTRE: Operations oder Skirmish Sangin spielen.

    Ich glaube Sally 4th hat einen BMD im Sortiment… 😀

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