Rubicon Models: LVT-2 & LVT(A)-2 Render
Neue Render zum Landungsschiff LVT-2 & LVT(A)-2 gibt es bei Rubicon Models auf Facebook zu sehen.
The LVT-2s participated in more campaigns that any other LVTs. These included Tarawa, Roi-Namur, Cape Gloucester, Northern Kwajalein, Saipan, Guam, Tinian, Peleliu, Iwo Jima and Okinawa. Their main drawbacks were that the infantry needed to scurry off the vehicle, exposing themselves to enemy fire. And since there was no ramp, it was difficult to store big loads inside, like artillery. These defects were corrected on the LVT-3 and 4.
Quelle: Rubicon Models auf Facebook
Man koennte noch anmerken, dass LVT-1, 2 und 4 auch nach dem D-Day in Europa eingesetzt wurden.