von BK-Christian | 02.06.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction

Star Trek Adventures RPG: Borg Cube Set

Modiphius haben auf Geek&Sundry Bilder des Limited Edition Sets für ihr neues Star Trek RPG veröffentlicht.

ME Modiphius Star Trek Adventures RPG Borg Cube Set 3 ME Modiphius Star Trek Adventures RPG Borg Cube Set 2

We have previously talked about Star Trek Adventures when we listed as one of the roleplaying games we can’t wait to play in 2017, and even showed you the crew of the U.S.S. Sally Ride, so when I say that excitement for Star Trek Adventures is through the roof here at Geek & Sundry, I mean it. The good news is that the wait is almost over.

Coming June 8, pre-orders for the Star Trek Adventures RPG Limited Edition Borg Cube Boxed Set come available. This is the perfect set for Trekkies, RPG fans, or even a gaming group looking to seek out new life and new civilizations. Besides being the coolest box in the history of gaming, the Borg Cube Boxed Set has everything you will need to play Star Trek Adventures, and then some.

The Borg Cube Boxed set contains a “1701-D” Collectible Edition Core Rulebook, featuring a rendered piece of art of the saucer section of the U.S.S. Enterprise-D, as well as miniatures, which are part of the Star Trek Adventures game and the Borg Cube Boxed Set gets your set started with 4 sets of these miniatures. Included in the box set is the Original Series Crew (Dammit Jim, I’m a Doctor, not a GM), The Next Generation Crew, as well as sets for both the Klingons and the Romulans; these are likely the villains as Star Trek Adventures core rules focus on playing within the Federation, as a Federation race. For all of you minis painters, there is also a foam tray for storing them that will conveniently sit inside your Borg Cube.

Finally, the Borg Cube Boxed Set contains all of the dice and tokens you need to play games of Star Trek Adventures. There are custom dice for each Starfleet discipline with Command Red, Operations Gold and Sciences Blue. There is a giant GM screen, which is a limited edition for this box set, with the exterior resembling a Borg cube, Starfleet Geomorphic Deck Tiles for creating the map, a pad of character sheets and both Momentum and Threat game tokens. Collectors and Trekkies alike will also appreciate the poster map of the Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

ME Modiphius Star Trek Adventures RPG Borg Cube Set 1

Quelle: Geek&Sundry

Link: Modiphius Entertainment


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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