von BK-Nils | 08.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Thunder Chrome 2: 3D-Druck Gelände KS

Gelände zum ausdrucken mit einem 3D-Drucker gibt es im Thunder Chrome 2 Kickstarter.

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TC:2 is a huge range of fully modular Sci-Fi scenery developed to be 3D printed. If you are into wargames or roleplaying games and you own or have access to a 3D printer, then you have come to the right place. At the end of our last campaign our backers voted our next range to be Sci Fi, and we like being true to our word. So here we present you

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Each pledge level gives you access to a number of STL files that you can print as many times as you need, which means endless possibilities for combinations (and saves you a LOT of money).

Measurements and printing volumes

This time we have designed a system of walls, floors and roofs that you can combine at will to create any futuristic city you may need for your wargames. Each wall measures aprox. 9cm long x 6cm tall (18cm x 6cm for double walls, floors and roofs) so they fit most printing volumes.

Besides the modular system we want to design a massive range of extras to help you dress your city. As such, you can expect fountains, sewers, urban furniture (streetlamps, benches, cables, trees, etc.), urban floors and anything you can imagine an need to build your gaming table.

And of course we have our Memorable buildings, unique models that make the center piece of any gaming table. This time we want our Memorables to be modular, so we will offer you different options to customize them: optional roofs, attachments and details to make them even more awesome.


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Death lurks in every corner!

Thunder Chrome is defined by our 3 M: Modular, Memorable and Mad. Well, we have added a 4th M to our proposal: Mold-breaker!!!


There are two things to have in mind when speaking about modularity. The first one, modularity is not just combining catwalks and platforms. Full modularity involves building alleys, stackable buildings and multi-level cities, and we offer you that here.

The second thing to have in mind is how modular a model is. We have gone a step further with our models and this time we offer floors, walls and roofs so you can combine all of them at will. For this we have developed a simple system of tabs and slots that hold the structures together to ensure they don’t fall apart mid game. This, of course, lets you play outside and inside the buildings just by removing the roofs.


As usual, we have unique buildings that will stand out in any Sci Fi city such as the Armory, included in the Mega-city One pledge. This time we want our Memorables to be modular too, so expect them to be easily customizable. You can print some more components and decide to make them bigger (or smaller), change roofs, doors and all the possible options we can come up with.

More Memorable buildings will unlock as stretch goals, so be ready for more awesomeness!!!


As a Thunder Chrome backer you must always look for hidden easter eggs. May be you can locate little homages to Sci Fi history, be it a movie or a book. Just pay attention, you’ll be surprised!


This time we have really pushed the technology forward, and after lots of testing we want to offer you unique features in our models. The two main characteristics we have been able to achieve are: breakable in-game buildings and sliding doors/windows. Until now, no scenery offered by any company had this two features included. They really change the options during gameplay, as for the first time the environments change!

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Death lurks in the rooftops!

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Every pledge will let you add a new level of complexity and new mechanics to your city.

Space Outpost pledge (1 euro/1 dollar)

This pledge gives you access to the Add Ons shop when it opens.

Acheron pledge (20 euros/22 dollars)

This pledge gives you access to the basics of the modular system. A set of walls, floors and roofs that will let you build stackable structures with infinite possibilities. We also include a ladder to connect floors.

This pledge gives you access to all stretch goals unlocked up to 2.500 euros.

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Acheron components preview

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Possible layout built with the Acheron pledge components

Pledge contents

1 short inner floor – 9cm x 9cm

2 different short roofs – 9cm x 9cm

1 long roof – 9cm x 18cm

6 different walls – (including one with a door and one with a window) – 6cm x 9cm

2 long walls (including one with a door and one with windows) – 6cm x 18cm

1 ladder

2 different street floors – 9cm x 9cm

Trantor pledge (45 euros/50 dollars)

This pledge adds several new components to the modular system. First the catwalks, which come with two different support columns (6cm and 12cm tall) a set of stairs and a special roof of the same style. We also include in this level two special pieces: one to let you build L-shaped buildings and another one to link two straight walls. This will allow you to make buildings of any length. Finally, we also add new walls, roofs and floors to the modular system.

This pledge gives you access to all stretch goals unlocked up to 5.000 euros.

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Trantor components preview

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Possible layout built with the Trantor pledge components

Pledge contents

1 Catwalk – 9cm x 18cm

1 Catwalk column (6cm tall)

1 Catwalk column (12cm tall)

1 Catwalk Staircase

1 Roof with catwalk style – 9cm x 9cm

1 inner long floor – 9cm x 18cm

2 new urban floors – 9cm x 9cm

2 new short walls – 6cm x 9cm

2 new long walls (one of them with a hangar door) 6cm x 18cm

2 Special pieces: one to create L shaped buildings, one to combine short walls.

Neo Tokio pledge (60 euros/67 dollars)

This pledge adds a new component to the modular system, the Hab Blocks. A set of special pieces will let you create complex multi-level structures, entire hab blocks linked by stairs and catwalks. We also add new models for the modular system with curved corners and curved roofs to match them, to avoid what we call the „shoebox effect“.

This pledge gives you access to all stretch goals unlocked up to 7.500 euros.

IMPORTANT: This pledge is still in development and the renders you see below are early designs. As such, the final models will be enhanced with further detail to ensure not two models look alike.

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Neo Tokio components preview

Pledge contents

1 new roof (pyramid style)

1 Curved roof/terrace

1 Street staircase

1 Curved wall

1 Curved roof

The Hab Blocks: a still to be defined set of floors, roofs, walls, terraces, ramps and catwalks compatible with the modular system that will let you build structures like the two from the image above.

Mega-city One pledge (80 euros/89 dollars)

The ultimate pledge. Here is the real game changer. We include our awesome breakable walls and roofs which let you simulate in game damage to structures. We also include here thesliding doors and windows, opening new options for gameplay.

