von BK-Christian | 27.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Thunderchild Miniatures: Radtown Returns Kickstarter

Der neue Kickstarter von Thunderchild Miniatures ist da!

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Welcome to the Kickstarter campaign for Radtown Returns – a range of 35mm scenery and critters perfect for your games of Wasteman, or any sci-fi setting.

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As many existing Wasteman collectors will know, I used to have a great range of scenery and critters that sadly went out of production when I moved house and started to outsource my casting.

With your help I will get the Radtown ruins out of the graveyard and onto your tabletop where they belong, Re-moulded and gloriously cast in unpainted, high quality resin!

With your pledge you will receive a selection of scenery sets and/or miniatures from the list below, dependant on the reward level you select.

You can also add extra sets, and figures not included in your reward level! To add these to your reward simply add the amount shown in the corresponding swag bag image to your pledge. Please add the funds to your pledge during the campaign. Shortly after the kickstarter has finished I will send a survey to find out which specific sets you wanted.

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All of my Wasteman figures, and thus the RadTown miniatures too, are sculpted to 35mm scale. Although humans at this scale will appear larger than the more traditional 28mm nothing included on the scenery or critter figures should look too out of place when compared to figures from most ranges.

Providing I exceed my goal I have loads more sets just waiting to be remastered, and even some unreleased figures! These will become available to add to your pledge once the following goals have been exceeded.

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Wasteman is a frantic game, set amongst the ruins of a neglected and scorched earth. Engage in desperate battles between post-humans, hideous monstrosities and killer robots over the dregs of an age of gluttony. Take control of you own syndicate and test your mettle against the weird and terrifying denizens of the wastes!

Fun, easy to learn, and refreshingly crazy, players or ‚comrades‘ control syndicates, typically comprised of between 5 and 20 ruthless denizens of the wastes, in an attempt to vanquish their opponent, survive bizarre encounters and/or capture much needed supplies.

To find out more and check out the abundant range of figures to populate your wasteland go to www.tcminiatures.co.uk Want to use your scenery and critters for another game? Go for it – they’ll fit right in with all kinds of ranges!

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 7 Tage.

Quelle: Radtown Returns – Post apocalyptic scenery and critters


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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