Perry Miniatures: Weitere Neuheiten
Perry Miniatures haben weitere Neuheiten auf Facebook gepostet.
New NW Frontier and WW2 releases
We now have the AEC Matador artillery tractor up on our website. This is a beautifully made vehicle by the maestro model maker John Hart. It comes with a separate tilt on the back and can be used with the 5.5 inch Medium Artillery piece (code WW 45), it’s normal tow. It was a good general service vehicle with 9,000 of them being supplied to the RAF. We also have two more packs of Bombay Infantry for use in the Second Anglo Afghan War, one marching and one skirmishing.
WW2 British, vehicle by John Hart
WW 47 AEC Matador
Victoria’s Little Wars, by Michael Perry
VLW 34 Bombay Infantry marching
VLW 36 Bombay Infantry skirmishing
Quelle: Perry Miniatures auf Facebook