von BK-Nils | 09.04.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Terrain / Gelände

Spartan Games: Sci-Fi Terrain in 15/10mm

Damit auch für Kriege in der Zukunft in 15mm und 10mm das Schlachtfeld nicht leer bleibt, haben Spartan Games neues Sci-Fi Gelände im Programm.

Brand new 10/15mm scenery for your sci-fi tabletop

Ruined Buildings and Fortified Positions are the basis of our first multi-purpose scenery boxes. With a high degree of modularity and the ability to work with both 10mm and 15mm scale miniatures, our first three boxes are perfect for helping you create war-torn battlefields.

The combination of modular and multi-scale makes our new scenery the ideal way to enhance your sci-fi tabletops, so whether you play Dindrenzi or Covenant you can duck for cover, capture objectives, hide behind a barricade or storm a fortified position! Exciting times…

Spartan Games_Spartan Scenic Residential Ruined Buildings 10:15mm

Residential Ruined Buildings 10/15mm – 18,00 GBP

Two stunning bombed out residential buildings which can each be created to split apart for massive flexibility on the gaming table. One of a number of sets in the Spartan Scenics range designed to easily allow players to build tabletops full of war-torn sci-fi scenery. Made from MDF and highly-detailed resin add-ons this scenery is designed to be highly modular and work with any 10mm or 15mm scale tabletop game, including Planetfall and Halo: Ground Command. Use with other sets from the range for even more options.

Spartan Games_Spartan Scenic Industrial Ruined Building 10:15mm

Industrial Ruined Building 10/15mm – 18,00 GBP

Stunning 2-storey bombed out industrial building which has the ability to ’split‘ apart, thus giving players massive flexibility on the gaming table. One of a number of sets in the Spartan Scenics range designed to easily allow players to build tabletops full of war-torn sci-fi scenery. Made from MDF and highly-detailed resin add-ons this scenery is designed to be highly modular and work with any 10mm or 15mm scale tabletop game, including Planetfall and Halo: Ground Command. Use with other sets from the range for even more options.

Spartan Games_Spartan Scenic Fortified Positions 10:15mm - Set 1

Fortified Positions 10/15mm – Set 1 – 20,00 GBP

Versatile scenery components including a mix of straight, left and right curves and end pieces to provide players with the perfect starting point for infantry defences. One of a number of sets in the Spartan Scenics range designed to easily allow players to build tabletops full of war-torn sci-fi scenery. Made from highly-detailed resin, this scenery is designed to be highly modular and work with any 10mm or 15mm scale tabletop game, including Planetfall and Halo: Ground Command. Use with other sets for more options and to build entire firebases.

Quelle: Spartan Games


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Leider sehr generisch und nicht wirklich spannend. Auch als Alternative wie bespw. für einen Dropzone Spieltisch meiner Merinung nach nur nach extensiven Umbauten zu gebrauchen.

    Was ist nur los mit Spartan Games…

  • Noch Informationen über die Dimensionen der Gebäude wären gut. Mit den Resin Details sind die 18 Pfund absolut ok.

  • Da fand ich die shanty town 15mm Gebäude, die hier letztens gezeigt wurden um längen sowhl beim Preis als auch beim Design besser. Glaube White Dragon war der Hersteller.
    Die Gebäude hier von Spartan wirken dadurch bei mir jetzt zu uninteressant und das vor allem für den stolzen Preis. Wobei ich Spartan Gelände sehr mag, hab einiges von denen rumstehn^^

  • Wüsste nicht, wofür ich das gebrauchen sollte. Nach SciFi (also für Planetfall) sieht es absolut nicht aus.

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