von BK-Herr Kemper | 17.07.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Terrain / Gelände

Raging Heroes: WarStages Ankündigung

Raging Heroes kündigt für diesen Monat einen Kickstarter für ihr Geländeprojekt WarStages an.

Auf Facebook kündigte Raging Heroes den Kickstarter an und zeigte erste Bilde:

WarStages is THE scenery system you’ve been waiting for — Modular as LEGO — Epic as a Movie Set –So Flexible that you can go from Super Massive Battles to Skirmishes, even RPG, and everything in between! ——- On Kickstarter July 2017 ——- More info: https://www.ragingheroes.com/…/warstages-kickstart…/kscoming

RH Warstages 02

Die Idee:

you can transform it in a few moments into nearly everything: Fortress, Urban Ruins, Multilevel Daedalus, Sci-Fi Interiors, ….

With the WarStages system you can play all types of games: Siege, Urban Warfare, Skirmish, Exploration, etc., with a single kit.

STUNNING: For the first time ever, your chance to get a gaming table as awesome, big, and epic as a convention center piece.

MODULAR: Make it yours! Assemble the Gothic Cathedral, reorganise its layout to your likes, or completely re-invent your own WarStages thanks to our super modular assembly system.

IMMERSIVE: Immerse yourself in a movie-like environment with loads of accessories that bring an unprecedented sense of atmosphere, scope and epicness to your games.

PRACTICAL: Easy to assemble, easy to store, no painting required.

GREAT VALUE: In our survey, you told us that you wanted great value for money, so not only are you getting the most insane gothic  scenery ever at a great price, but it is super modular, infinitely customisable, epic as a convention table, immersive as a movie set, and ultra practical, quite easily giving you the best possible of bang for your buck!

RH Warstages 10 RH Warstages 01 RH Warstages 03

Das Konzept:

Modular terrains are great, but re-building everything from scratch every time you need a change is time-consuming and tedious.

WarStages gives you a richer, more effective approach:

The WarStages system is based on two concepts: the ‚Bricks‘ and the ‚Stages‘

The Bricks are small basic components: ground sections of 2×5 inches, wall sections, railings, stairs…

The Stages are structures made of these Bricks. Each Stage is a building structure that can stand on its own and has a specific function: main portal, choir, bell tower, wall section with catwalks, etc.

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3:

  1. Use the Bricks to assemble the various Stages of your WarStages kit, like you would with large Lego bricks;
  2. Place the Stages together on the table to create your Cathedral;
  3. Move the Stages around to create any other setting you might need.

The full Cathedral kit is an assembly of several Stages. Put them together to make the Cathedral… or nearly anything else in just a few seconds.
This is because we have conceived each Stage in the Cathedral Kit to have a different type of architectural and gaming function: large portal, catwalk structure, wide platform, enclosing wall, etc.

Once you have these Stages ready, it’s super easy to either assemble the full cathedral or organise the Stages to set up a fortress, a city in ruins, a giant gothic complex, or whatever you can think of… just by moving the various sections around.

But since the Bricks are entirely modular, you can also forget our design and completely customise or create your own. It is super easy and open even more possibilities!

Play outside, play inside the scenery you create, or even use it as a mighty skyline for your table.

Every picture you can see on this page / in our communications has been made this way with a SINGLE Gothic Cathedral kit (in most cases less than a full kit) and, on some set-ups, we added a few elements of ourGothic Daedalusextension kit to extend some of the stages with more passage ways, arches and new types of walls. This was very quick too!

We have assembled our Stages then moved them around to create many different set-ups, each time it took less than a minute!

The Gothic Daedalus kit is a structure kit made of another set of ‚Bricks‘. It is conceived to expand, complexify or connect the various stages of your Cathedral kit. You can also use it on its own to create intricate multilevel structures and even entire rooms!

Once you’ll get used to your WarStages kits, it won’t take long before you invent your own Stages by mixing the WarStage Bricks your own way, creating your own vocabulary of building structures to even better match your gaming needs and your personal taste.

RH Warstages 04 RH Warstages 05 RH Warstages 06


With more than 3 linear meters (120 linear inches) of walls and towers on several level, our main kit is truly massive. The highest towers stands about 30 inches high (75cm), that’s more than 20 minis standing on top of each other !

Imagine the cost of that kind of kit in Resin…

And if you want to go even more crazy, there’s nothing preventing you from piling up several Stages even higher if you want to make an even more gigantic table or display! In fact, we have some pledges for that…

All of us gamers put a lot of effort in assembling, painting, converting our minis to make our armies look special. But when the minis are laid out on the table, the first thing you really see is the table and the scenery. WarStages gives you a convention-looking table with minimal effort and cost so that your games will never look the same again.

With such a jaw-dropping looking table, you’ll host the most memorable games and you and your friends won’t get enough of it.

RH Warstages 07 RH Warstages 08 RH Warstages 09


Because the WarStages is so modular, you’ll be able to create a vast range of structures, rooms, and buildings. By mixing the Cathedral kit with the Gothic Daedelus Extension, you’ll have at your disposal many options of open walls, closed walls, stairs, floors, etc., of all sizes and shapes to create anything you want.

You can create 3D game boards for your favorite board games, indoor/outdoor structures for skirmish and exploration games, large size city ruins, etc.
You could even use your WarStages kit as a display piece to showcase your minis in your display cabinet!

