von BK-Marcus | 21.02.2017 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy

Rumbleslam: Vorbestellungen laufen!

Fantasy Football ist euch zu soft? Kettensägen sind was für Weicheier? Echte Männer benutzen Klappstühle? Dann haben TTCombat genau das Richtige für euch! Nach ihrem erfolgreichen Kickstarter kann man ihr Fantasy-Wrestling-Spiel „Rumbleslam“ nun auch im Shop vorbestellen! Aaaaaaaare you ready to ruuuuuuuuumble!?



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Welcome to the ring! The spotlights are on, the confetti cannons are loaded, and the mages have had their staffs taken away. The world of RUMBLESLAM awaits!

The original game of fantasy wrestling is coming to a table top near you. Join in on fast paced high action gaming as goblins jump off the turnbuckles, dark elves bounce from the ropes, and dwarfs pick up werewolves to throw out of the ring!

This boxed game contains everything a budding sponsor needs to start their RUMBLESLAM career.

Two teams are included – the stalwart Heavy Pounders consist of a Halfling Brawler, Halfling Grappler, Human Brawler, Human Grappler, and a mighty Ogre. Meanwhile in the other corner are the unrelenting Green Bruisers – a Goblin Brawler, Goblin Grappler, Orc Brawler, Orc Grappler, and unshakable Troll. Each wrestler comes with its own character profile card. These cards show each wrestler’s innate abilities, and moves they can perform, from basic clotheslines to the formidable Blue Thunder. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled.

The box contains a 12”x12” soft mat ring with 104 squares for wreaking mayhem, ropes to bounce off and turnbuckles to leap from.

With 5 Copper dice, 5 Silver dice, and 5 Gold dice, wrestlers can brawl their way to victory, and 2 Crowd dice allow your wrestlers to rally the crowd behind them to perform mind-blowing special moves.

The box also includes 40 counters for each special status in the game, as well as 16 Crowd Pleaser tokens to help keep track of your wrestlers‘ attempts at wooing the audience.

And of course the box includes the 64-page RUMBLESLAM rulebook. Containing all the information needed to play the game, including background information, team building rules, and a miniatures gallery.

What are you waiting for? There’s no better time to jump in the ring and start your path to superstardom!

(Box design may change)



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

This rulebook contains all the information needed to play a game of RUMBLESLAM.

64 full-colour pages show background information, main rules, special rules, team building, and a miniatures gallery, along with a quick reference section for looking up things mid-match.



16 RUMBLESLAM Dice (5 Copper, 5 Silver, 4 Gold, 2 Red)

This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017.

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**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

This pack of 56 acrylic tokens has every counter needed for playing RUMBLESLAM.

There are blue and red MP and AP counters, orange Knockdown counters, red Bleeding counters, and yellow Crowd Pleaser tokens to help you remember who the fans love!



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Get your RUMBLESLAM matches underway with our rubber game mat. Using ring squares, turnbuckles, and ropes, bounce and fly around 104 squares of ring. This 12″ x 12″ gaming mat has everything you need to play a game of RUMBLESLAM in a nice, clean ring!

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**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Spotlights up! Fireworks loaded! Ropes tightened! Ring… flat?

Bring your Games of RUMBLESLAM to life with our deluxe ring! Give your wrestlers and superstars the kind of experience they deserve on our fully 3D laser cut MDF board. With the exact measurements as the flat play mat, this ring makes an excellent upgrade to your RUMBLESLAM matches.

Also included are four heavy turnbuckle platforms for when a WEIGHT 3 wrestler has climbed the turnbuckle. They need something a little more sturdy before launching their devastating turnbuckle attacks!

