von BK-Herr Kemper | 01.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Postapokalypse

The Walking Dead: Neuheiten

Mantic hat einen Schwung Neuheiten für das The Walking Dead: All Out War Miniatures Game im Angebot.

Mantic Walking Dead Negan 01 Mantic Walking Dead Negan 02

Negan Booster – 13,49 GBP

Negan is a savage man who adores mayhem, violence, and profane language and has a knack for manipulating others. He uses this to rule over his people, ‚The Saviors‘ with an iron fist, and becomes Rick’s most terrifying enemy to date.

This booster pack contains 3 unique, collectible miniatures allowing you to add Negan and the bandit Andy to your games, along with an extra Walker to bulk out your herd.

  • Plastic Negan Miniature
  • Plastic Andy Miniature
  • Plastic Walker Miniature
  • Negan and Andy Character Cards
  • .22 Revolver, Adrenaline Shot, Grenade, and Lucille Equipment Cards
  • Mantic Point

Mantic Walking Dead Miles Behind Us Expansion 01 Mantic Walking Dead Miles Behind Us Expansion 02

Miles Behind Us Expansion – 24,99 GBP

Miles Behind Us is a narrative expansion to The Walking Dead: All Out War Miniatures Game, containing a series of scenarios to recreate the Atlanta group’s fortunes after meeting the Greene family, from encountering Tyreese, to discovering the farm under dramatic circumstances, to the shock of opening the barn doors! The set also includes new characters, equipment, supplies, events and scenery to expand your regular games.

It also contains brand new rules for linking multiple games as a campaign, allowing your characters to take injuries, earn experience, and find new equipment!

This expansion contains 6 unique, collectible miniatures allowing you to add Hershel, Billy, Otis and Patricia to your games, along with two extra Walkers to bulk out your herd, representing Hershel’s son and wife who were locked in the barn.

This set contains:


  • Plastic Hershel, Billy, Otis, and Patricia Miniatures
  • 2 Plastic Walker Miniatures
  • Hershel, Billy, Otis, Patricia, Lori, and Dale Character Cards
  • 12 Equipment Cards
  • 6 Supply Cards
  • Card Counters, templates and Scenery
  • Greene Farm Paper Mat/Wave 2 Checklist
  • Miles Behind Us Expansion Rulebook
  • Mantic Points



Mantic Walking Dead Tyreese 01 Mantic Walking Dead Tyreese 02

Tyreese Booster – 13,49 GBP

Starving and freezing, Tyreese – armed only with a hammer – led his family in search of sustenance, and stumbled upon Rick and his fellow survivors. Mercifully, Rick provided food for Tyreese’s trio, and took an instant liking to their leader, a former Atlanta Falcons linebacker.

This booster pack contains 3 unique, collectible miniatures allowing you to add Tyreese and the scavenger Carlos to your games, along with an extra Walker to bulk out your herd.

  • Plastic Tyreese Miniature
  • Plastic Carlos Miniature
  • Plastic Walker Miniature
  • Tyreese and Carlos Character Cards
  • Arctic Warfare Sniper Rifle, Claw Hammer, Football Helmet, and Football Pads Equipment Cards
  • Mantic Point


Mantic Walking Dead Glen 01 Mantic Walking Dead Glen 02

Glenn Booster – 13,49 GBP

Glenn was a pizza delivery boy struggling with debt, on the verge of losing his apartment. Speed and agility, street savvy, and a talent for scavenging crucial supplies helped Glenn establish himself as a key member of the original survivors.

This booster pack contains 3 unique, collectible miniatures allowing you to add Glenn and Lacey to your games, along with an extra Walker to bulk out your herd.

  • Plastic Glenn Miniature
  • Plastic Lacey Miniature
  • Plastic Walker Miniature
  • Glenn and Lacey Character Cards
  • Gory Clothing, Hershel’s Bag, Backpack, and Pitchfork Equipment Cards
  • Mantic Point

Mantic Walking Dead Greene Farm 01 Mantic Walking Dead Greene Farm 02 Mantic Walking Dead Greene Farm 03

The Walking Dead: Greene Family Farm – 34,99 GBP

„The barn? you don’t want to go in there, trust me.“

 This set contains all you need to build Hershel’s Barn, taken straight from the comic series and into your games of The Walking Dead including a barn, fences, a tractor, and resin hay bales.These detailed components match up perfectly to the card scenery pieces found in The Walking Dead: All Out War – Miles Behind Us Expansion, making them great replacements for use in your games. The barn features opening doors and removable roof for access to the interior – just don’t let the walkers out!

This set contains:

  • 1 MDF Barn Kit
  • 6 MDF Fences
  • 1 MDF Tractor
  • 4 Resin Hay Bales

Mantic Walking Dead Ezekiel 01 Mantic Walking Dead Ezekiel 02

Ezekiel Booster – 13,49 GBP

Ezekiel is an eccentric and arrogant man, and is the self-proclaimed ‘king’ of a community called the Kingdom. Along with his pet tiger, Shiva, he leads his group into an allegiance with Rick against Negan and the Saviors.

This booster pack contains 3 unique, collectible miniatures allowing you to add Ezekiel and Shiva to your games, along with an extra Walker to bulk out your herd.

  • Plastic Ezekiel Miniature
  • Plastic Shiva Miniature
  • Plastic Walker Miniature
  • Ezekiel and Shiva Character Cards
  • Crossbow, Fresh Meat, Makeshift Body Armour, and Shikomizue
  • Mantic Point

Mantic Walking Dead Julie Chris 01 Mantic Walking Dead Julie Chris 02

Julie and Chris Booster – 13,49 GBP

Julie was traveling with her father, Tyreese, and her boyfriend Chris when they crossed paths with Rick’s group. After firearms training at the Greene Family Farm, Tyreese allowed Julie and Chris to keep their guns, a decision that later proved deadly.

This booster pack contains 3 unique, collectible miniatures allowing you to add Julie and Chris to your games, along with an extra Walker to bulk out your herd.

  • Plastic Julie Miniature
  • Plastic Chris Miniature
  • Plastic Walker Miniature
  • Julie and Chris Character Cards
  • Felling Axe, Grenade, Police Vest, and UTAS-UTS-15 Equipment Cards
  • Mantic Point

Mantic Walking Dead Maggie 01 Mantic Walking Dead Maggie 02

Maggie Booster – 13,49 GBP

Maggie is Hershel’s middle daughter, and is happy to assert her independence from Hershel since he strongly objected to her and Glenn’s ‘sinful’ relationship. After watching her siblings get devoured and killed, Maggie has hardened around the edges.

This booster pack contains 3 unique, collectible miniatures allowing you to add Maggie and Arnold to your games, along with an extra Walker to bulk out your herd.

  • Plastic Maggie Miniature
  • Plastic Arnold Miniature
  • Plastic Walker Miniature
  • Maggie and Arnold Character Cards
  • Browning Hi-Power, Browning Hunting Rifle, Lasso, and Leather Jacket Equipment Cards
  • Mantic Point

Mantic Walking Dead Greene Farm Deluxe Mat


Deluxe Gaming Mat – Greene Farm – 19,99 GBP

This set contains a deluxe 20″ by 20″ neoprene gaming mat. One side has highly detailed artwork to represent the Greene Family Farm, while the other has a slip-resistant bottom to keep your games of The Walking Dead: All Out War in place on the table. The mats are designed to tessellate so that you can use multiple mats for larger games.

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Link: Mantic Games

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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