von BK-Christian | 12.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Warpath/Deadzone

Star Saga: Erste Preorders

Mantic Games haben die ersten Produkte für Star Saga vorgestellt.

MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 0 MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 1 MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 2 MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 3 MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 4 MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 5 MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 6 MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 7

Star Saga: The Eiras Contract Core Set – 79,99 Euro

Pre-order before November 30th to receive an Exclusive Resin Kira Nikolovski Mercenary Miniature!

MG Star Saga The Eiras Contract Core Set 8

The Galactic Co-Prosperity Sphere is the most technologically advanced civilisation in the history of mankind. When a powerful corporation starts stealing secrets, a team of the galaxy’s deadliest mercenaries is hired to retrieve them. Their target: a network of laboratories hidden deep beneath the surface of the planet Eiras. The reward is high, but so is the risk! If the elite guards weren’t enough, our heroes will also have to deal with the monstrous creations of Eiras’ twisted master…

Welcome to Star Saga, a game of high adventure in a futuristic world of space travel, advanced technology, and myriad alien races. Choose your character and take to the table-top to defeat evil scientists, merciless Marines, and devious puzzles. As the story takes unexpected twists and turns you’ll be forced to make difficult decisions to stay alive.

  • Play games with 1-5 players, pitting the intrepid Mercenaries against the scheming Nexus Player, either competitively or cooperatively.
  • Play single games in just 30 minutes, or combine the immersive scenarios with innovative new campaign and experience rules for hours of gameplay.
  • Level up your mercenaries to unlock new and more powerful skills, ready to face off against deadly bosses and monsters.
  • Customise missions with different mercenaries and enemies for endless replayabilty and easily add new characters to change the meta.
  • Play right out of the box! This set contains everyting you need to play, including awesome, pre-assembled, detailed miniatures and incredible 3D scenery to bring your games to life!
  • Experience the twists and turns of the narrative missions to keep you and your team on the edge of your seat.

When the fate of the universe hangs in the balance, which part will you play in the epic Star Saga?

MG Star Saga Corporation Minion Booster

Corporation Minion Booster – 19,99 Euro

The hidden laboratories of the GCPS are strictly policed by both private contractors and military personnel. Their masters cannot risk the secrets and hazardous subjects leaving the facilities at any cost.

This set contains more Corporation minions for use in your games of Star Saga, Deadzone or Warpath, including:

  • 3 Corporation Marines
  • 1 Corporation Ranger
  • 1 Corporation Ranger with Flamer
  • 2 Corpoation Lab Technicians
  • 3 Corportaion Security Guards
  • 2 Plague Victims

Miniatures are made from plastic and supplied assembled and unpainted.

MG Star Saga Dice Booster

Star Saga Dice Booster – 10,99 Euro

This set contains additional custom dice for use in your games of Star Saga. Whether you are the Nexus player or a Mercenary, you can use these to fight it out in the corridors of the mysterious, space-age lab.

This set contains:

  • 5 Red ‚Attack‘ Dice
  • 5 Blue ‚Defence‘ Dice

MG Star Saga Nexus Acrylic Counter Set 1 MG Star Saga Nexus Acrylic Counter Set 2

Nexus Acrylic Counter Set – 17,99 Euro

Designed to replace the Cardstock Counters from the Eiras Contract, these cool acrylic counters can be used to track events on the board, such as reinforcements, locked doors and darkness.

This set contains 20 Acrylic Counters, including:

  • 8 Double-sided Door Counters
  • 4 Double-sided Reinforcement Point Counters
  • 4 Double-sided Large Reinforcement Point Counters
  • 4 Darkness Counters

MG Star Saga Nexus Screen 1 MG Star Saga Nexus Screen 2

Nexus Screen – 17,99 Euro

The Nexus player must keep their devious plans a secret. From maps of the facilities, to the abilities and stats of the bosses, to the emergent storyline of the game, all must be kept hidden. Fortunately, the free standing Nexus screen is designed to keep all of these and more from the prying eyes of the mercenaries. Just remember to roll your dice in the open!