The Rumbleslam Ring is made from 3mm MDF and 1mm greyboard. It contains 1 ring and 4 heavy turnbuckle platforms. We recommend wood glue to piece the set together. All you need to complete the set are ropes. We recommend using either nylon thread, wool, or – for a more vicious match – Army Painter barbed wire.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Orkishi is a household name due to his uniqueness. When most people think of orcs they imagine a bloodthirsty berserker intent on pillaging villages and slaughtering innocents, and who could blame them? Orkishi smashed this preconception to pieces when he first took to RUMBLESLAM’s main stage, and has been a staple ever since. Orkishi would be the poster model for RUMBLESLAM, but they don’t make posters wide enough.

What can we say about Orkishi that his character profile card doesn’t? He’s big, tough, and has great attacks with lots of special rules. Why are you still reading this? If you collect a Rolling Bones team (particularly the Green Bruisers), add him to your roster now!

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



1 Resin Miniature, 1 clear base & 1 Gamecard

Models are supplied unpainted, some assembly may be required.

This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

This ruff looking wrestler might not win any beauty pageants but inside the ring, he is often top dog. A clean fighter with a wild side, he uses his feral instincts and powerful body to wreak havoc on his opponents. Whether it’s a high speed British Bulldog off the ropes, or a terrifying Dogfighter from the turnbuckle, this canine contender constantly brings his A-game.

If playing a Feral Den team, you may not have much reliability. Baxter has that in spades. With +1 on his Attack, Grapple, and Dexterity, he’s one of the most reliable wrestlers in the game. Combine that with his Dogged Determination special rule, which means if he’s KO’d it doesn’t take effect until the end of the round, and you’ve got a wrestler that just will not get taken out. Baxter pairs perfectly with the more unpredictable Raging Beasts.

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Little is known about The Grave Digger. He has declined all interviews and questions to date. Who was he before his death? How did he come to be undead? Many have asked and yet none have received more than a chilling glare from the towering giant of a superstar. An enigma both in and out of the ring, The undead superstar has amassed a cult following who worship his every match and claim he is the chosen one.

Want to play one of the most recognised wrestlers in all of RUMBLESLAM? Grave Digger is strong, tough, and surprisingly quick. Get a Crowd Pleaser off and he can do quite a lot of attacks in one turn, and his Deadeye ability stops enemy wrestlers from moving!

Grave Digger is a Rolling Bones superstar, and fits perfectly alongside The Cryptborn Nightmares.

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

In nature it is sometimes the most beautiful of flowers that contain the most poison. The same can be said for this dark elf. A wrestler of nearly unparalleled beauty, Phage has enjoyed the adulation of her peers for years. Her seemingly shy and modest appearance however is merely a facade she wears to lull her opponents into a false sense of security. Behind her sweet and charming mask is a soul as black as pitch. This sadistic superstar takes great pleasure in inflicting serious and debilitating injuries on her foes. Several promising careers have ended early due to Phage crippling or maiming the superstar but nothing has been done to stop her. She pretends they are all accidents and even apologies openly to her victims, but it is all an act.

When is a Dark Elf better than a Dark Elf? When she’s Phage. Increasing on a Dark Elf’s already decent stat line, Phage really does have it all. With great attacks on top, she’s a formidable opponent. That said, she costs a lot of Dosh! If you fancy adding her to a Gomorrah team, she pairs perfectly with the Deadly Shadows, who make her even more mobile!

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

If you like the crowd cheering you on, this team is for you! The Deadly Divas always put on a good show, multiplying their own abilities (and any allied team members) by getting the crowd riled up.
Female Brawlers and Female Grapplers aren’t quite as tough as their male counterparts, but are quite a lot faster! They’ll be darting around the ring, dodging opponents, and hitting them where it hurts. If your Gomorrah team needs help pleasing the crowd, look no further!

High Flyers do exactly what their name says! Get them on a turnbuckle and there’s barely any square in the ring they can’t hit with a deadly Angelic Apocalypse.

Entertainers may be the ultimate force multiplyer in RUMBLESLAM. Keep them Crowd Pleasing and their Raise the Roof ability will do wonders for your team. Just don’t let the enemy near!

