von BK-Herr Kemper | 09.09.2017 | eingestellt unter: Crowdfunding, Pulp

Pulp Alley: Lost World of Lemuria Kickstarter

Pulp Alley finanziert die nächstes Erweiterung „Lost World of Lemuria“ per Kickstarter.

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS1

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS9


Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS2

New to Pulp Alley? — Inspired by the thrilling adventures of classic cliffhangers and pulp stories, our first Pulp Alley rulebook was published in 2009. A fast-paced tabletop miniatures game, each scenario is jam-packed with villains, unexpected perils, and two-fisted action.

  • Pulp Alley may be played solo, cooperative, or versus other players.
  • Players never need to consult charts during a scenario. The action is on the table-top not in the rulebook.
  • The rules are consistent and easy to remember, so you’ll have little need for the rulebook during play.
  • Scenarios are plot driven, encourage action, and offer an array of different rewards.
  • Initiative is based on the action in the scenario rather than an arbitrary die-roll.
  • Combat is simultaneously engaging for both characters, instead of the boring old I-go-then-you-go sequence.
  • Characters can use fast-action tactics to influence the outcome of a fight.
  • Injuries affect a character’s fighting and actions in a way that easily fits into the flow of the game.
  • Perils and Challenges are unpredictable and have multiple ways to succeed.
  • Characters and leagues are easy to create and customize.
  • Campaigns offer further opportunities to develop your characters.

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS13

„Far below the Indian Ocean the lost realm of Lemuria is ruled by a mad queen and teetering on the brink of destruction…“

The Lost World of Lemuria is our seventh Pulp Alley book. This 44-page book is an expansion, not a stand-alone game. To fully use this book, we reccomend having our Pulp Alley rulebook and Pulp Leagues.

The Lost World of Lemuria was inspired by some of our favorite lost world classics. Our goal is to provide a challenging and fun setting for your own thrilling lost-world adventures. All eleven scenarios may be played by 1-4 players, and are designed to be played solo, cooperative, or versus other players. Full campaign rules included.

  • The Lost World of Lemuria printed book — $16
  • The Lost World of Lemuria digital copy —  $9

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS3

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS4

Explorers of Lemuria:  The 37-card companion deck for The Lost World of Lemuriacampaign includes:

  • 1  x  Queen’s Disfavor
  • 2  x  Campaign cards
  • 5  x  Lemurian Allies (10 characters)
  • 2  x  Fortune cards
  • 11  x  Scenarios
  • 3  x  Spoilers (Red Herring, It’s a Trap, Unexpected Twist)
  • 1  x  Special Reward
  • 12  x  Trial of Lemuria awards
  • Explorers of Lemuria Deck —  $10
  • For DIY’ers, cards are included in the book, including the digital copy, so you can make your own cards for personal use.

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS5

Denizens of Lemuria: From the mighty soldiers of the Mad Queen to the legendary Lemurian Dragon, this 37-card companion deck for The Lost World of Lemuria campaign includes:

  • 1 x Captain of the Guard
  • 4 x Queen’s Guards
  • 10 x Level 3 Beasts
  • 10 x Level 2 Beasts
  • 4 x Level 1 Beasts
  • 2 x Terrors
  • 4 x Robots
  • 2 x Campaign cards
  • Denizens of Lemuria Deck — $10
  • For DIY’ers, cards are included in the book, including the digital copy, so you can make your own cards for personal use.

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS6

Miniatures: All of our miniatures are 28mm (Pulp Scale), metal, unpainted, and may require assembly.

  • Skimmers ($12), includes: one 2-Man Skimmer, one 1-Man Skimmer, two bases, and two Pulp Alley Skimmer cards.
  • Our new Skimmers make it simple to add riding mounts to your Pulp Alley scenarios. Now, the same character can easily mount/dismount without needing to switch to a different miniature!
  • Our Pulp Alley Skimmers are designed to fit most miniatures on standard 25mm plastic bases.
  • Robots ($10), includes: one multi-part metal model, one plastic base, and two Pulp Alley character cards.
  • Our Pulp Alley Robots are 28mm scale metal miniatures.

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS7


Pledge Levels: Check the column on the right to select the Pledge Level you want. A summary of the pledge levels:

  • Associate ($1+): Pulp Alley Quick-Start pdf
  • Ally ($9+): Lost World of Lemuria pdf
  • Sidekick ($16+): Lost world of Lemuria book and pdf
  • Leader ($35+): Same as above, plus Explorers of Lemuria and Denizens of Lemuria decks
  • Warlord of Lemuria ($66+): Same as above, plus Skimmers and Robots
  • Phantom Agent ($96+): Limited to 10. Same as above, plus more Skimmers, more Robots, and a special Kickstarter only bonus card.

Add-ons: Add-ons can be added to any pledge level. Check the add-ons section for Kickstarter only discounts. Be sure to adjust your pledge amount to include your add-ons.

Shipping: If your rewards or add-ons include anything other than digital downloads, add a shipping fee to your total pledge amount, based on your location.

  • Shipping to US = $5 USD
  • Shipping to Canada = $9 USD
  • Shipping to the Rest of the World = $15 USD


Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS8

To add one or more items from our Pulp Alley catalog, simply adjust your pledge amount and list the items you want to add-on.

Special Kickstarter only prices:

Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS10 Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS11 Pulp Alley Lost World Of Lemuria KS12

Das Kleingedruckte:

Miniatures: All of our miniatures are 28mm (Pulp Scale) and made of metal. Our character figures come with plastic slotted bases and Pulp Alley character cards. Some miniatures require assembly and all are unpainted.

Not Toys: Nothing in this Kickstarter is suitable for children. Kickstart responsibly.

Shipping: If your pledge or add-ons include anything other than digital downloads, add the appropriate shipping charge to your pledge total:

  • Shipping to US = $5 USD
  • Shipping to Canada = $9 USD
  • Shipping to the Rest of the World = $15 USD
Fulfillment: We expect to have all pledges fulfilled no later than December 2017.
Der Kickstarter ist bereits komplett gefunded und steht derzeit bei 3.585 USD vom 875 USD Finanzierungsziel. 67 Backer haben bislang die Kampagne unterstützt. Der Kickstarter wird am 7. Oktober 2017 enden.
Quelle: Lost World of Lemuria
Link: Pulp Alley


BK-Herr Kemper

Mostly Harmless. Im Hobby seit den 80ern..... Spielt: Infinity (Nomads & Aleph), Warmachine (Khador & Mercs), BattleTech (Alpha Strike), 7TV Adventures, In Her Majesty's Name, Dust, Batman TMG

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  • Der Spieltisch sieht ja mal richtig gut aus, da juckt es mir in den Fingern. Aber ich bleibe erstmal 7TV und Strange Aeons steht bei mir auch noch im Regal. Noch ein Pulp System brauche ich derzeit wirklich nicht. Irgendwo liegt hier auch noch .45 Adventures rum…

    • 7TV ist natürlich super – man kann natürlich auch die klassische Pulp Ära damit abdecken – aber ich würde wirklich gerne auch vom Look & Feel her eine Erweiterung für 30er Jahre Pulp wollen.

      Mit Strange Aeons bin ich nie warm geworden…

      Meine Erfahrungen mit Pulp Alley sind (ich habe das Grundregelwerk) sehr positiv… fühlt sich gut an.

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