von BK-Christian | 12.11.2017 | eingestellt unter: Science-Fiction, Zubehör

Puppets War: Köpfe und Counter

Von Puppets War kommen mehrere Neuheiten.

PW Puppets War Pilot Helmets 1 PW Puppets War Pilot Helmets 2 PW Puppets War Pilot Helmets 3

Pilot Helmets – 8,00 Euro

Set contains resin 10 pilot helmets, designed to fit 28mm tabletop wargames scale, supplied unassembed and unpainted. Designed and sculpted by Puppetswar Art Team.

PW Puppets War Mad Clown Heads 1 PW Puppets War Mad Clown Heads 2 PW Puppets War Mad Clown Heads 3

Mad Clown Heads – 8,00 Euro

Set contains resin 10 mad clowns heads, designed to fit 28mm tabletop wargames scale, supplied unassembed and unpainted. Designed and sculpted by Puppetswar Art Team.

PW Puppets War Monster Counters 1 PW Puppets War Monster Counters 2 PW Puppets War Monster Counters 3 PW Puppets War Monster Counters 4 PW Puppets War Monster Counters 5

Small Monster Counters – 12,00 Euro

set contains five monster counters (10 resin parts and 10 7x1mm magnets). Counters are designed to show numbers from 1 to 10. To assemble the counter, glue the magnet to each resin part so that it connects to the other magnet in the desired position, all magnets should have poles facing the same direction…

PW Puppets War Monster Counters 6 PW Puppets War Monster Counters 7 PW Puppets War Monster Counters 8 PW Puppets War Monster Counters 9

Large Monster Counters – 20,00 Euro

Set contains five monster counters (15 resin parts and 20 7x1mm magnets). Counters are designed to show numbers from 0 to 99. To assemble the counter, glue the magnet to each resin part so that it connects to the other magnet in the desired position, all magnets should have poles facing the same direction…

Quelle: Puppets War


Chefredakteur und Betreiber von Brückenkopf-Online. Partner und Spieldesigner bei NeverRealm Industry. Seit 2002 im Hobby, erstes Tabletop Warhammer Fantasy (Dunkelelfen). Aktuelle Projekte: Summoners (alle Fraktionen), Deathmatch, Deadzone/Firefight (Asterianer und Enforcer), diverse Raumschiffe und allerlei Mechs.

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  • Die Clownsköpfe sehen echt fies aus 🙂

    Die Monster-Counter gefallen mir aber auch sehr gut.
    Das würde bei meinen Tyraniden auf dem Base bestimmt besser aussehen, als ständig einen Würfel daneben liegen zu haben um die verbleibenden LP anzuzeigen.

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