von BK-Christian | 24.03.2017 | eingestellt unter: Fantasy, Science-Fiction

Raging Heroes: Bilder und Infos

Die Toughest Girls bekommen einen neuen Artikel und neue Bilder spendiert.

New 3D Print image

In the meantime, we have photos that you’ve never seen before of the 3D prints masters. Most of the Monsters & Machine are actually bigger than originally planned, so you are really getting a hell of a deal because their retail prices will be higher than planned, and in some cases, much higher…

Here are new photos of the Avatar of Shaah, which will be quite a sight on the tabletop:

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Photos of the Spider Mother’s parts, which is a totally massive piece as you can judge by these images:

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By the way, the reason why we never show you fully assembled 3D prints is that the parts have to go to the foundry without any residues of glue, blue tack, or other adhesive substances.

New pictures of the War Pulpit, showing several assembled parts:

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Several elements of the Dark Elves Draahk Chariot:

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And finally, part of the huge Yscarloth:

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Bemalte Modelle gibt es auch zu sehen:

Painting the TGG2 Minis

As you know, painting of the studio minis started a few weeks ago. It is a very delicate time as colour schemes need to be established and finding the exact look we are looking for is always a challenge, but we are pretty happy with what is coming up for the Sisters. Here are photos at various stages of completion.

New images of the painted Daughters of the Crucible. They are now just waiting for their bases to be done.

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 Newly painted Icariates ready to strike from the sky.

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The Officer from the SF Sisters‘ Command Group

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Archpapess Arthenya VI SF and her minions:

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Here are Great Seraphim Erzebel’s wings:

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We are always quite excited to see how you, our backers, decide to paint the TGG2 minis. Today, we focus on Vizart Minis who has already painted a pretty big collection of TGG2 models. We really like what he has done and we thought it might also inspire you. You can find more of his work on his Facebook page.

The Minions:

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The Stingrays:

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Sister Trematta and Zaraya:

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Lady Melith:

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Außerdem gibt es neue Videos:

New Videos

We are aiming to do more and more videos to help you get the best out of you Raging Heroes minis and to make you discover various aspect of the TGG universe. So this time, here is a video explaining  how to assemble and prepare the new version of our Manticore. If you recall, she was not unlocked in the Kickstarter, but we made her available to our backers at a discounted price.

Assembling Lady Kashala on Manticore:

Straightening bent resin parts:

Here is also a video about how to straighten bent resin parts. If you get extremely bent parts or if you want to make a conversion that requires re-positioning an important part of a mini, this video will answer your questions. Most of all, it will show you how simple it is to get the result you want.

A word of caution, though. The Raging Heroes team tend to behave like Vikings: they eat rocks, sleep on beds of nails and don’t care about plunging their skin in boiling water. OUCH! Please, when you use hot water to bend resin, always be very careful and please

  • DO make sure the container you are using is very stable
  • DO place the container in a sink so that if hot water splashes, it won’t splash on you
  • DO use tweezers to fish out the parts from the hot water, DON’T plunge your fingers in the hot water

Removing from sprue delicate kits – Preparing the Mantis Warriors:

Finally, if you want to know how to prepare a delicate kit, like the Mantis Warriors, and how to un-sprue fine and delicate parts, this video is for you:

Und dann gibt es da noch ein längeres Update zum Produktionsstatus:

Augusta Fantasy, Augusta Sci-Fi and the All-Stars Daughters of the Orphanage (Command Group and Troops), have now begun shipping.

In 3 to 4 weeks, all the Rewards Selection that do NOT include Monsters&Machines, Yscarloth, the Centaurs and the Mounted Knights will have been shipped.

This means that while virtually all TGG2 backers have already received a portion of their Rewards Selection, within the next 3-4 weeks, more than half of our backers will have received their entire Rewards Selection.

So, as you can see, there are delays. You may recall that one of the key things we had asked the foundry last year was to solve the release agent problem that was occasionally making some casts difficult to clean and paint. They tried several different approaches, and finally found a release agent that was the perfect solution. Many tests were made to confirm this, and with all the indicators to green, we all agreed on the process.

But once the moulds started getting into heavy rotation to produce the hundreds and thousands of casts needed to complete TGG2 fulfilment, the foundry progressively came to realise that this new agent was ageing the moulds much faster than usual.

This means that they have to redo the moulds much more frequently. This is adding to their workload and is at the same time reducing their planned output. So we are getting longer productions times than what we were quoted.

So we decided to bite the bullet on this and to continue the production so that all fulfilment gets done. But we are already looking into that problem and we are confident that we will soon find a solution just like we have in the past with the many challenges we’ve faced so far. At this time, we just don’t want to stop the production and make you wait more while we are resolving this.

To minimise the impact of this situation for you, we have put in place a totally new logistics system. Normally, we should have received from the foundry in bulk the quantities we are ordered from the start, and we would have systematically run through all of your Rewards Selections, prepared them, and shipped them.

