von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

The Lawgiver, Unmasked: Kickstarter läuft

Der Kickstarter von Boyd’s Toys soll die Büste des „Lawgivers“ finanzieren.


Ziel des Projektes ist es die Büste des Lawgivers zu finanzieren.

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Das kleine Familienunternehmen Boyd’s Toys stellt sich und seine durchaus lesenswerte Hintergrundgeschichte kurz vor:

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 In 2016, our son who has Down syndrome graduated from high school. Most of the options for the disabled are limited so we decided to create our own opportunities for him. My wife left her career and we started Boyd’s Toys. We are a small, family run business that specializes in resin cast figures and commercial printing. We do our own 3D printing, mold making, vacuum and pressure casting. John Boyd has over 30 years of printing and design experience and his favorite past time is table top games. We started creating our own figures in resin about 18 months ago on a 15 mm project called Chronicles of the Wayfarer. What is this project? Chronicles of the Wayfarer is a 15 mm war-game that has been under development for over a year now. It has two complete armies to support it and two more on the way. We have decided to release four busts to help raise funds and create a fan base to continue the development of CotW, so stay tuned … three more are coming.

Below you will find a sample selection of our upcoming release of Chronicles of the Wayfarer. These are 15 mm leaders of the Kilnites. Left to right: Knight of the Kiln, War Screamer, Shield Legion, and Crossbowmen Leader. These are submissions from a recent painting contest that we sponsored.

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 Please come by and visit us at:



The Lawgiver:

The Lawgiver bust is a high quality, vacuum & pressure cast, resin model. It is 65 mm high and 80 mm wide, and is comprised of six pieces: the body, two arms, the halo, the mask strap, and the name plate. It is an easy to assemble and easy to paint item, worthy of honor in any collector’s display. This Kickstarter is for the complete bust but you will need to provide your own base.

Here are some additional photos of the bust for this Kickstarter. The Sculptor –  Francesco Pizzo – has done an unbelievable job helping bring the CotW world to life. Francesco has truly invested heavily into this project and has done breathtaking work for us. He is a sculptor, 3D sculptor and illustrator and has been working with Boyd’s Toys for several years. His credits also include work for Dust Studio, Megalith Games Ltd, Manic Games Ltd, Grindhouse Games, White Dragon Miniatures and more. I consider Francesco a personal friend and valued business associate. May Aguilar Andreu of MayArt did a great job of bringing the figure to life with her detailed artistry and specialization in painting busts. She took the realism of this figure to the next level and was an excellent communicator and pleasure to work with. We highly recommend her painting services.


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Die Büste…

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… und die 30mm Version:

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Pledge Level:

The Gamer – 16,00 USD

Limited release 30 mm figure only

30 mm Lawgiver with base.

Consists of the following parts
1 30 mm figure
1 sprue with book, sword and halo
1 30 mm lipped, slotted base

The Collector (Bust only) – 45,00 USD

1 unpainted Lawgiver bust.
BUST BASE is not included.

Consists of the following parts
1 body
2 arms
1 back halo
1 mask strap
1 Lawgiver name plate

The Gamer and Collector – 55,00 USD

1 unpainted Lawgiver bust & 30 mm Lawgiver with base. BUST BASE is not included.

Consist of the following parts
1 body
2 arms
1 back halo
1 mask strap
1 Lawgiver name plate

1 30 mm Lawgiver figure
1 sprue with book, sword and halo
1 30 mm lipped, slotted base


Der Kickstarter ist mit derzeit 1.393 USD vom 1.000 USD Finanzierungsziel bereits erfolgreich finanziert. Er wird am 28. August enden.

Link: Lawgiver Kickstarter

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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