But that’s not all!

On top of that, you’ll have access to a wide selection of furniture and accessories like computer consoles, crates, containers, and even medical scanners, ventilation systems, and more. Each of these accessories is incredibly detailed, and combines a very elaborate gothic design with sci-fi technology.

These small elements really bring the scenery to life in a unique way.


The kit shown in the images is a prototype created entirely by hand. It took more than 300 hours of work just to print it and assemble it! (Not to mention the conception and design which took several months.)

Which goes to show how much time and effort this WarStages kit will save you.

Because this prototype that we show you was all made by hand, you might spot a few misalignments here and there that won’t be in the final product, of course.

It is also why many elements of the cathedral don’t feature clips in the photos, since many Bricks are glued together on our prototype. Also, the clips you see here are also prototypes that have since been adjusted to become nearly invisible (more on this in the next few days). But photographing the Cathedral assembled with glue gives allows you to see the look you can achieve if you choose to completely glue rather than clip the Bricks together and not disassemble your various Stages, which is certainly another option available to you.


Of course, playability has been one of our main focus from the start. The infinite modularity of the WarStages components makes you certain that you can create anything you might need for your various games.
If you just follow our instructions to build the Cathedral, you end up with loads of walkways, covers, etc.
But you can even push it further and completely customise your terrain to perfectly fit the specifics of each of your games, creating more covers, labyrinthic setups, symmetric tables for tournaments, the list goes on.

And the vertical arrangement of the various levels means you get even more game space on a single table!


Quelle: Raging Heroes auf Facebook

Link: WarStages Preview


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Bin gespannt wie sie da Brüste dran kriegen wollen, die sind ja für RH das was für GW Schädel sind. 😛

    Ich weiß noch nicht, was ich davon halten soll. Die Bilder sehen ja ganz nett aus, aber auf so stark bearbeiteten Fotos erkennt man halt wenig. Wirkt aber zumindest interessant, mit Kickstartern fang ich deswegen aber sicher nicht an.

  • Bedruckte Pappe,

    schöner schei* genau das was ich nicht haben wollte.

    SIE hatten doch schon Resin Prototypen, kommt das später?

  • Weniger gigantomanisch, dafür aber aus Plastik oder Resin wäre mir auch lieber gewesen. Klasse statt Masse, für sowas hab ich leider keinen Platz.

  • Die sollten das Gelände als 3D-Drucker-Vorlage produzieren. Dann kann jeder die Materialkosten selber tragen und niemand muss mit Papp-Gelände zocken 🙂

    • Viel Spaß beim Drucker einrichten, ausdrucken, säubern und anmalen.
      Bin jetzt hier von diesem KS auch nicht besonders angesprochen, aber dieses do it yourself drucken ist noch lange kein Selbstläufer. Für 2-3 komplexe Multilevel-Gebäude bezahlt man vlt initial nicht viel für die Dateien, aber bei der Umsetzung dann auf jeden Fall mit extrem viel (Hobby/Arbeits)-Zeit. Und bei den Gebäuden die RH vorhaben würde es richtig wüst werden, bis man da ein einziges Gebäude spielfertig hat

  • Finde den Schritt ziemlich cool. Letztlich ist es doch nur eine Feage, in wievielen Schichten das Modell aufgebaut wird. Selbst Schuhkarton-MDF von TTCombat bekommt man mit ein bisschen Pappe und Bitz sehr schick hin.
    Die Quali von Tabletopworld ist zwar eine ganz andere Liga, aber dann eher für Dioramabauer/Sammler da für Spieler in der Regel unerschwinglich.
    Ich finde diese Pappsachen echt ganz cool und bin letztlich froh, kein urbanes Gothicszenario zu planen 🙂

    • Scheisse, hätte ich mir mal als Hobby Dioramabauer ausgesucht, dann würde mir mein Chef jeden Monat nen Taui mehr überweisen damit ich mir Tabletopworld Gelände kaufen kann.

      Samma wie kommst du da drauf, dass man als Dioramabauer oder Sammler mehr Kohle zum verjubeln hat als jemand der mit den Puppen spielt?

      • Wie Emperor schon gesagt hat…
        Außerdem gehen Sammler oder auch Bauer/Maler von Dioramen/Vitrinenstücken idR gezielter voran. Da geht es nicht darum, in 3-4 Stunden fertig zu werden und wenn du Wochen oder gar Monate an einem Stück sitzt, relativieren sich die Anschaffungskosten wieder.
        Aber in diesem Hobby hat man tendenziell immer zu wenig Geld 😉

    • Es geht vermutlich nicht darum, dass man als Bauer von Dioramen mehr Geld zur Verfügung hat, sondern darum, dass man für ein Diorama deutlich weniger Gelände braucht, als wenn man einen ganzen Spieltisch damit füllen will.

  • Ich habe allgemein nichts gegen Pappe, persönlich finde ich, dass es auf die Verbindungen ankommt.
    Seit den 90er bespiele ich mein Grundset an Necromundapappgelände und habe RICHTIG viel Gaudi daran.
    Dabei waren aber die großartigen Schots zum einklinken der richtige Hit.

    Bin gespannt zu sehen wie RH ihre Pappteile miteinader verbinden werden.
    Das wird in der Ankündigung eher knapp gehalten.

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