von BK-Nils | 08.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Star Wars

Star Wars Armada: Wave 6 erhältlich

Die Welle 6 für Star Wars Armada ist ab sofort von Fantasy Flight Games erhältlich, mit neuen Schiffen für die Rebellen-Allianz und das Galaktische Imperium.

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„I say we fight!“
–Admiral Raddus

The time for action has come. The sixth wave of expansions for Star Wars™: Armada is now available!

Comprised of the Imperial Light Carrier Expansion Pack and the Hammerhead Corvettes Expansion Pack, ArmadaWave VI hits far above its weight class with its surprisingly potent starships and an array of upgrades focused on close-quarters combat.

Imperial players gain a medium-base ship that elevates their squadron game to new heights, making it easier than ever to wipe out Rebel fighters with your TIE swarms. More than this, the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier even makes it possible for your TIE swarms to chew through your opponents‘ ships‘ defenses, leaving them completely vulnerable to the thunderous volleys of lasers and missiles unleashed by your Star Destroyers. And the ship itself is no slouch either;

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it can even equip and discard a set of Disposable Capacitors to surprise opponents with heavy volleys of red and blue dice from long range.

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Against this threat, the Rebels respond with their Hammerhead corvettes. Built as tough as they appear in Rogue One, these Hammerheads arrive to the game in pairs, and you can use their new Task Force Antilles and Task Force OrganaTitle upgrades to synchronize either their defense or attacks.

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Or you can simply take advantage of the ship’s strengths as a straight-forward combatant and ram it right into your opponent’s ship, using the Garel’s Honor Title to ensure you get the better of the collision.

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Learn More from Our Previews

As much as these ships promise to make a big impact on the Armada battlefield with their new commanders, Titles, boarding parties, and other upgrades, the truth is that they—like all ships in Armada—need to be weighed in the larger context of your whole fleet.

How will your Imperial light carrier function alongside the Empire’s Star Destroyers, Raiders, and squadrons? How will you shape your Rebel fleet and objectives around the inclusion of your Hammerheads? What use will you make of the expansions‘ new boarding parties? How will you change your initial approaches and engagements based upon the introduction of Disposable Capacitors and Quad Battery Turrets?

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As fleet admiral, it’s your responsibility to consider all these questions and to incorporate your answers into a clever and comprehensive battle plan. You want to make sure you’re informed of all the relevant variables. Reading our previews will let you see more of what the Wave VI expansions have in store.

We took a closer look at the Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier in our preview, Rapid Deployment,“ and saw how it was likely to change the shape of your battles with its commanding squadron value of „4,“ the ways its new Titles support your squadrons, and the added value that Admiral Sloane grants each of your squadrons.

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Then we turned our attention to the Hammerhead corvette in the article, „Prepare for Impact.“ Starting with a closer look at the Garel’s Honor Title, we explored the different ways the Hammerhead Corvettes Expansion Pack made it possible for this small-base Rebel ship to hit far harder than your Imperial foes might suspect. Unsurprisingly, we learned that the ship’s potential is as high as it is largely due to the skills and wits of its talented crew and commander, including the likes of Cham Syndulla, Hondo Ohnaka, and Leia Organa.

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Engage the Enemy

Now, as you look to bring these ships and their upgrades to your battles, your challenge will be to make the best possible use of them. So what will you do?

Will you shape your Wave VI Imperial fleet around Admiral Sloane and her swarms of TIE fighters to render opposing ships vulnerable to your Avenger and its devastating volleys of laser and missile fire? Will you assemble a straight-forward Rebel fleet with Leia Organa leading several Hammerheads into battle from her place aboard the bridge of the Mon Karren?

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Whatever you plan to do, the time is now! The sixth wave of expansions for Star Wars: Armada (SWM26-27) is available now. Head to your local retailer to pick up your starships today!

Der deutschen Vertrieb der Fantasy Flight Produkte liegt bei Heidelberger.

Quelle: Fantasy Flight Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Leider erst auf englisch. Die deutsche Version wird wohl wie immer noch einige Monate auf sich warten lassen, denke ich…

    • Danke für eure Hinweis. Ich war denn auch heute los und hab mir dsie Schiffe bei meinem lokalen Shop abgeholt.

      Dabei muss ich sagen, dass die Hammerhead Korvetten schon sehr verschwenderisch verpackt sind. Ich bin absolut kein Umweltengel, aber warum man diese beiden Schiffchen in die Boxgröße des Sternenzerstörers / der Home One verpacken musste, weis wohl nur FFG. Da ist noch so viel Platz in dem Karton, da hätte die kleine Box (bspw. von der MonCal Fregatte) locker ausgereicht

  • Die Verschwendungssucht von FFG ist für mich auch weiterhin ein großer Kritikpunkt. Man könnte bei einigen ihrer Produkte Platz und Material sparen aber nein, es muss einfach klobig und luftig sein.

    Ansonsten freu ich mich schon riesig auf das Trägerschiff. Das Design ist toll und es ist klasse, dass Sloane mit dabei ist. Schade ist es allerdings schon, dass der eigentliche Trägerbereich nicht gerade detailliert ist, da wäre denke ich mehr drin gewesen.

  • Bei Armada & X-Wing korresponiert die Verpackungsgröße mit dem Preis der Schiffe.

    Hab nih nicht nachgesehen, ob das weiterhin so ist, in der Vergangenheit war es jedenfalls so

    • Stimmt schon. Trotzdem stehen hier Karton und Inhalt in absolut keinem Verhältnis zueinander…

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