von BK-Markus | 07.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding

Spitfyre: Kickstarter läuft

Der neue Kickstarter von Hysterical Games „Spitfyre“ ist gestartet.

Welcome to The Land and the world of Spitfyre, our exciting game of aerial warfare in a fantasy world. Enter a world where Dwarves and Orcs fly giant creatures and arm them with bombs and machine guns to continue their millennia long struggles… Come fight in the skies of Spitfyre and see if you can reign supreme over The Land!

Spitfyre is a fun ‚Historo-Fantasy‘ miniature aerial wargame in which 10mm scale miniatures are used to depict the everyday struggles of standard fantasy races such as Orcs and Dwarves fight out battles with 20th century weaponry.

We are keeping this Kickstarter very simple with three basic pledge levels. The key one is ‚Pilot‘ where pledgers will receive a discounted copy of the core game and ALL stretch goals added in FREE of charge.


Spitfyre Kickstarter Läuft 01

The target goal is to produce the core game which will include the rulebook, a flight of three 10mm scale resin Orc Spitfyre wyverns, a flight of four 10mm scale polyurethane resin Dwarf War-Eagles and seven flying bases.


If we reach Stretch Goal I, all Pilot backers will have one polyurethane resin 10mm scale Dwarf KampfGrier 87 vulture dive bomber and flying base added to their pledge for free and the rules will be extended to include dive bombing.

Spitfyre Kickstarter Läuft 02


If we reach Stretch Goal II, all Pilot backers will have one polyurethane resin 10mm scale Orc HurriKane and flying base added to their pledge for free and the rules will be extended to include the HurriKane and its breath attack.

Spitfyre Kickstarter Läuft 03

More Stretch Goals to come…

There are a few potential setbacks in any project, these could be obvious from the start or at the end or when we ship! However, the obvious ones to us now are:

1. 3D Printing – This is now in house so we do not anticipate any problems here.

2. Manufacture of miniatures – This is also now an in house operation and we have many years experience moulding and casting so do not anticipate any problems here .

3. Rules – the rules are written and being typeset. They will be going to print once the Kickstarter is complete.

4. Popularity – we have restricted our stretch goals to what we feel are manageable, even though our imaginations would run riot if allowed to! If the game is a success we will look to expand the model range etc after the Kickstarter is fulfilled.

5. Shipping – International customers (outside of the EU) may encounter unexpected import taxes and/or delays in customs. You can contact your customs department for more information. We are aiming to use UPS, who have a stellar track record.

Throughout this Kickstarter, we will make sure that you guys are communicated with to the best of our ability, to show exactly where we are and exactly where any delays are coming from and how we are tackling them.

Der Kickstarter läuft noch 13 Tage.

Quelle: Spitfyre auf Kickstarter


Stellvertretender Chefredakteur Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2002 im Hobby und spielt folgende Systeme: Age of Sigmar, Infinity, Bolt Action, Flames of War, Warhammer 40K, Dreadball, Saga, Freebooters Fate, Black Powder, Space Hulk, Dead Mans Hand, Bushido, Malifaux, Dropzone Commander, Dropfleet Commander, Gates of Antares, Kings of War, Wild West Exodus, Batman, Collision, Dystopian Wars, Draculas America, Kill Team, Summoners, Eden, Star Wars Legion, Wolsung, Blitz Bowl, Carnevale, Warzone Resurrection, The Drowned Earth, Twisted, The Other Side, Deathmtach, One Page Rules, Battletech, Masters of the Universe Battleground und Warhammer Underworlds.

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  • Orks die auf Drachen reiten und mit MGs auf Zwerge schießen, hehe. Wird auf jedenfall im Auge behalten. Wurde die Musik für den Trailer erstellt oder kennt jemand den Titel?

    • Beim ersten Vorschaubild dachte ich noch, es wäre ein Typo, aber scheinbar behalten die das jetzt bei. Ich weiß bei sowas nie, ob das Absicht ist, da „verhunztes“ Deutsch ja irgendwie Tradition hat, oder eben nicht. 😀

      • Ja, seufz…“Dwarf Schweinhundereite“ haben sie ja auch. In genau der Schreibweise. Ich frage mich, ob es denn sooo schwer ist, ein Wort im Internet zu suchen, ob es denn in der Zielsprache überhaupt vorkommt. Ich rede ja nicht mal von Grammatik. Aber über das abschließende r hätten sich die Schweinhunde oder deren Reite schon gefreut.

        Immerhin haben sie an die Ä-Stricherl in Fallschirmjäger und Panzerbär gedacht 🙂

    • Anscheinend habt ihr noch nicht so viel Erfahrung mit Briten, die versuchen deutche Begriffe zu verwenden.
      Das scheint eine Frage des Nationalstolzes, dass so hart wie moeglich zu verhunzen!

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