The Ogress hits hard, and your opponent will not forget it! Her special abilities have some of the best special rules in the game. Keep her close to the enemy and put the pressure on.

This box contains one of each: Female Brawler, Female Grappler, High Flyer, Entertainer, and Ogress. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

This dedicated superstar is no stranger to the ring. Ex-professional kickboxing champion, she has taken part in battles around the realm to showcase her combat skill and proficiency. In the world of martial arts, Caria was a force to be reckoned with. Undefeated in over one hundred fights, she held multiple titles for years. It was exactly that dominance that forced her to end her professional fighting career and take on a new challenge in the RUMBLESLAM arena.

If you’re looking for a bit more offensive force in your team, look no further than Caria. With both Headlock and a high attack value, she can KO even the toughest of wrestlers in a single round. As a Gomorrah wrestler she makes a great offensive addition to The Deadly Divas.

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

The hardiest team in RUMBLESLAM today, The Runic Thunder are great for those who like to take their time. The dwarfs are the slowest team in RUMBLESLAM, but when they’re as tough as nails, what does that matter? Any Kaiser’s Palace team would benefit from a wall of dwarfs!

Dwarf Brawlers and Dwarf Grapplers are the mainstay of the team. They will take several rounds to take down, and with their Sturdy ability can weather the fiercest of storms.

Glory Seekers are of a different ilk altogether. One of the most damaging wrestlers in the game, they can take on most WEIGHT 3 wrestlers single handedly and survive to tell the tale.

Dwarf Mechanics have one job and they do it well: fixing up Golems. Although not as hardy as the rest of the team, they’re still tougher than most wrestlers in the ring. If the Golem is thrown from the ring, get them to a Turnbuckle – their Falling Fortress ability does a lot of damage.

The clockwork, steam-powered Golem is a formidable sight in a RUMBLESLAM ring. With extremely strong defence and the Stoneskin ability, they’re all but impervious to Brawl attacks. Wind them up and watch them go!

This box contains one of each: Dwarf Brawler, Dwarf Grappler, Glory Seeker, Dwarf Mechanic, and Golem. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

A fan favourite for obvious reasons, Pythong is a wily customer who somehow always manages to sneak her serpentine friend into the ring. She possesses a strange charm that leaves both fans and opponents alike unable to look away as she lithely moves across the ring. Pythong has been seen using her snake as a cunning weapon in the ring. The deadly serpent follows her will and acts like an extension of her body to dish out attacks on her unwitting opponents.

A fast and fluid wrestler, Pythong has a solid stat line that’s made even better by her pet. Giving her special attacks Fury on 2 Gold dice is no small act, and her Snake Trip ability does Knockdown for good measure, opening up your opponents to a well-timed turnbuckle attack from friendly Forest Soul wrestlers from The Timber Fists.

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

The Cryptborn Nightmares are a team of extremes. One the one extreme are the skeletons: dime a dozen, but prone to collapsing into piles of bones. On the other extreme are the mummies: rock hard opponents that don’t ever stay down for long – if you even manage to get them down in the first place! Teams from the Rolling Bones will find great longevity in these undead monsters.

Skeletons and Ork Skeletons aren’t too worrying on the face of it, but their special abilities hit extremely hard. Just be careful not to put them against far superior opponents, or Brittle Bones will make them explode from a particularly savage beating!

Zombies and Mummies are some of the most reliable wrestlers in RUMBLESLAM. They have lots of power, and Rise From The Grave helps them to just keep going and going. Make sure to use those Crowd Pleasers!

Finally, the Werewolf is probably the best all round WEIGHT 3 wrestler in the game. Werewolves are quick and extremely efficient at throwing the opposing team out of the ring.

