von BK-Herr Kemper | 12.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele

Steamforged: Dark Souls Kartenspiel angekündigt

Steamforged Games erweitert seine Produktpalette um ein Kartenspiel.

Dark Souls™ : The Card Game is a cooperative deck evolution card game for 1-4 players. Players must explore the Encounters around them, defeating a myriad of enemies to gain Souls and Treasure.

They must use these to evolve and adapt their deck to better fight their enemies. When the players are ready, they must challenge the powerful bosses that lie within.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls 2

Steamforged Games Dark Souls 1


Over 400+ cards featuring:
Starting Deck Cards
Equipment Cards
Stamina Cards
Enemy Cards
Boss Cards

Playing Boards:
1 Player Board
1 Encounter Board
1 Enemy Board
60+ Tokens


Steamforged Games Dark Souls 3

The Player Character Battle Board [Right] will determine the attacks you can make. Whilst the Encounter Map [Left] will determine the difficulty of your battle.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls 4 Steamforged Games Dark Souls 5

Players must walk a narrow path as their decks allow them to attack their enemies, but also represent their health.

Decks are only refreshed when the players rest at the bonfire, so players must defeat their enemies while husbanding their strength for the greater challenges ahead. Thinking quickly and adapting to the enemy’s attacks is key for survival.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls 6

Haunting foes will stand before you and frustrate your efforts. Each foe has their own unique attack that you must memorise to succeed.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls 7

Players may assume the class of a Herald, Assassin, Knight or Sorcerer – each giving a powerful in-game ability.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls 8

As you adventure through the Encounters you will be progressing towards the final Boss Battle. In the core game there are 4 Bosses:

  • Vordt of the Boreal Valley
  • Abyss Watcher
  • Pontiff Sulyvahn
  • High Lord Wolnir

Each with their own deck of 8 devastating attacks, you will need skill and strategy to survive.

Steamforged Games Dark Souls 9


Quelle: Steamforged Games auf Facebook


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Um ein weiteres Kartenspkel wäre korrekter *g*

    Backer des Brettspiels (sollen ja nicht wenige sein *g*) können das Kartenspiel mit leichtem discount (aber excl. Versand) im BackerKit vorbestellen. Angeteased wurde man ja schon seit Wochen, und nachdem klar war, dass es keine neuen encounter sind, konnte es nur noch ein Kartenspiel sein.

    Dass es ein KoOp Deckbuilder wird, finde ich schon gut aber auch fraglich, da in dem bereich gerade Star- und Hero Realms die Hand drauf haben, ersteres auch mit mächtig erfomgreichem, gerade beendetem, KS

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