von BK-Christian | 22.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Zubehör

Space Roller: Light Fleet Dice Case

Von Space Roller Dice kommt bald ein neuer Kickstarter für ein Würfelcase.

SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 1 SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 2 SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 3 SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 4

SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 5 SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 6 SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 7 SR Space Roller Light Fleet Dice Case 8

On Kickstarter on July 26th 730 AM (UTC-0500) Sign Up Now for special offer!

Sign up NOW to get a free hobby mode set after you pledge more than 1 set!

This time we take our enthusiasm of Sci-Fi to a whole new level! Please allow us to introduce you „The Light Fleet Dice Case – the ultimate dice case from future“.

In 2015 July we launched “Space Roller: The futuristic dice for your Sci-Fi games”, with 3308 backers‘ help we were able to make it reality. After spending 15 months on design and have worked on many versions to push the design to exceed extraordinary, we are now proudly present to you “The Light Fleet Dice Case: The Ultimate Dice Case from Future”.


It is not a easy task to spend 15 months to just develop one project. Reality will always come challenge you. However, we know that to get the best outcome it is essential for us to conquer all the problems that we have encountered. With countless versions of design we have changed, every little detail on the case we have taken care of, and all these injection techniques issue we have solved. Here is the best result that we can present to you.


The Light Fleet Dice Case is the second episode of our exploration of futuristic design. The Light Fleet Dice Case is the first design dice case that is inspired by the beauty of geometry and the fantasy of Ultra-future civilization. Its dynamic form creates focal point not only during your game play, but also anywhere you show it to others.

The design of The Light Fleet Dice Case is based on the triangle geometry. Triangle is the mother of geometry, the most stable and strongest one and the metaphor of the holy trinity. It can fit in 7 to 9 dice or 2 pencils or pens, eraser and a portable pencil sharpener.

Quelle: The Light Fleet Dice Case


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Gibt es wirklich Menschen die ein in meinen Augen hässliches, überdimensioniertes Würfelbehältnis brauchen, was dann gerade mal bis zu 9 Würfel fasst für um die 25€?!?

  • Naja, OK Hässlich ist Ansichtssache, Denke du besitzt auch genug Sachen die für manch anderem Betrachter Hässlich ist. Aber persönlich gefällt es mir auch nicht. Aber jedem das seine !!

  • Schon irgendwie cool… die silberne Version erinnert mit dem verwendeten Schifttyp und dem verrauschten s/w Hintergrund irgendwie an die Frogs aus Raumpatrouille Orion *g*

  • Früchteentkerner, Verteidigungswaffe, Lichtschwertproxi und Würfelbox in einem.
    Auf jeden fall auffällig.

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