This box contains one of each: Skeleton, Orc Skeleton, Zombie, Mummy, and Werewolf. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Do you like winning? Do you like seeing the look of defeat on your opponent’s face? Do you smile at the tears of your enemies? Then The Twisted Shadows might be for you, you weirdo. This team is agile, fast, hard-hitting, and very tough to face. But they’re also extremely weak when punched back, so watch out! Twisted players of Gomorrah will love a little extra power in their teams.

Shadowling Brawlers and Shadowling Grapplers are best used to sneak in, do a devastating special attack, and then Shadow Jump away again before the enemy even notices they were there!

Dark Elf Brawlers and Dark Elf Grapplers can take a bit more punishment, and are very good at their respective roles. Their Art of Seduction ability turns an already good attack into an even better one by incapacitating the opponent’s ability to defend properly.

Finally, the massive Gorgons are out and out damage dealers. Their special abilities are very powerful, but its their grapples and Crowd Pleasers that really make them a mainstay in any Gomorrah team.

This box contains one of each: Shadowling Brawler, Shadowling Grappler, Dark Elf Brawler, Dark Elf Grappler, and Gorgon. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

This team loves nature! They love it so much they take it into the ring with them! The Timber Fists are a team centred around their big guy. The Treeman is a hardy wrestler with many useful attacks and abilities. Keep near him and watch the enemy squirm away from these Forest Soul fighters.

Sprite Brawlers and Sprite Grapplers are incredibly weak. Luckily they’re so small they’re hard to hit! These little piskies are best kept out of the way until you need them (and with the highest movement in the game, that’s not hard!). Their Healer and Spirit Share abilities are great for regenerating health for the rest of the team.

Amazonian Brawlers and Amazonian Grapplers are strong ladies! They’re solid all-rounders whose Treetop Acrobat ability is invaluable. Keep them near the Treeman for maximum effectiveness!

The giant Treeman is one of the toughest wrestlers in RUMBLESLAM. And that’s not all! They have extremely versatile abilities. From Devastating turnbuckle attacks to the debilitating Vine Snare, the Treeman really can do it all. Except move quickly.

This box contains one of each: Sprite Brawler, Sprite Grappler, Amazonian Brawler, Amazonian Grappler, and Treeman. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Martial artists usually avoid Rumbleslam due to their dirty fighters and flashy appearance. But a number of skilled fighters have joined over the years, and Toothpick is known as the greatest.

Toothpick earned his nickname during a press conference that was set to usher him into Rumbleslam. One of the veterans of the ring grew offended when the old master declared his distaste for the flashier side of the sport, and challenged the rat right there. Moving with perfect grace and fluid precision, the old master plucked a toothpick free of the presenter’s mouth and flicked it casually at the man like a dart. The angry wrestler collapsed into a heap with the toothpick sticking out of his neck. The aged fighter removed the toothpick as he walked by and the man breathed a haggard breath.

Toothpick isn’t the toughest of superstars, but has some extremely damaging special attacks. His Deadly Shuriken for example has a high attack value and does a plethora of additional effects. His Grand Master ability adds 1 Copper die to all Feral Den wrestlers‘ Dexterity, which makes him the perfect partner for the already slippery Furry Fury.

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Built to endure the sub-zero temperatures of his homeland, Vitamir is clad in thick hair that acts as both insulator and armour. During his travels, the bear-like wrestler created dozens of folk stories and rumours. The Sasquatch? Just Vitamir taking a stroll through the woods. The abominable snowman? Just Vitamir lost in a snowstorm.

Fan favourite Vitamir is a force unto himself. A giant of a man, he has some of the best movement and action points of any WEIGHT 3 wrestler. He’s got great stats and high damaging special abilities. His Man Against Wild ability does extra damage when targetting Feral Den or Forest Soul wrestlers, which makes him the perfect Kaiser’s Palace wrestler to add a little extra oomph to a Heavy Pounders team.

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Although mild-mannered outside of the ring, The Cold Bloods are a different beast entirely after the match starts. Naturally resilient to damage, these walking lizards make fine RUMBLESLAM wrestlers, and great additions to a Forest Soul team.

