von BK-Rene | 14.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Fantasy

The Last Heroes: Kickstarter läuft

OrcoNero bringen in ihrem Kickstarter Debut eine kleine Auswahl an Fantasy Miniaturen mit viel Humor

Im diesem kleinen Kickstarter Projekt gibt es eine Reihe von „Helden“ zu erwerben. Die Miniaturen kommen im 28mm Maßstab, lassen sich also problemlos für eine ganze Reihe von Systemen verwenden, oder natürlich einfach schön bemalt in die Vitrine stellen.

After sprucing up his muddy rags and scraping goblin poop from his boots, OrcoNero is proudly debuting in society in the imperial palace of Lord Kickstarter. He is carrying with him thirteen 28 mm gut-wringing miniatures, forged in his coveted put-press-spit lab and fully customizable thanks to their multi-kit nature. These miniatures are perfect for wargames, boardgames or as a bludgeoning weapon against the Elven Cavalry. According to our experts thanks to their high quality resin, they can even be painted. Do you want only one? Do you want the whole set? No problem, OrcoNero stopped eating, kidnapping or bully Humans, he is now at your service with Stretch Goals and high-speed Internet connection.

Die Miniaturen

On Ventura

Ventura, the Seeker: Including Hooked stick, Old rag and Mysterious syringe.

On Kurt

Kurt, the Greatsword: Including Battle broadsword, One-handed sword, Shield, Halberd, Helmless head.

On PaterMorbi

Pater Morbi, the Decaying: Including Ritual axe, Giant pincer and Pestilence banner.

On Aminah

Aminah, the Succubus: Including Torment sword, Bloody Rose banner and Enemy corpse at her feet.

On Beogard

Beogard, the Beast: Including War Ogre-Rat.

On Norman+fatboy

Norman, the Cook and Fatboy, the Boar: These two characters count as a single Hero when pledging!

On Gallus

Gallus, the Fighter: Including Fail, Iron glove, Imperial gladius and Shield.

On Dungeonadd On Dungeonadd2

Als Addon gibt es zwei verschiedene Sammlungen an Bases zu kaufen und Fatboy das Wildschwein einzeln.


Ein Held: 14€
Zwei Helden: 26€
Drei Helden: 38€
Fünf Helden: 55€ (60€)
Zehn Helden: 120€
Custom Hero: 600€
Addon Fatboy: 10€
Ein Set Bases: 14€


6,000 € Nini, the Cat unlocked as add-on for all the backers.
7,000 € Draskin, the Noble is now available.
7,500 € Feemir, the Monocle is now available.
8,000 € Nini, the Cat included for free to backers with a 40.00 € pledge or higher.
8,500 € A Set of 5 Standard bases included for free to backers with a 40.00 € pledge or higher.
9,000 € Unnamed, the Masks included for free to backers with a 40.00 € pledge or higher, unlocked as add-on for all the other backers.
10,000 € Couw, the Beastwoman is now available.

Quelle: OrcoNero auf Kickstarter


Jungredakteur für den Brückenkopf - Spielt: Viel Warmachine (Convergence of Cyriss / Minions), fast alles andere was Privateer so vertreibt, wenn es sich ergibt auch mal Infinity (Tohaa) oder irgendwas mit meinen Skelett Horden.

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