von BK-Christian | 18.04.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

The Third Law: Neuer Kickstarter

Primogenesis arbeiten an einem neuen Sci-Fi Spiel.

The Third Law is a thrilling and addictive 2-player miniatures game, based on clashes between rival Factions in a bleak near future. 

Combining highly detailed, metal robotic figures with cutting edge game mechanics in a fully immersive world, The Third Law will appeal to casual and tournament gamers alike.

Players take the role of elite programmers (Machinists) assembling their teams of robots (Wreckers) and upgrading them before entering the arena to smash, rend and tear their rivals apart in a perpetual pursuit of fame and glory.


  • Players: 2
  • Game Length: 60 – 90 minutes
  • Arena Size: 36″ x 24″ (3′ x 2′)
  • Model Count: Typically 3 to 7 models per team
  • Model Size: 30mm – 65mm (metal)
  • Factions: Initially 4 (but with an additional 4 ready)


  • Triple Resource Management
  • Opposed Roll Mechanics
  • Alternate Model Activations
  • Counteractions
  • List Building
  • Machinist and Wrecker Upgrades
  • Scenarios
  • Dynamic Interactive Battlefield

The 3 miniatures below are production-ready miniatures, all in metal, which have been professionally painted by the incredibly talented Seb Lavigne of DARK IRON STUDIO

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Put simply it’s to deal enough damage (Feedback) to your rival to render them comatose before they do the same to you.
There are two ways in which you can deal Feedback:

  1. Smashing up your rival’s Wreckers
  2. Controlling Nodes on the battlefield

Role of the Machinist

Players assume the role of a Machinist.  Each Machinist has a unique set of characteristics which directly affects the performance and play-style of their team including their signature ’special move‘ Programme.

Anatomy of a Game Turn

  • Game Turns are broken down into 5 Phases:
  • Initiative: Determine initiative and deploy any Wreckers not on the battlefield
  • Generation: Collect resources from your Wreckers and Nodes
  • Activation: Alternate between the players in selecting a Wrecker and completing all actions with it
  • Node: Check for control of Nodes and resolve effects
  • Cleardown: Reset all cards in preparation for next turn

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List Building

Customise your team, balancing resource generation of speed, aggression and defence against the points value of the Wreckers and their upgrades.


For more details about each of the 4 initial factions:

So sehen einige der Modelle aus:

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In case you are wondering how large these are, we have created a handy reference guide to a selection of Large, Medium and Small Wreckers.

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That’s right, the Shogun stands an imposing 65mm off the base.  There are no prizes for guessing what size the Huge models will be… they’re going to be HUUUUUUUGE!!!!!

Und das sind die Pledges:

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Und das sind die Stretch Goals:

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Trotz der interessanten Ansätze, läuft die Kampagne eher mau, die Ersteller haben deshalb diese Botschaft vorangestellt:

Creators Note:

Firstly, we would like to thank you for your interest in our campaign.  We have had a lot of positive feedback about the game and the campaign and, the small amount of criticism, such as not showing off the game enough, we have moved swiftly to correct.  We have also added a low cost entry level for 2 players.

However, despite this, we will be honest and admit that it has not gone as we would have hoped.

If you are interested in the campaign, but there is something that is holding you back from pledging, we would really appreciate 30 seconds of your time to leave us a comment as to what that is.  And it really could be anything that is putting you off – price / miniatures / concept / layout / too much information / not enough information / quality of our prototypes / language / etc or that you want to play it first before committing.

Many thanks in advance and we look forwards to reading what you have to say.

Geoff, Mark, Dave and Kev.

Quelle: The Third Law – THE next generation science fiction wargame


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das die Kampagne eher schwach dasteht liegt nicht nur daran das dass alles etwas und durchdacht wirkt sondern auch am übermäßig bedientem Setting.

  • Stimmt schon es gibt einfach viel zu viele interessante Kickstarter, aber daran das es zu viele Robo-Arena-Tabletops gibt dürfte es eigentlich nicht liegen 😉

    • Eine riesengroße Niche ist es sicher nicht, aber was im „Robo-Area-Tabletop-Kickstarter“ Bereich geht, hat WETA mit Giant Killer Robots vmtl. mehr oder weniger abgeräumt.

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