Gekko Brawlers and Gekko Grapplers may not hit very hard, but with their Skitter ability they dart around the ring, always managing to be in the right place at the right time.

Saurian Brawlers and Saurian Grapplers lack the speed of their smaller kin, but make up for that with sheer aggression. With Sharpened Claws brawling is their forte, leaving opponents not just battered, but bleeding too.

A Krux is one of the most formidable wrestlers to step foot in the ring. Strong and tough, these creatures are hard to deal with, even before taking into account their debilitating Roar! Abilities.

This box contains one of each: Gekko Brawler, Gekko Grappler, Saurian Brawler, Saurian Grappler, and Krux. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Some of the dirtiest players in RUMBLESLAM history have been members of The Furry Fury. These ratmen don’t fight fair, and don’t fight slow! One of the fastest teams in the game, they’re going to be running around most opponents. These sneaky Feral Den wrestlers add a lot of speeed to a team.

Vermin Brawlers and Vermin Grapplers are quick. Very quick. However, they are quite weak. Their Twitchy ability lets them dodge Brawl attacks, so keep them away from the ropes and turnbuckles, and your opponent will struggle to deal with them.

Ratman Brawlers and Ratman Grapplers are rather speedy, but also quite tough. Their best ability however is Dirty Fighter. Knock down an opponent and they’ll kick them when they’re down, doing plenty of extra damage!

Rat Abominations are the ultimate hybrid of small wrestler and big wrestler. They may not be the toughest, but they hit hard and are quick to boot. With plenty of skills that Knock down opponents, they work perfectly with the smaller Ratmen.

This box contains one of each: Vermin Brawler, Vermin Grappler, Ratman Brawler, Ratman Grappler, and Rat Abomination. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

The Green Bruisers are some of the biggest stars of the RUMBLESLAM arena. They’re fast, they hit hard, and they don’t let up! If you want a team that likes getting stuck in, regardless of what danger it poses to them, these greenskins are for you, and make an excellent choice for The Rolling Bones.

Goblin Brawlers and Goblin Grapplers do not hit hard. But getting them into a fair fight is not what they’re for! They’re quick and can do lots of actions a turn, meaning their special abilities will get lots of use. Of particular note is their Antagonise ability, which makes opponents slower and angrier!

Orc Bruisers and Orc Grapplers are the ones you want to be getting into combat! Hit first, and make it count. And if you can’t reach the enemy, use their Da Boss ability to pick up goblins and throw them instead!

Trolls are big, blue, and mean. They have absolutely devastating special attacks, so make sure they’re in the right place because they don’t move fast. Their Regeneration ability helps them to stay in the fight long past most other wrestlers.

This box contains one of each: Goblin Brawler, Goblin Grappler, Orc Brawler, Orc Grappler, and Troll. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

The Heavy Pounders fill that ideal space between speed, strength, and defence. They’re reliable and even the smallest member can be extremely useful. They’re easy to learn, but tricky to master. The crowd loves them though, multiplying their already solid stat lines even further. Kaiser’s Palace teams needing some stability should look no further.

Halfling Brawlers and Halfling Grapplers get a lot of actions per turn, and their special abilities are cheap to use, meaning they’ll be mainstays in your team.

Human Brawlers and Human Grapplers do what they say, and do it well. Don’t go getting their roles confused though, as they won’t be nearly as effective. Brawlers first do the damage, and then grapplers move in and throw the opponents out of the ring. A tried and tested formula that works match after match.

Ogres are big. Ogres are strong. Ogres are hard to throw out. What more could you want? It would be tempting to just brawl away with an ogre, but that means that you’re not using their many useful special attacks. A Choke Slam does wonders when paired with the Halfling Brawler, and a Belly Bomb Bonanza hits every opponent in base contact, if you’re brave enough to climb the turnbuckle to do it!

