von BK-Herr Kemper | 04.08.2017 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Soda Pop: Neuheiten im August

Bei Soda Pop kann man nun die Neuheiten für August vorbestellen.

Den Anfang machen eine Reihe von Miniaturen in der Pathfinder-Worldscape Reihe, die sehr bekannte literarische Vorlagen haben.


Enter the world of Worldscape; Dynamite’s fantasy adventure crossover where the greatest warriors of Hyboria, Barsoom, Golarion, and Earth clash in an ancient battle of life and death! These finely detailed resin miniatures take players of Pathfinder Worldscape into tales of mystery, magic, and adventure!

John Carter of Mars – 15,oo USD:

Soda Pop Johncarter

The greatest swordsman of two worlds, John Carter of Mars, comes to life in this highly detailed resin figure. Soldier, adventurer, John Carter, based on the stories and characters created by Edgar Rice Burroughs, was mysteriously transported to Mars, called Barsoom by its denizens. Now players can take him into the world of Pathfinder Worldscape.

Tars Tarkas – 15,00 USD:

Soda Pop Tarstarkas


Only Tars Tarkas, the Jeddak of the Tharks, the Green Men of Mars, combines brutality, bravery, diplomacy and compassion. Based on the stories and characters by Edgar Rice Burroughs, companion and comrade of John Carter of Mars, Tars Tarkas comes to life in this highly detailed resin figure.

Tarzan – 15,00 USD:

Soda Poptarzan


Inspired by one of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ iconic characters, Tarzan, is brought to life in this highly detailed resin miniature. The son of a British lord, John Clayton is raised by apes in the jungles of Africa. Through his courage and strength he becomes Tarzan, Lord of the Jungle; always fighting for right and justice.

Red Sonja – 15,00 USD:

Soda Pop Redsonja

Based on the heroine created by Robert E. Howard, Red Sonja, once known as the most beautiful and fearless woman in Hyrkania, is reborn again as a noblewoman who takes up the sword! This highly detailed resin figure captures all the grace and power of this woman warrior!

Pathfinder Worldscape Bundle – 50,00 USD:

Soda Pop Worldscapebundle

Get all 4 awesome Pathfinder Worldscape figures in this bundle!

Rail Raiders Infinite – 59,95 USD:

Soda Pop Njd020100 Railraidersinfinite Soda Pop Njd020100 Railraidersinfinite 4 Soda Pop Njd020100 Railraidersinfinite 5


Rail Raiders Infinite is a chibi sci-fi western board game for 2 to 4 players engaged in a shakedown of the Interstellar Express space-rail. Featuring beautifully illustrated, double-sided traincar tiles and stunningly whimsical chibi Soda Pop Miniatures, Rail Raiders Infinite draws the eyes as players draw their guns in this space-age western stick up. Mixing quick card mechanics and dueling dice battles, players bum-rush the rail to take away the biggest haul of double-dollars in the wildest heist this side of the galaxy!

In Rail Raiders Infinite, players assume the role of one of six unique raiders. Jumping from car to car in search of precious loot, players encounter Lawbots bent on stopping them in their tracks. sing unique abilities and sharp-shooting quick rolls with the game’s custom poker dice, players work collaboratively or competitively to destroy the bots. Following poker-inspired rules for combat dice rolls, the player who scores the highest hand wins the roll and brings in the dough. As players profit double-dollars, it becomes an all-out showdown to snag the most booty before the train makes it to the station.

Rail Raiders Infinite is a rousing railway rummage like no other! Strongly supported with dozens of expansions that extend the game with new raiders, bots, traincar tiles, game cards, and gameplay options, Rail Raiders Infinite is sure to be a staple of game nights worldwide!


    • Rail Raiders Infinite Rulebook
    • 6 Raider Models
    • 6 Raider Cards
    • 14 Lawbot Models
    • 14 Train Cars
    • 56 High Noon Cards
    • 56 Loot Cards
    • 56 Long Arm of the Law Cards
    • 20 Double-sided Loot Counters
    • 1 Dealer Counter
    • 30 Double Dollar Counters


    • 2 – 4 players
    • 60 – 90 minute game time
    • Ages 14+
    • Competitive or Cooperative gameplay
    • Fully assembled miniatures
    • Custom poker game dice
    • Chibi/Anime theme
    • Sci-Fi Western theme
  • Fully expandable and customizable

Cowpuncher Candy – 12,95 USD:

Soda Pop Njd020304 Cowpunchercandy

Rob the rails with this all new Raider! Cowpuncher Candy is a single model blister pack of an all-new Raider for Rail Raiders Infinite. With her surprising blaster skills and can-do attitude, Candy has developed quite the reputation and a devoted fan following. She does save what she can from her heists to someday fulfill her own dream; to sample every candy and soda shop in the core worlds.

In Rail Raiders Infinite, players assume the role of one of six unique raiders. Jumping from car to car in search of precious loot, players encounter Lawbots bent on stopping them in their tracks. Using unique abilities and sharp-shooting quick rolls with the game’s custom poker dice, players work collaboratively or competitively to destroy the bots. Following poker-inspired rules for combat dice rolls, the player who scores the highest hand wins the roll and brings in the dough. As players profit double-dollars, it becomes an all-out showdown to snag the most booty before the train makes it to the station.

Rail Raiders Infinite is a rousing railway rummage like no other! Strongly supported with dozens of expansions that extend the game with new raiders, bots, traincar tiles, game cards, and gameplay options,Rail Raiders Infinite is sure to be a staple of game nights worldwide!


1x Cowpuncher Candy Assembled Model

1x Cowpuncher Candy Raider Card



Link: Soda Pop Miniatures

BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Die erste Frage zu Pathfinder Worldscape ist: Wo ist Conan ? Ihr könnt doch nicht Red Sonja ohne Conan rausbringen !
    Und als ganz, ganz großer Fan von Edgar Rice Burroughs freue ich mich wie verrückt über John Carter und Tars Tarkas.
    Bei Tarzan müsste ich den Pony wohl nachmodellieren. Gefällt mir gar nicht, dafür der Rest umsomehr.

    Entschuldigt bitte den Seitenhieb, aber es ist so schön mal keine Space Marines zu sehen 😀

  • Und Red Sonja so: „Halt, Stop, warte mal… ich muss dringend zur Toilette!“

    Was ist denn das für eine Pose?! 😀

  • Die Pathfinder Worldscape sachen sehen ganz gut aus. Bei dem Preis sind sie hoffentlich aus Resin und nicht PVC.

    • Da kann ich dich beruhigen: „..-highly detailed resin figure…“ – zumindest steht es mehrfach im hier zitierten Promo-Text 🙂

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