But instead, we are receiving the various models in small batches.

So while your Rewards Selection may appear to be fully ‚In Stock‘, that is not necessarily the case. In fact, if it has not yet shipped, it is because we don’t have enough of each model to send it to you all yet. Items have been going from ‚In Stock‘ to ‚Backordered‘ all the time: quantities change up and down nearly every day, as new stock comes in and new Rewards Selection go out. So I have updated the stock spreadsheet and replaced the ‚In Stock‘ and ‚Backordered‘ categories by ‚In Production‘ to more accurately reflect what is going on.

However, we have access to an algorithm that allows us to maximise the distribution of available stock. Each time something come in, we instantly know where it can be allocated to maximise the number of backers whose complete Rewards can be shipped.

So every Rewards Selection is handled individually, instead of in bulk. Without going into a whole bunch of boring details, it has meant a lot more work, having to make 3 incompatible software talk together to set up the working algorithm. Yet in the end, it is very efficient. And as noted above, if the foundry can continue at its current rate, in 3 to 4 weeks, all the Rewards Selection that do not include Monsters&Machines + Yscarloth, the Centaurs and the Mounted Knights will have been shipped.

Those are in the pipeline. I know that you all would like something more specific in terms of schedule. This is very legitimate. Yet with the unexpected delays at the foundry, I am uncomfortable giving you production dates that may not be firm. What I can tell you is that everybody is working their tail off to make sure production happens as quickly as possible while maintaining our quality standards. I will give you more firm info as soon as I have it.

We understand how frustrating this may be for you, our backers. It’s incredibly frustrating for us too. As you know, our work at the studio has been finished since last Fall on TGG2, aside for a few simple print preparations.


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Tolle Bilder, aber das kennt man von deren Minis.
    Auslieferung wäre mal toll!!
    Aber auch das kennt man und da ich die Minis nur für „just for fun“ Bemalung haben möchte und für kein Spiel ist mir das dann auch egal. 😀

    • Raging Heroes bringt die Sachen Schritt für Schritt und kontrolliert in den Shop, wenn die Sachen an die Backer ausgeliefert sind.

      Beim letzten Kickstarter konnte man einen kleinen Teil der Figuren bereits im Shop kaufen, während wir, die sich für einmal Versand „on Block“ und nicht in „Waves“ entschieden haben, noch auf das Paket warteten.
      Nach Abschluss der Auslieferung an alle Backer hat es noch circa 1 Jahr gedauert bis so gut wie alle Minis des Kickstarters im Shop erhältlich waren. Meistens allerdings in kleineren Charakter-Paketen, Einzelfiguren sind nicht so häufig.

      Meiner Meinung nach ein sehr faires Vorgehen für alle Backer (und sicherlich hat die Schritt für Schritt Einführung im Shop auch Vorteile für Produktion Logistik und Steuer (lieber weniger jeden Monat als einmal richtig heftig und anschließend nichts mehr)

  • Schöne Bemalung, da sind meine Frau und ich ja gespannt, wenn das Päckchen vom Kickstarter hier eintrifft.

  • Bei mir sind die Sachen bereits alle angekommen. Die Restlieferung kam letzte Woche. Aber das hängt wohl von den Modellen ab, was schon fertig produziert wurde. Sind wirklich Top geworden!

    Die erste Lieferung hat DHL zwar vergeigt und wieder zurück geschickt. Ersatz kam aber promt. Keine Probleme, Kommunikation mit dem Service war sehr gut.

  • Doof: Ich habe den Avatar of Shaah in meinem Pledge und deswegen erst die Freebies hier.
    Cool: Ich habe den Avatar of Shaah in meinem Pledge 🙂

    Freue mich schon sehr auf die Minis. Die aus dem ersten Kickstarter waren super und der Eindruck von den Freebies ist, dass diese noch besser werden.

  • Je öfter ich mir die Bilder ansehe, desto mehr bin ich der Überzeugung, unbedingt Geld zurückzulegen, um so ein Bündle zu kaufen, wenn die Dinger regulär im shop erscheinen. Die sehen so abgefahren gut aus

    • Geht mir nicht erst seit diesen Bildern so. Alle paar Wochen geh‘ ich in den Onlineshop von denen, schwärme Tania Tanker an und gucke, „ob man nicht noch ein/zwei Sachen dazu nehmen“ könnte, damit sich das Porto lohnt und gehe dann mit einem Warenkorb um die 200 Euro und einem Seufzen wieder runter. xD

      Bei aller berechtigter Kritik an Raging Heroes, ganz viel von ihrem Zeug sieht einfach Hammer aus.

  • Wie ist den die Gussqualität?
    Hab hier ein paar ältere Zinnminiaturen von denen und da war sie absolut Top!!!

  • Also die Freebies sehen gut aus, ich warte mal ab, wann genau den mein Kram kommt. Aber gute Bilder.

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