von BK-Nils | 26.01.2017 | eingestellt unter: Brettspiele, Fantasy

Rising Sun: Neue Previews

Das Team hinter Blood Rage, Guillotine Games und CoolMiniorNot zeigen auf Facebook neue Previews für ihr neues Projekt, Rising Sun.

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Bonsai Clan 1 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Bonsai Clan 2 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Bonsai Clan 3

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Bonsai Clan 4 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Bonsai Clan 5 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Bonsai Clan 6

Just like the art of the Bonsai tree, the Bonsai Clan has existed for thousands of years. They are contemplative, and filled with humility. However, they have deep roots that are hard to break. Today we introduce the Bushi miniatures from the Bonsai Clan for Rising Sun.
According to Eric M. Lang, “Bushi are the primary force for each player’s Clan, able to dominate the map in both war and harvest time.”
These miniatures are resin. The final miniatures will be made of plastic.

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Daimyo 1 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Daimyo 2 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Daimyo 3

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Shinto Priest 1 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Shinto Priest 2 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Shinto Priest 3

The Daimyo are the powerful lords of Feudal Japan. They hold large swaths of land, and lead their clans into battle whenever the need arises.
According to Rising Sun designer, Eric M. Lang, „The Daimyo is your leader. Each player only gets one. Daimyos provide force like any other figure, but they cannot be targeted by card effects nor taken hostage in combat.“
The Shinto priests are in touch with the Gods. They are able to visit temples and make offerings in order to gain favors from the ancient deities.
„Shinto are warrior priests, traveling the Earth alongside the Bushi or worshiping the heavens at the Kami temple to gain you favor. They are a highly versatile figure, and players have a limited amount of each,“ said Lang.
Today we reveal the miniatures of the Daimyo and Shinto from the Bonsai Clan.
These miniatures are resin. The final miniatures will be made of plastic.

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Oni 1 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Oni 2 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Oni 3

We’ve introduced you to the miniatures from the Bonsai clan. Now it’s time to reveal one of the powerful Oni. The Oni of Blood can be purchased and used by the players in the game, but be careful, nothing comes without a cost.
According to Rising Sun designer, Eric Lang, “ “Normally you want to be high in honor because it gives you tremendous bonuses in game. However, there are a few strategies (like the usage of these hideous Oni) that reward the dishonorable. Choose your path carefully!”
These miniatures are resin. The final miniatures will be made of plastic.

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan 1 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan 2 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan 3

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan 4 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan 5 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan 6

Japan is also known as the Island of the Dragonfly, and these unique and beautiful insects are deeply ingrained into the culture and folklore of the people.
Dragonflies are nimble and agile, and move with speed and grace. The same principles are shared by the Dragonfly clan in Rising Sun. Today we introduce two different sculpts of the Bushi minis.
These miniatures are resin. The final miniatures will be made of plastic.

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan Daimyo 1 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan Daimyo 2 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan Daimyo 3

Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan Shinto 1 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan Shinto 2 Guillotine Games_Rising Sun Facebook Previews Dragonfly Clan Shinto 3

We started this week by sharing the Bushis from the Dragonfly clan. Today, we reveal the minis for the Dragonfly clan’s Daimyo and Shinto. Stay tuned for even more exciting news about Eric M. Lang’s upcoming tribute to Feudal Japan in the coming days and weeks! Are you getting as excited as we are?
These miniatures are resin, the finals will be plastic.

Quelle: Rising Sun auf Facebook


Nils, Redakteur bei Brückenkopf-Online. Seit 2001 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop: DSA Armalion. Aktueller Fokus liegt auf Skirmish-Systemen und Warhammer 40.000. mehr auf https://www.instagram.com/nerdydutchman/

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  • Großes Smith-Kino. Auch schöne Sculpts. Dabei ist auch gut zu beobachten wie nur leichte Veränderungen die Ausstrahlung deutlich beeinträchtigen können. Und dann ist da noch die Sache mit den anderen Posen, was grundsätzlich okay ist, doch auch etwas schade mitunter.

  • Auch wenn ich jetzt nicht der große Fernost Fan bin, da muss ich leider wieder mitmachen.

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