This box contains one of each: Halfling Brawler, Halfling Grappler, Human Brawler, Human Grappler, and Ogre. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

The crazies of the RUMBLESLAM arena. As violent as they are unpredictable, The Raging Beasts are an extremely strong team when directed in the right way! Unsurprisingly The Feral Den is their home, and they make an excellent choice for adding a little power.

Goatman Brawlers and Goatman Grapplers are mad. Absolutely nuts. They have very high attack stats, and very low defence stats. Lots of stamina means they won’t quit the fight early either. Just watch out for their Frenzied ability, which sees them running head first into the enemy with no thought for tactics.

Barbarian Brawlers and Barbarian Grapplers are damage dealing machines! They hit harder than their good counterparts, and although they only activate Crowd Pleasers on a Boo result, the abilities are exceptionally strong.

What to say about Minotaurs? If you like the idea of a giant monster bouncing off the ropes and throw opponents out of the ring with its horns, Minotaurs are for you.

This box contains one of each: Goatman Brawler, Goatman Grappler, Barbarian Brawler, Barbarian Grappler, and Minotaur. All miniatures are supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.



**This item is available for pre-order and will not ship until 20/03/2017**

Officer Reno (as he demands to be called) started off life as a humble and righteous man. From a young age he looked up to the uniformed heroes who kept the streets safe. When he was old enough, he joined the academy. Years later, he emerged as a proud officer of the law! Eager to prove himself, he took to the streets and assisted in the arrests of countless criminals and evildoers. After watching a RUMBLESLAM match he realised that he had a different calling – cleaning up the ring!

Officer Reno has a great attack stat and a great grapple stat. He’s best used bouncing off the ropes though. His Skewer ability has the Lifted special rule, ready to throw his opponents out the next round. Combined with his Thick Skin rule, your opponent will struggle to do any damage to him, meaning that wrestler he lifted is going out!

Miniature supplied unpainted and unassembled with a unique character profile card and base.

Falls ihr das Spiel in Aktion sehen wollt, hier ist ein Let’s Play von Beasts of War:

Link: TTCombat


1994 mit Warhammer ins Hobby eingestiegen und seither so manches ausprobiert. Aktuelle Projekte: Herr der Ringe (Gefährten), Epic Armageddon (Eldar), Infinity (PanOceania), Warhammer (Slaanesh gemischt), nicht unbedingt in dieser Reihenfolge.

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  • Ist das ein älteres recycltes Spiel? -meine ein sehr sehr ähnliches Spiel (als Kickstarter) vor Jahren gesehen zu haben, nur ohne Fantasyanleihen. Das ist damals aber wohl ziemlich schnell in der Versenkung verschwunden… Wurde auch mal auf der Spielemesse Essen promotet.

  • Haha, „Orcozuna“, der „Macho (Mini) Man“ und der „Zombitaker“ haben ja schon was, aber der British Bulldog ist am besten 😀

    Eventuell müsste man sich zusätzlich noch das WWE Brettspiel von GF9 bzw. die Minis dazu holen, denn in so einem Spiel braucht man auf jeden Fall auch JOHN CEENAAA! *dödödö döööö* 😀

    @ Karadoc

    Meinst du vielleicht Da Clash? o.o

  • Da Clash hat schon viel Fantasyanleihen (und ist auch NICHT in der Versenkung verschwunden *g*), meinst Du eventuell Luchador?

    Das Ding hier sieht jedenfalls ziemlich cool aus und ich hoffe noch auf einen Ultimate Warrior Verschnitt und einer Legion Of Doom Homage…

  • Das schaut zum schreien komisch aus 😀 und dann auch noch ohne Kickstarter sondern als simple PreOrder, das macht es noch besser.

  • Das war aber mal ein KS und da gab es auch Hulk Hogan und andere. Waren aber KS exklusiv….Obwohl sich das anscheinend nur auf den Preis bezog.

    Der Undertaker war ach KS exklusiv und jetzt wohl so zu haben

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