MG Star Saga Player Acrylic Counter Set 1 MG Star Saga Player Acrylic Counter Set 2

Player Acrylic Counter Set – 17,99 Euro

Designed to replace the Cardstock Counters from the Eiras Contract, these cool acrylic counters can be used to track your characters’ experience and health, as well as the ranges of the various (and dangerous) weaponry.

This set contains 40 Acrylic Counters, including:

  • 20 Wound Counters
  • 10 Experience Counters
  • 6 Mercenary Counters
  • 1 Mercenary Start Point Counter
  • 1 Short Range Ruler
  • 1 Long Range Ruler
  • 1 Flame Template

MG Star Saga Starship Doors 1 MG Star Saga Starship Doors 2

Starship Doors – 24,99 Euro

From hermetically sealed entrances, to reinforced blast doors, the GCPS employ the use of only the best technology to keep their competitors out and their secrets in.

This set contains 20 pieces of pre-assembled plastic scenery, designed for 28mm sci-fi games, including 8 Double Doors and 12 Single Doors. Double Doors measure 50mm across and Single Doors measure 25mm across.

Scenery supplied assembled and unpainted.

MG Star Saga Starship Scenery 1 MG Star Saga Starship Scenery 2

Starship Scenery – 24,99 Euro

Every GCPS lab is equipped to the highest standard for those working there. In fact, the equipment found in these facilities is deemed to be worth more than the staff operating it.

This set contains 26 pieces of pre-assembled plastic scenery, designed for 28mm sci-fi games, including:

  • 6 Terminals
  • 4 Tables
  • 2 Desks
  • 6 Crates
  • 4 Cabinets
  • 2 Weapon Racks
  • 2 Specimen Tanks

Scenery supplied assembled and unpainted.

Mantic Games ist unter anderem bei unserem Partner Radaddel erhältlich.

Quelle: Mantic Games


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Das „Starship Scenery“-Pack ist sowas von gekauft für meinen Hulk… evtl auch die Türen, obwohl ich da sehr stark auf Hirst-Arts festgelegt bin…
    Genau sowas habe ich gesucht.

  • Erster Gedanke: „Coole Möbel, die sollten sie einzeln verkaufen, gäbe sicher viele Interessenten!“
    Zweiter Gedanke: „He, die Modelle gefallen mir auch. Mantic werden immer besser!“
    Dritter Gedanke: „Oh boy, das Möbelset wird weggehen wie warme Semmeln!“
    Vierter Gednake: „Wie jetzt, nur 25 Euro!?“

  • Oh Mann, ich bin so froh, beim Kickstarter mitgemacht zu haben, das Kira Nikolovski-Modell sieht klasse aus! Insgesamt gefallen mir viele der Modelle. Mir und meinen Malkünsten reicht der Brettspielstandart aus. Das einzige was ich nicht sooo gelungen finde ist die Farbwahl der anderen Spielkomponenten und die Optik der Bodenpläne. Wie bei guten alten PC-Spilen sehe ich aber gerne darüber hinweg, wenn das Gameplay Laune macht.

    Das das Geländeset wie warme Semmeln weg gehen wird denke ich auch, ein Set war eh schon beim KS mit dabei, weswegen ich kein zweites geholt habe, bei 15 USD (im KS) hätte man aber vielleicht doch einfach mal zuschlagen sollen… ich empfinde das jedenfalls als riesen Schritt in die richtige Richtung, den Mantic da macht.

  • Naja, das Spiel selber spricht mich nicht so an. Aber die Möbel- und Türensets für mein Space Hulk um so mehr 🙂

  • Ich hab mir das Geländeset im Kickstarter extra ein zweites mal geholt – macht sich bei Infinity sicher gut 🙂

  • Mantic lässt wohl immer von der gleichen Person die Acrycounter designen. Die sahen leider schon bei Dreadball und Dungeon Saga ziemlich billig/grottig aus.
    Dafür sind da einige hübsche Minis dabei.

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