This pledge level includes the Armory, a huge Memorable building to act as a center piece to any game table. The Armory is also modular in its design, so you will be able to build it as big as you need it, just by combining roofs, floors and walls. It comes with twin cannons to defend it from any possible menace.

This pledge gives you access to all stretch goals unlocked in this campaign.

IMPORTANT: This pledge is still in development and the renders you see below are early designs. As such, the final models will be enhanced with further detail to ensure not two models look alike.

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Mega-city One components preview

2 breakable short walls

2 breakable long walls

1 breakable short roof

1 long wall with sliding door

1 short wall with sliding door

1 Memorable Building: the Armory

Returning backers

Returning backers from our previous campaign will have a VERY special surprise. David is still thinking about it, but rest assured you will be pleased.

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David thinking

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Death lurks in every shadow!

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Death lurks at all heights!

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We have planned a massive amount of stretch goals to unlock during the campaign. There are three main categories here: on one side, we will unlock packs of extra roofs, walls, and floors for the modular system to give you even more options when building your structures. Then we also want to unlock extras for you to use as cover, objective markers or just as decor for your cities. Lastly, the Memorable buildings. We will be unlocking them as the campaign advances! Mind that the stretch goals are still early development, we will show concepts and early designs as they unlock.

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Risks and challenges

This is our second Kickstarter and there are some things we have learned from the first one, specially regarding delivery dates. In Thunder Chrome 1 we managed to deliver all our models in time, but that required a massive amount of work from our part (we are still happily married, but it was close). That’s why we are stablishing slightly longer delivery dates. This will allow us to complete and test our models in every possible way and ensure you the best possible results.

We have been working on this range for six months now. The modular system has been tested in different RepRap printers and works perfectly. So there are no risks regarding this part of the project.

The Neo Tokio and Mega-City One pledges are early designs and still need a lot of testing, but having the modular system working we only need time to finish sculpting the designs.

Die Kampagne hat das Ziel von 5.000 Euro erreicht und läuft noch 22 Tage.

Quelle: Thunder Chrome 2 auf Kickstarter


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Das ist eine nette Idee, aber was mir nicht in den Kopf will warum braucht es dafür einen Kickstarter? Ich meine die Jungs haben die Designarbeit gemacht und verkaufen jetzt nur noch die stl Dateien. Das kann man auch über einen Shop machen, da im Grunde das Produkt fertig ist. Die eigentliche Arbeit fängt doch jetzt für den Kunden an. Wochenlanges Drucken um ein bisschen Gelände auf der Platte zu haben. Ich weiß wovon ich spreche was 3D Druck angeht.

    • Vielleicht ganz einfach Aufmerksamkeit, denn solche Pläne in einem Shop bereit zu stellen heißt nicht, dass man was verkauft.
      Über den KS hat man ein festen Zulauf und vor allem wird man bekannt.

      Ich habe zwar – noch – keinen 3D-Drucker, aber überlege mir ernsthaft, da mitzumachen, da ich mir nächstes Jahr einen zulegen möchte…
      Und da hätte ich schon mal Pläne, die mir ganz gut gefallen; ohne den KS – und die Berichterstattung des BK – hätte ich von der Firma und ihrem Portfolio nie erfahren…

  • 3D Drucken und Geländebau ist wirklich ein Thema für sich, klar kann man tolle Sachen machen, was man aber echt nicht vergessen darf ist der Zeitaufwand und auch die nicht unbeträchtlichen Strom und Materialkosten. Viele Drucke laufen viele viel Stunden manchmal Tage bis sie fertig sind und verbrauchen echt ordentlich Strom durch die lange Laufzeiten. Auch ist das Filament im Kilopreis nicht sooo teuer aber nicht jeder Druck gelingt, es passiert z.B., dass sich der Druck von der Platte löst, das zu wenig oder zu viel Material geruckt wird (under and over extrusion) oder man kommt nach Stunden zum Drucker und findet nur eine wilde Mutation an geschmolzenem Kunststoff mit Haaren vor.
    Ich lassen meine 3D Drucker auch echt nur ungern alleine laufen, den ich will nicht wirklich einen Wohnungsbrand durch ein überhitzen Extruder etc haben.
    Zumal man bei Filamentdruckern immer die Druckwürstchen sieht, fast egal wie fein man die Schichten macht. SLA Drucker sind da besser aber ob man die Bazelei mit dem füssigen Resin und dessen Kosten braucht, hmm da kommt man warscheinlich auf Dauer mit denOriginal GW Bausätze billiger.

    Positv ist klar man kann viele individuelle Teile Drucken und mit etwas Können im Bereich 3D Design (empfehle Fusion 360, ist kostenlos und recht mächtig) auch wirklich viel machen. Es kostet aber echt viel Zeit, im Design und erst recht im Druck.

    Die Anschaffungskosten für eine 3D Drucker Bausatz aus China liegen bei rund 200€ und manchmal darunter. Man muss aber darauf einstellen, das ist kein Drucker out of the box sondern man muss ne Menge Zeit investieren in Aufbau, Einstellungen Kalibrieren und Optimieren.

    Als tip noch für alle intressiereten es gibt sehr viele Tolle Modelle auch bei thingiverse.com dort mal nach Warhammer suchen vom Spacemarine über Orkbot bis zum Landraider findet man für fast alles Druckvorlagen (.stl Files). Ob dann der fertige 3D Druck den eigen Ansprüchen genügt muss jeder für sich selbst entscheiden.

      • Tut mir leid stimmt so nicht, wenn du dich registrierst als Privatperson kannst du es über die 30 Tage kostenlos weiter benutzen. Dies gilt für Startup, Hobbyanwender und Bastler.

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