von BK-Christian | 18.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Science-Fiction

Shattered Void: Masterprints fertig

Es gibt Fortschritte bei White Dragon Miniatures.

Die Produktion der Mastermodelle für Shattered Void ist abgeschlossen und die Firma zieht in eine kleine Produktionseinheit, um von dort die Abwicklung des Kickstarters und die weitere Firmenentwicklung zu beschleunigen.

Good evening all,

Sorry for the lack of an update, its been a bit mad here trying to get everything sorted (and my full time job has been taking extra time). But anyway, things have been happening here at WDM.

Printing Status

Im so very glad to say that all models are now printed. Its taken a bit longer to do than i had hoped, as adding the printing supports manually took more time in a evening than i had though, and some of the larger parts are quite complex. The printing application does have an automatic generation of supports, but it literally spams supports everywhere and would be unclean able. Ill post some pictures next update of the automatic generation Vs my manual method. Ive added some pictures of the last prints done, The TALOS suits and the Vitruvian ECM ship at the end of the update.

The New WDM HQ

As some might have seen on Facebook, WDM is looking to move into a unit. The company (and this Kickstarter) is just too big to be done from my house anymore. Literally have the attic, spare bedroom and kitchen full of stuff for the business. Its just unworkable. I had been looking for a unit for sometime before, but nothing of a suitable size or price range. Well it would appear that the search is over. A few weeks ago i visited a small workshop in the centre of Nottingham that was spot on for what was needed. Now im just awaiting the all ok, then can collect the keys. Im hoping it gets signed off tomorrow, and the keys very soon after. Here is a little look at the unit!

WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 1 WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 2

Why is this such a big issue? Well there are several reason why…

At the minute it trying to do moulding and casting on a 6 foot bench. I have to pack away all mould making stuff to do casting, and vice-versa. You end up restarting yourself each time, instead of being able to just come back to carrying off from where you started.

Work life balance, being surrounded by everything for the company soon gets you down. You cant escape it. When you are working, its so easy to get distracted to do tasks around the house. The unit will enable to work well when im there, but also relax at my house when im not.

Fulfilment. This takes space. To do it correctly and have a picking line of stuff, you need it arranged in a logical picking order. You can do nearly 50 product picking line in a house, you will end up going from room to room. This way i can shut down casting and stuff for a few days, and set the picking line up.

Other reason are there, but these main 3 are pretty substantial.

So the plans for the unit. Well I’ve been looking at the size of the unit, and looking to maximise the working space. If i plan it right, ill go from 6 foot bench, to a monstrous 34 foot. As soon as i have the keys, the workbenches will be ordered, and the built. That will be nice and fast as they are all bolt-less type. Then the move can take place! Im hoping to get this done in a weekend. A few van loads to take down. Here are some plans of the units with the benches in.

WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 3 WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 4

Its very exciting, but there is a lot of work ahead for me to do. I have seen people commenting and wondering when the kick starter will be delivered. The answer may be vague, Yes i am planning by the end of August. Its not a case of just wanting to get the Kickstarter posted it out, its a need too. Shattered Void needs to head to retail.

If I get the keys this week, expect and update with how the unit is progressing for the move over.

In the mean time, enjoy the pictures of the prints.

Until next time 🙂

WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 5 WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 6 WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 7

WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 8 WDM Shattered Void Kickstarter Update 9

Quelle: Shattered Void – The Sci-Fi Dogfighting Tabletop Wargame


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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