von BK-Christian | 10.05.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Shattered Void: Produktion kommt wieder voran

White Dragon Miniatures haben die Schwierigkeiten mit Prodos Games überwunden und mit der Produktion der fehlenden Master begonnen.


Good Evening Backers,

Sorry for the delay in getting an update out to you all. Things have been progressing steadily. We had the biggest show of the year at the weekend – Salute. Prep for this is rather intense.

But we survived it, was great to catch up with so many friendly faces and also talk to people about the current situation on where Shattered Void is.

Firstly, their are 2 priorities that sit with me for White Dragon Miniatures:-

  • The Health of the company
  • Getting the Kickstarter backers (you guys and girls) your pledges.

Now i know you would no doubt want the Pledges to be top priority, but ultimately if the company is not in a healthy position, I wont be able to deliver the Kickstarter pledges. The company has bills to pay, so on going sales need to happen on the web store. One major problem i faced was the lacking stock for sale. Many of the best sellers on the web store had been out of stock for a while as the lack of Master models meant they couldn’t be recast.

The wait and drama I’ve had with Prodos hasn’t even been fun. 3 months it has taken to get what masters i have now in my possession. And that only happened because i told them i would carry out a charge back on the credit card that was used to pay with. Finally most arrived, but some are still outstanding. With Salute coming up, it was decided that the best course would be to restock the web store (and stock for salute) with castings from the masters from Prodos.

So where are we at now?

Well the Printer is in place. I have been busy testing different resins out on the machine, experimenting with different exposure times, layer thickness and so forth. But i think we have found the resin to go forward with. It hard to photo as its a slight Ochre colour. I have been experimenting with the MTU marines, as these are short models (on the Z axis – well in height).

WDM White Dragon Shattered Update 1

Also the masters (of what we have) are all sorted and stored.

WDM White Dragon Shattered Update 2

So i shall now be starting to make the moulds of these ships, and printing the parts that are missing. I also aim to print extra ships where there are alot of castings needed (the fighters for example) so that moulds can be made faster.

Thank you for the patience with this, and on my life be it, you will get your goodies!


The WDM team

Und heute kam dieses Update:

Well, lets this ball rolling!!

After 2 failed attempts (all thanks to myself of not adding enough supports and piercing the tray, then letting the resin run out in the tray). We have our first ship off the printer. Also one of the most complex geometry ones too, as it had so many overhangs that needed supports adding. But i have to say it looks amazing!  You can see the number of supports that have been on the model. I take the time to add them manually for the best finish we can get. There will be smaller but more frequent updates coming now as ships and other models come off the printer. Exciting times!

WDM White Dragon Shattered Update 3

Next up will be the EEF Wyvern bomber redesign.

See you in the next update!

Quelle: Shattered Void Kickstarter


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Schön das sich das hier langsam wieder in eine gute Richtung entwickelt. White Dragon Miniature haben ein paar der coolsten Sci Fi Designs im Tabletop Bereich. Es wäre sehr schade wenn sie den Weg des Dodos gehen.

    In meinem größenwahnsinnigen Plänen eignen Miniaturen raus zubringen habe ich mir auch mal Prodos Angebot angesehen. Unicast ist sehr, sehr geil. Aber die Firma wirkt derart wackelig und hat viele andere in Bedrängnis gebracht, das mann das leider nicht in betracht ziehen kann.

    Das irgendwie traurig

    • Interessant… ich hab auch schon mal drüber nachgedacht.
      Vielleicht können wir ja mal darüber quatschen?
      Hast du auch auf Tabletopwelt ein Profil?
      Dann könntest du dich bei mir melden, mein Nick ist dort Barbarus.

      • Ja, bin auch auf der Tabletopwelt. Auch immer unter demselben Nick. Werde dich anschreiben sobald sie wieder on ist 🙂

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